My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 170 The war begins

Damn it, Tianyu Xinghai was blackmailed abroad, or twice?

Netizens were shocked!

This time, the grumpy netizens directly sided with Tianyu Xinghai!

[If what Tianyu Xinghai said is true, I would have no idea to support Tianyu Xinghai and rob our Huaguo company and kill him! 】

[I believe what Tianyu Xinghai said, because I have lived abroad. Sometimes foreigners really discriminate against us and think that we are easy to bully, so robbery is not impossible! 】

[Nothing to say, I’ll buy a Tianyu Xinghai car to support me! All the money you support this time will be bullets fired at the enemy! 】

Some netizens who weakly opposed the idea were sprayed miserably when they showed their heads.

This time, the official side came to an end in time and sided with Tianyu Xinghai. They directly issued an article saying that the US-based Today Times magazine deliberately smeared Tianyu Xinghai and distorted the facts, causing adverse effects. We hope that the US-based newspaper will be truthful and treat it rationally and fairly. Steel fruit problem.

The official resignation has undoubtedly added another golden body to Tianyu Xinghai and enhanced Tianyu Xinghai's persuasiveness.

Now the anti-fans no longer dare to do so. Obviously, what Tianyu Xinghai said this time is 80% true.

Comments began to overwhelmingly support Ma Tian, ​​and Tianyu Xinghai immediately dominated the search for the meager search. No one expected that Tianyu Xinghai could be so strong abroad.

If you dare to rob me, I will kill you!

Posts discussed by netizens are flying all over the place:

[Holy crap, did Boss Ma Tian develop the arms himself or did he hire mercenaries? 】

[Isn’t this external news talking about Tianyu Security established by China itself? It must be one of our own! 】

[But isn’t Tianyu Xinghai a private enterprise? 】

[No matter how stupid you are upstairs, you can build a car. What’s the point of building a tank? And don’t you see what level of scientist Ma Tian is? Is it difficult for him to make guns and cannons? 】

[I finally understand why Tianyu Xinghai wants to recruit chemical fuel engineers! 】

Some of Ma Tian's "old acquaintances" in business were also collectively shocked.

For example, Wu Yongming from Ali saw this news. The former enemy of the red and blue war, now he has deep admiration for Ma Tian.

While they were still fighting for small profits, Ma Tian was facing an international enemy! It's not at the same level as them.

Ma Huateng also raised his rimless glasses with a shocked look on his face. Good guy, it really made my blood boil.

Others criticized his goose factory for relying on games and unscrupulous manufacturers to make its fortune. He has never been truly supported by the people. It would be great if one day his company could have such treatment!

"Secretary, please order 100 Tianming No. 5 cars for me!" Ma Huateng told the secretary, indirectly supporting Tianyu Xinghai.

In the Kijani area, Tianyu Xinghai and Westland companies began to continuously "mobilize troops" and arrange their troops here.

In just a few days, Westland sent more than 1,000 mercenaries from his company to Kigani, as well as 2,500 Gangguo warlord's younger brothers, adding up to more than 3,500 people.

The long queue formed was several kilometers long and included 60 Challenger-2 tanks, 80 armed armored vehicles, as well as various information units, artillery units, etc. that their company participated and developed.

There were also various armed helicopters flying in the sky, as well as various transport planes, which looked so spectacular.

Some cities or forces along the coast also craned their necks and watched carefully, ready to "abandon the city and flee" at the first sign of trouble, for fear that Westland would accidentally turn their guns and kill them!

Obviously, Westland is going to take action.

Some people familiar with the matter even revealed that they had seen the F-35B fifth-generation fighter jet belonging to the United States in the sky, but they did not know whether it was true or false.

And Ma Tian is not ambiguous. A battalion of retired soldiers supported by Wang Chenbo in China is already in place, as well as a large number of machine tools and processing materials.

Engineers trained exclusively by Tianyu Xinghai are also joining in a steady stream.

Tianyu Xinghai also opened up his family this time. Li Runqi directly brought the senior executives and engineers to the meeting in the large conference room.

He said bluntly: "You must also know about our company's situation in Gangguo from the Internet. I will tell you that courageous and aspiring engineers should go to Gangguo to prove themselves. As long as you can come back, Tianyu Xinghai will guarantee you a lifetime of wealth!"

The opportunity to become famous and prosperous is right in front of you. Fight for the country, fight for the sky and the stars! "

"Fight for the motherland, for the sky and the sea of ​​stars!" The engineers below also shouted in unison, and smuggled to Gangguo without hesitation.

A large number of professional engineers began to come to Gangguo, and followed Su Xihua around the clock to blast the T-X1 multi-function and terrifying hell robot dogs, as well as various weapons and ammunition.

And Ma Tian was not idle either, leading another group of people to continuously improve their air defense system and long-range firepower.

Air defense is to prevent enemy fighters. After all, air-to-ground attacks have the advantage of crushing them, especially missiles on opposing fighter jets. Computers that launch them at close range have no time to intercept them.

Long-range firepower is to destroy the enemy's artillery.

Although Ma Tian has never commanded a battle, he still knows a little about what he is learning and selling.

He watched the videos of Westland's several battles over and over again. To sum up, Westland relied on his powerful firepower to bully others.

Their fighting method is generally to use long-range large-caliber howitzers to bomb, and then send armed helicopters and fighter planes to gain air superiority.

Finally, the various tanks and armored vehicles on the ground fight together. In short, they rely on weapons and equipment to take the lead and crush the battle.

This is a combat mode that maximizes one's own advantages. Many weak forces without air power have no chance to fight back when encountering such a combat mode.

This time, Ma Tian also thought that Westland would be an exception.

Since they were going to adopt this method, of course he had to make targeted arrangements and let them see if this model would work in his Tianyu Xinghai.

The situation in the Kigani area is extremely tense, and there are far fewer vehicles passing by on the road because no one knows when the war will start.

Reporters from the American Today Times were not afraid of death and carried out a live broadcast. Their female reporter stood in front of the camera and said:

"As you can see, behind me is the battlefield where Westland and Tianyu Xinghai are confronting each other. The two sides will have a decisive battle here.

Judging from what we know so far, Westland has an absolute advantage. Whether it is the number of people or the number of firepower, it is far stronger than Tianyu Xinghai. In our opinion, Tianyu Xinghai is a bit like an egg hitting a stone. Specifically, we heard Hear what our military expert Mike Arthurs has to say. "

"Hello everyone, my name is Mike Arthur. According to the information we have received, Tianyu Xinghai does not even have air power, which is undoubtedly a great disadvantage on the battlefield. It is even possible that Westland will send fighter planes to conduct several rounds of bombings. Then Tianyu Xinghai's position will turn into a sieve and then be flattened.

I don’t know what confidence Tianyu Xinghai has to confront Westland. In my opinion, confrontation is a stupid approach, because the position will become a living target for Westland..."

"Mike, what do you think the winning rate of Tianyu Xinghai is this time?"

"In my opinion, Tianyu Xinghai's winning rate is 4!"


"That's right, it's 4, but it's in decimal. Tianyu Xinghai's winning rate is only 4%! Hahaha~"

Damn it, Wang Chenbo was so angry that his nose was crooked when he saw the remarks of Mike Arthurs, a bullshit expert on American strength, on TV, and he almost smashed his computer.

He called Ma Tian again: "Boy Ma Tian, ​​are you sure you really don't want our air force? I will risk my life and get you the J-20."

Ma Tian was also a little confused. He didn't know what happened to Wang Chenbo. Can the J-20 come over casually?

"Mr. Wang, stop joking, can the J-20 come over casually?"

"The United States has sent its own fifth-generation aircraft, of course we can too!"

Ma Tian was silent and thought for a while before replying: "I would like to thank the motherland for its kindness, but it doesn't matter. They sent the fifth-generation aircraft here but they have to stay!"

"Huh?" Wang Chenbo was also stunned by Ma Tian's confident answer. Ma Tian couldn't have been targeted. Could it be that Ma Tian had come up with some new technology?

"Ma Tian, ​​fifth-generation aircraft are not ordinary fighter jets!"

"Mr. Wang, do you think I might not know? Just wait and see!" Ma Tian said lightly.

Wang Chenbo felt that he should not make this call, but Ma Tian's words made him frustrated. In the end, he said "be careful" and hung up the phone hastily.

Ma Tian shook his head when he heard the blind tone on the phone. What's the hurry? He is not in a hurry.

"Mr. Ma, Westland has sent an envoy!" Su Xihua stood aside for a long time, and then said after seeing Ma Tian finish the phone call.

"Messenger?" Ma Tian put down the satellite phone in his hand and was a little curious, "Why did they send people here? To ask for peace?"

"That's not true. They just came to issue an ultimatum to let us leave Kigani. They can forget the blame. Oh, by the way, they also asked us to compensate them for the loss of 300 million U.S. dollars in the sneak attack that night!" Su Xihua sneered and repeated. Words of the Westland Messenger.

Westland was so crazy that he really regarded Tianyu Xinghai as a little Kalami who could take care of him at will.

He didn't have to think about it. Ma Tian would 99.99% refuse and even give the messenger a meal, but as a subordinate he would definitely come and inform him.

"Haha!" Ma Tian was also laughed at by Westland after hearing this. Who gave them the confidence to say such a thing?

There would be some logic to the success of the last sneak attack, but the problem is that David Thompson was beaten like a lost dog last time, and only 2 of the 42 cars returned.

If the command distance of the T-X1 multi-purpose vehicle was not enough, both vehicles would have to stay. How dare you speak to his Tianyu Xinghai with such confidence at this level?

"Reply them with your true words, tell them to get out of Kigani, and compensate us for the US$300 million in ammunition losses, so we can forget the past!" Ma Tian said.

"Yes!" Su Xihua forced back his smile.

The blond and blue-eyed messenger was waiting in the temporary conference room with his nostrils turned upward. Su Xihua walked in slowly.

"Mr. Su, what do you say?"

"Emerson, go back and tell your David Thompson that after comprehensive consideration, we think your request is very good! You compensate us US$300 million for the loss of ammunition and leave Kigani. We are considering not pursuing it. It’s your responsibility!”

"Walter? Mr. Su, are you sure your English is passable? Did you translate wrong?" Emerson, a blond and blue-eyed foreigner, stood up from his seat in shock, unable to believe what he had just heard.

"Emerson, you heard it right, you are the one who compensates us! You have no qualifications to stand in a superior position and say such things to our Tianyu Xinghai in a condescending tone!" Su Xihua's face also became serious, full of chilling aura.

Emerson stared blankly at Su Xihua, who was full of murderous intent, and felt a little in his heart. Now that he was in Tianyu Xinghai's camp, he didn't dare to have the confidence to challenge Su Xihua, for fear of being killed by Su Xihua!

"Mr. Su, I will bring your words to our general, but please think twice. It's not too late for you to regret it now!"

"Go away~"

Su Xihua said "get out", and Emerson hated himself for missing two legs. He ran outside like crazy, then climbed into the car and left quickly.

After returning to his own position, Emerson breathed a sigh of relief, and his anger at Su Xihua's bad attitude suddenly rose in his heart.

"Fake, you bastard with no gentlemanly manners, should go to hell!"

He tidied up his clothes, went to meet David Thompson, and conveyed Su Xihua's words.

"What? Are you sure you didn't translate it wrong?" David Thompson also looked in disbelief when he heard it.

"General, I've confirmed it, that's what they said!"

"Farke!" David Thompson couldn't help but yelled. He originally sent Emerson as an envoy with the purpose of irritating Tianyu Xinghai and letting Tianyu Xinghai attack first, to explore Tianyu Xinghai's position.

Of course, he had also imagined that Tianyu Xinghai would listen to his words to persuade him to surrender, obediently pay 300 million US dollars and withdraw from Kigani. Unfortunately, both illusions have been shattered now, and Tianyu Xinghai is about to fight him to the end.

It didn't hurt, though, his aerial power was already in place.

David Thompson put down the pen in his hand, looked at the terrain of Kigani on the sand table, and decided to launch a general offensive during the day tomorrow.

In the past few days, they have observed that Tianyu Xinghai has no air power at all. There are fighter jets versus no fighter jets. The advantage lies with him!

"Du—" "Du—"

Early the next morning, the siren of the air defense radar began to sound, and Ma Tian immediately woke up from his sleep and began to enter the command room.

"Commander, the radar shows that there is a plane taking off on the opposite side!!"

The engineers in front of the screen reported one by one, and various conversations began to sound in the wireless communication.

"Forward position, this is the forward observation sentry group A. The drone observed that the enemy tanks came out of the position and came towards us!"

"Received from the forward position, please continue to observe!"

"T-X1 multi-purpose vehicle team, please go to the designated location immediately!"

"The forward positions have begun to receive heavy shelling. Please hide and take cover!"

The range of today's cannons is not comparable to the range of cannons in World War II. Shooting dozens of kilometers is like playing. With drones and satellite positioning and aiming, you can verify the range of cannons and carry out effective strikes dozens of kilometers away.

As expected, Westland covered it with artillery first and firepower as he had done before. Suddenly, Tianyu Xinghai's forward position No. 1 seemed to be blooming on the ground, and the dust clouds caused by the explosions lit up one after another.

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