My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 165 Steel Fruit Sets off a Storm

Ma Tian doesn't talk about first come, first served. If others don't offend me, I won't offend others.

Since we are going to have a fight with Westland Company sooner or later, we must first remove its minions.

At 1 o'clock in the evening, under Ma Tian's order, dozens of cars drove towards the base where Jesse Byrne and others gathered.

Jesse Byrne and others gathered together, which saved Ma Tian's attack time and did not have to look for them one by one.

At a terrifying 10 kilometers away from these warlords, the stealth reconnaissance drone has already taken off to explore the way to prevent any remote hidden sentries on the opposite side.

However, the thermal imaging sensor on the drone showed that it was normal all the way, and it was only when it was approaching the base that someone was discovered.

"These warlords and terrorists are so innocent. We really think too much!" Ma Tian shook his head and said. There was not even a secret whistle to warn in advance. He really overestimated these warlords.

Su Xihua also responded with a smile: "Isn't it right? Their combat literacy is probably still at the level of World War I. This is why those Westland companies can conquer this land casually!"

Ma Tian nodded, and the convoy came to a stop 3 kilometers away from their base and began to set up a temporary command center.

Large instruments such as radar antennas began to be erected, and the T-X1 multifunctional vehicle was unloaded from the minivan with the help of steel plates. A large number of terrifying hell robot dogs were also moved down.

The security team composed of Leng Feng and others began to disperse and spread forward, and some people began to drive and surrounded the entire warlord base.

Around three o'clock in the morning is when people are most likely to feel sleepy.

The operation screen of Ma Tian's command center already showed that the terrifying hell robot dog and T-X1 multifunctional vehicle were in place.

It is worth mentioning that since Ma Tian started planning several days before leaving the country, when Ma Tian stowaway on the plane, a batch of T-X1 and terrifying Hell Robot parts also found a way to stow away on the plane.

Today, the number of Gangguo's T-X1 multi-purpose vehicles has reached 16, and the number of terrifying hell robot dogs has reached an astonishing 128.

Each T-X1 multifunctional vehicle can carry 12 surface-to-air missiles and 12 long-range rockets. Each terrifying hell robot dog also carries 12 zodiac bombs. In order to maximize benefits, 12 zodiac bombs What is mounted is the "Dragon" attribute high-explosive bomb.

In other words, 128 terrifying hell robot dogs plus 16 T-X1 multi-purpose vehicles can dump as many as 1,920 high-explosive bombs on the bases of warlords such as Jesse Byrne in just 2 minutes.

On the operation screen, Ma Tian also quickly typed codes to take over all the firepower systems. Based on the scanning data from the drone above, he marked the houses in the warlords' base one by one.

For example, if the house looks relatively solid, let the surface-to-air missiles on the T-X1 multi-purpose vehicle attack it. If the house looks like adobe and is relatively fragile, just let the high-explosive bombs on the terrifying hell robot dog explode. .

Under manual control, it is ensured that 1920 bombs can bomb as many enemies as possible without repetition.

Under Ma Tian's programming algorithm, soon every house in the warlords' base was locked by one or several bombs.

As for whether he would accidentally kill innocent people, everyone on this topic chose to shut up in front of Ma Tian.

Ma Tian wouldn't care if someone brought up this topic. He couldn't let his people take risks because of those innocent people.

Leng Feng's last proposal was a bit merciful. Since the Gangguo official didn't care about it themselves, why should they let Tianyu Xinghai take care of it.

At 4 o'clock in the morning, it was still dark under the night.

Ma Tian also looked into the distance and pressed the final confirmation button.

Then 128 terrifying hell robot dogs, plus 16 T-X1 utility vehicles, began to pour bombs hanging on their bodies.

In one second, more than 100 bombs and missiles were launched into the air. Suddenly, the sky in the warlords' base was like a meteor shower, and then - it was dawn!

The bomb began to explode, and the "bang bang" sound of the explosion was endless.

Many warlords who were asleep in the house were buried forever by bombs before they woke up.

Suddenly, the entire base was engulfed in flames, and the sky was dyed red.

Everyone in Tianyu Xinghai stared blankly at this spectacular sea of ​​fire. As for what they were thinking about, it varied from person to person. After all, human beings are very contradictory animals.

Amidst the sea of ​​fire, the warlord terrorists who had been entrenched on the road from Kigani to Bafowwasen Belt for 10 years disappeared overnight.

This proves an old Chinese saying, good and evil will be rewarded in the end, it's just a matter of coming early or coming late.

Safit Bruckner got the news when he went to work in the morning. His hands were shaking and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Judging from the situation on the scene, Jesse Byrne and his friends withstood violent bombardment and were wiped out without any room for resistance!" his staff, Tosin Balantahui, reported, with a heavy heart.

He was not feeling heavy because of the deaths of Jesse Byrne and the others, but because of the death of rabbits and foxes. This was a manifestation of the power of Tianyu Xinghai.

And they have also seen that if it were them, they would probably be no better than Jesse Byrne and the others.

"Why does Tianyu Xinghai have such an armed force? Right under our noses?" Safit Bruckner's face was filled with resentment and a deep sense of powerlessness.

Before the wolf of Westland Company can be driven away, another more ferocious tiger of Tianyu Xinghai has arrived. When will the days of being a grandson end?

"I don't know. It seems that a big country is a big country. There are always some methods and powers that we can't think of!" Tosin Balanta sighed. Weakness is the original sin. This is appropriate anywhere.

David Thompson of Westland Company soon learned that Jesse Byrne and his entire force had been wiped out, and he was also stunned in the office.

Fake, while he was still investigating, Tianyu Xinghai killed his two remaining dogs first?

No, the entire dog base was destroyed, not a single seed was left.

"How is the on-site investigation going? Do you know how Tianyu Xinghai attacked?"

"Judging from the situation at the scene, Tianyu Xinghai used artillery fire to directly cover Jesse Bourne and the others, and almost the entire 6 square kilometers of the base area was razed to the ground!"

"It seems that we have to pay more attention to Tianyu Xinghai. There are so many artillery fires!" David Thompson also became serious and began to pay attention to Tianyu Xinghai.

In any case, this artillery fire data really shocked him.

On Ma Tian's side, he is also moving his headquarters from Kigani city to a factory in the suburbs.

The first thing Ma Tian did when he came to the factory was to develop an air defense system. It was impossible for him to let his base become a target for missiles or fighter jets.

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