My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 155 Give me an explanation

Tianyu Xinghai, Ma Tian was talking to Su Xihua on the ocean phone in the office.

The last time the security team destroyed Mu Shen's base, they did not return to the branch immediately. Instead, they stayed in the wilderness for more than a week to avoid the limelight.

It was not until today that Leng Feng and the others returned one after another with weapons and equipment.

Su Xihua reported on the current situation of Gangguo Branch and the situation in Gangguo.

Ma Tian also listened carefully before speaking: "Xihua, are you still used to staying in Gangguo?"

"Mr. Ma, it's okay. It's a bit hot here, but I'm fine with air conditioning indoors all the time!" Su Xihua said honestly.

"Well, then you can stay there for a while and set up Tianyu Security Company first. We will develop our own armed forces there!" Ma Tian finally expressed his plan.

At present, Su Xihua is the most suitable. Not only is he capable, but he also has experience in managing company departments. The most important thing is that he is single and has no family worries.

"Okay, Mr. Ma!" Su Xihua agreed immediately without hesitation.

Although he is a researcher, he personally gave the order to massacre Mu Shen and other warlords last time. He is less bookish and more decisive in killing.

After finally traveling abroad, if he didn't come back with some achievements, he would be sorry for Ma Tian's attention to him all the time!

Ma Tian was a little surprised that Su Xihua agreed immediately. He had thought that Su Xihua would at least hesitate.

After all, it’s not safe to stay there, and it’s a bit unfamiliar. It’s not as good as being an executive researcher in China.

"Sihua, thank you for your hard work! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!" Ma Tian said simply, and also made a mental note of Su Xihua's contribution this time.

"Okay, Mr. Ma!"

After hanging up the phone to Yuanyang, Su Xihua immediately went down to prepare for opening a security company.

It's not easy to open a company in a foreign country, and you also have to deal with the identity of Leng Feng and the others. After all, they were only signed by official officials at that time.

On the Kigani Highway, Nie Feixiong, as the captain of the construction team, continued to lead his men to build charging piles.

They have been suspended for several weeks, and it was not until recently that they heard that Mu Shen and the others were killed that they were notified to resume construction.

Although he didn't know how Mu Shen and others died, in his heart he applauded the death of Mu Shen and others, thinking that these scum should have died long ago!

"Everyone, hurry up and don't be lazy. Our progress has been delayed for too long!" Nie Feixiong couldn't help but urged as he watched several locally hired black men working hard.

These black balls are so unmotivated to work that sometimes they will put down their work and start dancing to the music when they hear singing.

He didn't know which string was playing wrong, but he was so sensitive to music that he didn't even dare to play ringtones while carrying his cell phone.

"Bang bang!"

The sudden sound of several gunshots suddenly startled Nie Feixiong, and his head moved downwards.


I saw an off-road vehicle full of warlord soldiers parked next to their construction site and jumped out with an AK.

He still shouted an excited "Woooo" sound, and then fired a few shots into the air with the AK in his hand as if to demonstrate: "Bang bang!"

Nie Feixiong was stunned, and he quickly held his head and did not dare to speak, for fear that he would be killed by these people accidentally.

"Who is in charge here!" A big black leader asked with a finger to signal the younger brother behind him to stop making noise.

The worker who stopped working looked at Nie Feixiong. Nie Feixiong had no choice but to stand up and said with a smile on his face: "I am! Brother, do you have anything to give me?"

"Brother, hand over the money you have. Do you know that your construction work here will hinder us?" the big black leader said in a very fast tone.

Nie Feixiong took a deep breath and handed over the money honestly. No matter how angry he was now, he had to obey them when there was a gun on the other side.

Otherwise, these warlords and terrorists will destroy him as soon as they are unhappy.

Looking at the honest Nie Feixiong and others, the big black leader couldn't help but put a proud smile on his face, but he came with a purpose today.

He stuffed the money into his waistband, and then said to Nie Feixiong: "Tell the leaders of your company, our great bosses Jesse Byrne, Trond Tretto, Blake Pons and others. said.

Ask your company to pay us a protection fee of 2 million dollars per person for a total of 6 million dollars, and we will not bother you in the future! "

Nie Feixiong was stunned after hearing this. Damn it, if he remembered correctly, the company had paid Mu Shen and the four of them a total of 8 million US dollars, and now they are asking for money?

These warlords and terrorists are so rampant and greedy, they even want another after they have received one.

"Okay, I will convey the message to our boss!" Although he complained in his heart, Nie Feixiong said in a low voice that he would convey the message.

He vividly explained that a good man will not take advantage of his immediate situation, but he is used to it, he has experience!

Seeing these warlords and terrorists taking their money and happily leaving in their cars, Nie Feixiong breathed a sigh of relief and quickly called his leader Rao Shanhai.

"Brother Hai, another warlord sent someone to collect money today, and asked me to tell them that they want another 6 million US dollars in protection fees!"

"What?" Rao Shanhai was also shocked. He didn't expect that he had just killed Mu Shen and the other four warlord leaders, and even massacred all of Mu Shen's subordinates, and he would come to collect protection money again.

It's really like lighting a lantern in the toilet - looking for shit (death)!

After hearing Rao Shanhai's reply, he fell silent. Nie Feixiong also sighed and said: "Brother Hai, it's not that my younger brother is timid, but it's just that I really can't do my job. If the company doesn't solve this matter this time, I won't do it again." I brought my team to do the construction, it’s too dangerous, no amount of money will do it!”

Rao Shanhai was very understanding when he heard that Nie Feixiong was in a bad mood. He comforted him: "Nie Feixiong, thank you for your hard work. Please take the people to rest where they are and wait for further arrangements from us!"

After hanging up the phone, Rao Shanhai walked directly to Su Xihua's office without stopping. His expression was serious along the way, and he couldn't help but sneer at the corner of his mouth as he thought of something.

In the office, Su Xihua was also stunned when he heard the news. He was still preparing for the security company. Unexpectedly, these warlords came back again?

"Tell them to come back first, give them a holiday first, stabilize them, and soon they will no longer have worries!" Su Xihua said coldly.

After saying this, in front of the mountains and seas, Su Xihua dialed Safit Bruckner's phone number.

"Hello, Mr. Su!" Safit Bruckner said proactively, very politely.

However, this time his hot face was destined to be cold butt. Su Xihua asked directly: "Safit, why are there warlords coming to trouble us again and asking us to pay another 6 million in protection fees? I hope you can give me a explain!"

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