My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 164 Is Westland Company famous?

Here, Ma Tian also rushed to the Kigani branch of his company after dawn.

Su Xihua has thoughtfully arranged a room for rest, "Mr. Ma, please take a nap first to relieve the jet lag!"

Ma Tian nodded and did not refuse. He had not slept much since he was smuggled out of China. He really needed a good rest to recover.

While Ma Tian was sleeping, Su Xihua also called Leng Feng to discuss how to strengthen security again, and even extended the security distance farther away.

In the afternoon, Su Xihua received a call from Safet Bruckner.

"Hey, Mr. Su, there's something I need to talk to you about!" Safit Bruckner said in an awkward tone. He acted as a good guy on both sides, and his intention was to get rid of Tianyu Xinghai and Westland Company. Huo Bing, let's see what benefits he can gain.

"Well, tell me, Safit!"

"This is a situation, Mr. Su, the Westland Company in the United States. I don't know why they said that you killed their people, and then asked me to give them an explanation. I want to ask, have you done anything recently? ?”

"Oh, you said this, yes, it was our Tianyu Security who did it. Safit, you can reply to them. It was those warlords and terrorists who came to interfere with our construction progress and asked us for protection money before they were killed by us. Yes, they provoked us first!"

Su Xihua's expression did not change, and he disdained to pretend to be a weakling or a good person in front of Safit Bruckner, the Gangguo official. Ma Tiandu had already arrived, and Gangguo was destined to cause a storm.

It was our Tianyu Xinghai who did it, what can you do to us!

"Ah?" Safit Bruckner also didn't expect Su Xihua to admit it so decisively, but it was beyond his expectation.

He thought for a while and continued: "Mr. Su, this is my reply. But you don't know, those Americans from Westland Company are used to being domineering here. With their powerful military power, Don't take anyone seriously at all!

He said to me, tell Tianyu Xinghai to get out of Kijani, otherwise, the wild wolves in the wilderness will eat more Chinese meat! "

"Haha——" Su Xihua laughed angrily, and he did not worry about whether Safitel Bruckner, the intermediary messenger, was telling the truth or lies, and replied directly, "Then you also tell them, we Tianyu Xinghai will wait and see! "

Su Xihua's words played into Safit Bruckner's hands, but he was still hypocritical and persuaded: "Mr. Su, I think your words are a bit rushed. You should think about it carefully before getting back to me. After all, Westland Company is well-known in the world. arms company!"

"No, just do as I say!" After saying that, Su Xihua hung up the phone.

While Safit Bruckner listened to the blind tone on the phone, he couldn't help but put on a sinister smile on his face. He called David Thompson again and conveyed Su Xihua's words with added embarrassment.

"Who is the Westland Company? Can it compare with our Tianyu Xinghai?"

"Call them over. Soon Westland will know what Tianyu Xinghai Company is!"

David Thompson was really angry after hearing this. He immediately called his subordinates to start a meeting to discuss how to kill Kigani's Tianyu Xinghai branch.

In the spacious conference room, David Thompson took the lead and took the main seat. Sitting below him were also blond faces. They were the directors of various departments of the company's armed forces.

"Dear Radissons, I'm sorry to interrupt you to start this meeting. Today, our company encountered a very bad situation. A company wants to challenge our authority in Kigani!..."

David Thompson briefly introduced the situation and finally said:

"Tianyu Xinghai's branch in Kijani must be eliminated, otherwise our destiny cannot be guaranteed to be safe!"

"General David, will this cause China's dissatisfaction?" said a captain under his command. After all, China is one of the five permanent members, and handling it rashly may cause international conflicts!

"It's okay. This only involves the competition between our two companies. I believe Tianyu Xinghai is not stupid and will say this to reduce the scope of influence!"

David Thompson disagreed. In his mind, what if it really caused the rabbit's dissatisfaction? Why not just verbally condemn it?

At the meeting, the tone was set to destroy the Tianyu Xinghai Gangguo Branch. The head of the intelligence department also promised to investigate the situation of Tianyu Xinghai first, and then find an opportunity to deliver a fatal blow.

As for Ma Tian, ​​he didn't wake up until five o'clock in the afternoon, and he felt refreshed.

Su Xihua sent someone to heat up the food every half hour. He also understood that Ma Tian had not eaten for a long time and was afraid that Ma Tian would be hungry when he woke up. This was a good greeting.

When Ma Tian found out, he smiled and expressed satisfaction with Su Xihua's attentiveness.

"Call Su Xihua over, let's have dinner together!" Ma Tian said to the engineer who served as a temporary assistant.

After a while, Su Xihua also came over. He was not polite and directly ordered a portion of noodles and started eating.

When he was in China, he and Ma Tian often ate together in the workshop, and sometimes slept together in the workshop. He didn't need to care so much about the status of his superiors and subordinates!

"Mr. Ma, today Westland Company sent someone to tell us that we have been asked to withdraw from the Kigani area!" Su Xihua talked about the content of this afternoon's call.

He also described how proud the Americans from Westland Company were. According to the information he checked and inquired about in the afternoon, my dear, Westland is almost the local emperor in this area.

No wonder they were so arrogantly told to withdraw from this area!

"Westland is so stubborn? Are they famous in the local area?" Ma Tian had a sneer on his face. As soon as he arrived, someone came looking for trouble. Do you want to wake him up?

"Generally speaking, Gangguo officials have to treat them with respect, a bit like a colonial force!" Su Xihua said casually, if Ma Tian hadn't come before, he would have been more cautious.

Now that Ma Tian is here, Westland is nothing if Ma Tian is here.

Not to mention Ma Tian's terrifying scientific research level, just because Ma Tian was here, Su Xihua knew that Tianyu Xinghai was going to use his real skills. Follow-up support was definitely on the way, and maybe Rabbit would also send someone.

I have to say that Su Xihua saw it quite accurately.

The first batch of machine tools and corresponding engineers produced from Tianyu Xinghai headquarters are already on the plane and will arrive in Gangguo in about 12 hours.

Ma Tian listened to Su Xihua's introduction to the company Westland with no expression on his face. After Su Xihua finished the introduction, he said: "Find a way to leave the city of Kigani and go to our workshop in the suburbs. There are too many insiders here and it is not suitable for us." develop!"

Only in the suburban workshop did Ma Tiancai feel that he could develop some powerful weapons.

"Besides, strike first at night and kill the remaining warlords and terrorists in the suburbs in seconds. It's time for these unsightly lackeys to return to dust!"

"Yes! Mr. Ma!"

Change the update time and try to update around 8pm in the future.

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