My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 171 Give the world a slap in the face

Westland has three reduced artillery batteries with a total of 18 155mm howitzers, which are bombarding the No. 1 forward position on Ma Tian's side in accordance with the coordinates of the drone reconnaissance.

Ma Tian looked at the situation through the drone and quickly calculated that there were 18 cannons on the opposite side.

"18 guns? Much less than I thought!" Ma Tian said disdainfully.

What about the powerful firepower you promised? With only 18 guns, they couldn't even cover the area with firepower. Fortunately, he had reinforced the position so tightly that it was airtight.

Su Xihua nodded aside and agreed with Ma Tian's statement. After all, Ma Tian and the others deployed 60 255mm caliber automatic super cannons to counterattack.

Now it seems that there are too many arrangements, and so much equipment and energy are wasted.

The automatic super cannon developed by Ma Tian and them is a bit like a ship-based cannon. It is fixed on a special position, increasing the range and power, and giving up flexibility.

And it can be controlled and loaded remotely. Ma Tian does not need to send special artillery to calibrate the direction and debug. He only needs to send people to hide deep underground to replenish the finished ammunition.

Although the flexibility is completely lost, its power and range are absolutely amazing. According to engineers' simulation calculations, the super cannon can hit the longest distance of more than 100 kilometers, which is enough to hit the forward position of Westland from here.

Now Ma Tian did not order a counterattack because he wanted to use the impact point on his side and cooperate with satellites and computers to infer the enemy's artillery position data.

"Bang bang~"

The enemy's artillery shells were still pouring down, and Ma Tian also left the monitoring station and came to the table. He began to take over the impact point data compiled by the engineers, and used his mathematical ability to calculate the location of the opposite artillery position.

Now Ma Tian is even more glad that he added mathematics to Level 4 first. Adding it to Level 4 really gives him a divine help whether he is calculating or analyzing problems.

The female reporter of the American Today Times was no exception this time and came to the battlefield without fear of death, but she was far away from the central battlefield to provide live commentary.

Their equipment is also very professional. They have specialized drones that can capture some scenes of the battlefield from a distance. For example, there are two shots currently shown on live TV.

One is Westland's advancing armed forces, and the other is the forward position where Tianyu Xinghai is bombarded.

"As you can see, the war behind us has begun, and now Westland is carrying out a fierce artillery attack on the position pressing Tianyu Xinghai!

As for our Tianyu Xinghai position, there was not even a decent counterattack. I don’t know if it was because there were no cannons or if the cannons were destroyed by Westland in one fell swoop! "

There were not a few people watching the live broadcast, and many netizens in China also jumped over the wall and kept watching. Seeing the Tianyu Xinghai position covered by artillery fire, some emotional women burst into tears!

[Tianyu Xinghai is so miserable, Westland is really nothing! 】

[Damn, fight back! What is Tianyu Xinghai doing? Why doesn't it fight back? Is it because there are no cannons? 】

In the comment area below, a group of people are worried.

Under the watch of the satellite, a group of people behind Wang Chenbo also watched with anxiety as the Tianyu Xinghai position was covered by artillery fire.

"Does Ma Tian have artillery to counterattack? Why hasn't he counterattacked and allowed the other side to explode?"

"How are we going to fight? The fighter planes on the opposite side are about to come over. We can't even raise our heads here. Are those bombed buildings anti-aircraft guns?"

A group of people started discussing while looking at the images from the satellite. Wang Chenbo said nothing. At this moment, he couldn't do anything else except worry.

However, he believed that Ma Tian would not be beaten so easily. Although he had not been with Ma Tian for a short time, he knew Ma Tian's character very well.

Ma Tian has a character that if someone slaps him, he will get hit back with at least three punches.

In the underground command room, Ma Tian, ​​who they said had been "being beaten", also had a serious face, writing codes frantically and calculating the position of the cannon on the opposite side.

Finally, Ma Tian obtained 18 positioning data:

"1.063379, 26.019974, 78km."

"1.064579, 25.919326, 80km."

Ma Tian stood up with a bang and said, "The enemy has finished hitting the enemy with three axes, it's our turn!"

He pressed the enter key and transferred 18 pieces of data to the corresponding algorithm program.

Then the 60 automatic super cannons started to move on their own, and according to the programmed code, they automatically adjusted their bombardment direction based on the data passed in by Ma Tian.

15 seconds later, the earth began to shake!

"Bang~bang~" X60

This time, the super cannon from Tianyu Xinghai started firing!

Before the Westland artillery position had time to move, both the men and the artillery were beaten to dust.


The 18 howitzer positions on Westland's side were accurately fired by two or three super cannons on Tianyu Xinghai's side in just 30 seconds, and they returned to dust.

Also destroyed were more than 300 elite artillery logistics personnel, who also met Satan along with their cannons.

"What's going on? Why did our howitzer misfire?" David Thompson yelled at the command post. He looked at the opposite position from the drone and suddenly there was no explosion cloud of shells falling.

"Reporting to the general, the artillery position has been contacted. They said that they were attacked by counter-battery from the opposite side and the cannons were destroyed!" A correspondent turned around and reported.

"Walter?" David Thompson's eyes widened, "How is it possible? We have 18 scattered howitzers! How could it be destroyed suddenly?"

"General, although I hate to admit it, this is actually the case!"

David Thompson was completely stunned, with his eyes wide open and a confused expression.

The reporter of Today's Times was also confused. In order to see the tragic situation of Tianyu Xinghai more clearly, the cameraman pointed the camera in the direction of Tianyu Xinghai's position. As a result, Tianyu Xinghai suddenly stopped being bombed.

Netizens watching the live broadcast were also stunned, and question marks began to dominate the screen.

【? ? ? ? 】

【? ? ? ? ? ? 】


The female reporter had an idea and said, "It may be that Westland has stopped shelling. She probably feels that there are not many people alive in the Tianyu Xinghai position, and she doesn't want to waste the shells!"

[Nima, you stinky bitch! 】

[Damn it, this stinky bitch’s mouth is so disgusting! 】

The Chinese netizens who watched the live broadcast completely opened up the quintessence of the country, caught the female reporter and sent out their greetings to her family.

However, the female reporter could talk nonsense, but the big countries watching via satellite were stunned, especially Yingjiang and Rabbit.

Their satellites could see more clearly, and they could clearly see the explosive dust cloud rising from the original Westland position, which was obviously a counterattack by Tianyu Xinghai.

However, did Tianyu Xinghai's cannon hit too far?

Looking at the satellite data, the nearest ones are 70 kilometers away?

Yingjiang's people were stunned, as were Wang Chenbo and others.

But the matter was not over yet, because when Ma Tian saw the fire on the opposite side turned off, he estimated that the artillery on the opposite side should have been taken away by him.

He began to sit up and rework the code, rechecking the attack positions of the 60 automatic super cannons, preparing to target the advancing infantry tanks and coordinated troops.

"Here -" The heavy super cannon was moving, making a unique sound of metal friction, and then Westland's ground troops began to be bombarded.

"Bang, bang~" x60

The roadside troops in Westland soon saw what it would be like to be bombed by 60 225mm super cannons at the same time.

An impact point is 60 meters in radius and it will fall down like harvesting rice, whether it is a thick armored vehicle or a tank like an iron tortoise.

If it is hit by a shot, it will be scrapped immediately, including the person and the armor.

Although Westland's troops were scattered, they couldn't withstand the accuracy of Ma Tian's super cannon.

Immediately, Westland's ground armed forces were blinded. They didn't know where the enemy was. They saw a cannon landing next to them, and then their eyes went dark and they went offline.

"Ah, mother, run!"

"God, come and save us!"

"Ah - where are you running!"

"Air defense troops, what are the air defense troops doing?"

"Call the headquarters, we are under strong shelling, please support!"

Westland's ground armed forces were completely blown away and began to run around, some running forward and some running backward.

Now the female reporter was dumbfounded when she saw the footage in the drone pilot, and even forgot about the commentary. What was going on, and why suddenly Westland's troops were bombed.

However, the director soon cut to the position of Tianyu Xinghai, and the other scene was not played at all.

He gestured with his hand to the female reporter Ruth to explain something else to divert her attention.

But unfortunately, the female reporter Ruth was already confused. This was completely different from the situation in the manuscript she prepared before the live broadcast. She suddenly didn't know what to say...

David Thompson was very anxious when he heard the wireless communication that his ground armed forces were blown up and turned upside down.

At this moment, he had to accept the fact that all his artillerymen were killed.

He quickly came to the screen and checked the picture on the drone. He could vaguely see artillery points that looked like cannons fired from the Tianyu Xinghai position.

"Where are the flying troops? What are the flying troops doing? Hurry up and deal with the artillery on the opposite side!" David Thompson said angrily.

"General, the fighter jets are arriving soon." His radar soldier looked at the position of his bombers and replied.

"Blow up their cannons for me!" David Thompson roared.

The radar engineer on Ma Tian's side also immediately detected that the opposing fighter jet was about to enter his own air defense network, and quickly shouted:

"Commander, the opposing fighter plane is coming!"

Ma Tian came closer and raised his eyebrows when he looked at the shapes of the 12 aircraft displayed on the radar.

"Only 12?" Ma Tian was stunned. Why was it completely different from what he imagined? He thought it was like bees, only 12?

So is it a bit of a waste for him to set up so many anti-aircraft missiles?

If David Thompson were here and heard that Ma Tian was too few, he would definitely spit in his face. Isn’t 12 very few? These are two flight formations with six sorties.

In the sky, two fighter formations were headed by "Typhoon" multi-purpose fighter jets and began to fly towards the Tianyu Xinghai position.

Speaking of the "Typhoon" multi-purpose fighter, this is a serious fourth-generation aircraft. It is known as the "Three Heroes of Europe" together with the Romantic "Rafale" and the Ruidian "Griffin".

On the fighter plane, the 12 pilots still talked to each other over the wireless communication with relaxed expressions on their faces.

"Isn't it too easy this time? There seems to be no fighter planes on the other side!"

"Hahaha, just, I don't know if they have anti-aircraft missiles or something, I guess they just have some anti-aircraft machine guns!"

"I've seen the cannon on the other side, let's destroy it!"

However, their relaxed expressions soon froze, because the missile-locked siren sounded on their plane.

"No, there are anti-aircraft missiles on the other side, please spread out and avoid!"

What they didn't know was that they had been captured by the air defense system deployed by Ma Tian as early as 80 kilometers away, and they began to use computers to analyze their trajectories.

There is a targeting algorithm written by Ma Tian in the computer. Ma Tian, ​​who has added mathematics to Level 4, has already written this missile algorithm to perfection.

In order to achieve a 100% locking effect, Ma Tian also assigned 3-6 missiles to one fighter plane this time. In conjunction with the "round-up" algorithm, 52 missiles were quickly fired from Tianyu Xinghai's position, like a heroic sea of ​​fireworks.

"01 01 A missile is flying over!"

"Wingman 02, please fire jamming bombs."

"06 06, can you lock on to the missile on the other side and launch an interceptor?"

To deal with anti-aircraft missiles, Westland's fighter pilots naturally have their own set of experiences. They flip around and launch jamming and interceptor missiles.

Jammer bombs are used to confuse the heat-sensing system of anti-aircraft missiles to prevent them from being locked. Interceptor bombs are, as the name suggests, used to intercept missiles fired at them from Tianyu Xinghai.

However, they were soon fooled.

"This is 06 06. The missile on the other side cannot be locked. The trajectory of the missile on the other side is too erratic!"

"The interference bomb has been launched, but the missile from the opposite side is still approaching, ah——"


"03 03, please reply when you hear 03!"


The speed of the missile is much faster than that of fighter planes. Coupled with the "round-up" algorithm written by Ma Tian and the infrared locking and fighter identification algorithm loaded by Zheng Shijian, the missile can track and distinguish Westland's fighters on its own.

In less than a moment, the air battle was over. None of the 12 fighter planes survived. Fireworks exploded in the sky. The best one among them was hit on the tail and floated towards Kigani.

Safit Bruckner: "Don't come here!"

The fireworks in the sky were beautiful and short-lived, but the soldiers in Westland were completely stunned. Here they were still being bombarded by cannons from nowhere.

And the fighter plane they had pinned their hopes on was stuck in the sky again, and they suddenly became desperate.

They no longer had the courage to move forward and began to run away from behind or to both sides.

The armed helicopters in the sky are also confused. Should we continue to move forward?

Their wireless communication became a mess, with people constantly calling the command center, asking for next instructions.

However, their general David Thompson was so depressed that he sat on the bench because he had just received news that 12 of his fighter planes had lost contact and could not be found on the radar.

He knew exactly what this meant.

The 12 fighter planes he had pinned his hopes on were just gone?

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