My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 184 Identity Exposed

The female anchor who was rewarded was named Xiao Mushroom. She lost her job selling milk tea because she accidentally broke her leg, so she used some of the money she finally saved to start a live broadcast, hoping to make some money by watching the live broadcast at home.

Then, from the beginning until yesterday, the most valuable gift I received was tiger food.

In the past ten days since it started broadcasting, the revenue has been basically 0! At one point she wanted to give up.

Today, she finally received a big gift like a rocket, and saw a colorful barrage of wealthy people with the King's brand on them, asking her to jump in line and sing a song, and she was moved.

However, after thinking about it for a while, she still did not agree to the barrage and said:

"Thank you for your support, brother, but shall I sing a line to brother 2334186891 first? After all, this is the first brother to reward me!"

Seeing that Xiao Mushroom didn't change the order of singing because of a rocket, there were suddenly more barrages, some supporting and some cheering.

"Support the anchor and don't compromise for five buckets of rice."

"Anchor, that's a rocket, 1,000 yuan!"

"Looking at how few fans you have, you should be a bottom anchor. Listen to my brother and wait until you have 1,000 yuan in your pocket."

"It seems that the King brand doesn't work either. If you want to jump in line with a gift, you are not qualified! Put up the Emperor brand before we talk."

"Want to be a free wolf? No way, let's reward the rocket first."

As soon as these barrages caused trouble, the wealthy man with the King brand suddenly lost his temper. He thought it was nothing at first, but now that he was being harassed like this, he immediately rewarded him with two rockets and typed:

"Two Rockets, sing for me first, that person didn't say anything anyway and didn't ask you!"

A colorful barrage floated by, coupled with the special effects of two rockets taking off, more and more people came in, and the comment area became interesting.

"The boss is confused. I can also sing. How about you reward me with 2 rockets?"

"2334186891, can you bear this? Hurry up and reward me with two rockets in the face!"

“The boss is awesome!”

"That new account 2334186891 won't be the anchor's own, right?"

The female anchor Xiao Mushroom was also confused. She didn’t expect to receive 3 rockets today, and it was the first time since the broadcast that there were so many people in the live broadcast room. She quickly expressed her gratitude to the rich people of Junwang Brand:

"Thank you little bird for the two rockets, and thank you big brother."

Ma Tian still didn't speak, just wanting to see if this female anchor would change because of money. Although human nature cannot withstand the test, Ma Tian still wanted to try this girl. If this girl can persevere, Ma Tian wouldn't mind giving her a surprise. .

The comment section is still on fire:

"The anchor quickly sang to the two Rockets eldest brothers. Didn't you see that people rewarded two of them?"

"Stop, hurry up and save money."

"Why is the female anchor still in a daze?"

Xiao Mushroom was indeed a little moved. Principles and money conflicted in her mind. However, she saw that Ma Tian's account was still ranked second among VIPs, so she knew that Ma Tian had not left yet.

After thinking about it, Ma Tian was the first one to listen to her singing and give her a reward. She still made up her mind and said: "Brother Xiaoniao, I'm really sorry, but you don't want to reward me either. If you want to do what you say, I I said I wanted to sing one song for Brother 2334186891 first, and then I’ll sing the second song for Brother Birdie later, okay?”

Passers-by in the live broadcast room were immediately shocked when they heard the anchor's answer. They didn't expect Xiao Mushroom to insist on her principles so much, and they were a little impressed by her.

After all, in the live broadcast industry, anchors are generally not well-educated, but as a low-level anchor, Xiao Mushroom can actually stick to his principles in the face of money, which is rare.

Immediately, more and more people posted comments praising the anchor and asked them to follow him.

The little birdie who had just rewarded two rockets was in a bad mood. He had lost face even after a reward of 2,000 yuan, which completely made his face fall. He typed:

"Set a price, how much reward will it take for you to give up your bullshit principles!"

As soon as this colorful barrage came out, passers-by in the comment area immediately became excited. I haven't seen such an explosive barrage for a long time. Are the big brothers going to fight? Or was he caught?

Because Ma Tian's account is new, it cannot be ruled out that Xiao Mushroom opened a small account to reward himself for fishing. Suddenly, a group of demons began to dance in the comment area, and thousands of people poured into the live broadcast room.

Xiao Mushroom's face didn't look good either. After all, what this little bird just said was a bit offensive. Is it wrong for her to stick to her principles?

Ma Tian only felt funny in front of the phone. After thinking about it, he didn't mind the excitement and commented: "Kick him, I'll give you a surprise!"

Ma Tian's comment, although there was no colorful barrage of noble badges, was quickly seen by Youxin and the screen refreshed.

"Kick the big brother, quickly!"

"Brother 2334186891 commented, the host should kick the birdie quickly."

"Hahahaha, let's fight!"

The King Bird on the other side suddenly became red and warm, and typed a reply to Ma Tiandao: "What a big tone? People who don't know think you are a billionaire? Who are you trying to scare? Are you gritting your teeth and rewarding a rocket just because you think you are awesome? Already?"

Ma Tian saw this comment, but ignored this "clown". After all, with his current status, most people would not arouse his emotions at all.

Instead of talking, Ma Tian responded directly with actions, and immediately a series of rockets began to take off in Xiao Mushroom's room.

Even the live broadcast was laggy for a second because of the special effects that filled the screen.

Xiao Mushroom, the little anchor, was immediately stunned, and the passers-by in the live broadcast room were also stunned.

"Already 64 rounds, really big brother?"

"Damn it, big brother Niu Bi!"

"Brother Birdie, don't be cowardly, hurry up and give rewards, and see who is stronger."

Ma Tian watched the barrage in the live broadcast room with great interest. When he clicked about 100, Ma Tian stopped clicking and typed: "This setting interface is unreasonable. I can only click one by one. I am too tired from clicking." ”

As soon as Ma Tian said these words, the barrage immediately became happy.

At this time, more than 10,000 people came to the live broadcast room under the pop-up windows of more than 100 rockets. Immediately, the barrage began to worship Ma Tian.

"Big brother is mighty, big brother is awesome!"

"9999, why call 999? It's because 6 is turned over!"

"Is there any super management? The super management will come out and see what the big brother has to say."

It’s true that the super management of a certain tooth has gotten in, but I didn’t raise any eyebrows when I saw this comment. I just looked at it with interest. It’s not like I’ve never seen a wealthy person who recharged 1 million, and it’s not worth it for a certain tooth to change its rules.

Xiao Mushroom finally recovered from the shock. She stretched out her two small palms and began to calculate how much 112 rockets cost, 112,000!

Oh my God, excluding the platform commission, she made more than 50,000 yuan a day?

Such a big surprise hit her on the head, and she suddenly had a short-circuit in her brain and became incoherent.

"Thank you...Thank you big brother 2334186891 for the reward. Big brother, big brother is so awesome. I don't know what to say. I have never seen so much money!"

The barrage also started to have fun:

"The anchors are confused!"

"The anchor is so real. If it were me, I would be stunned. 110,000 is really incredible."

"Female anchor, don't be stunned. Kick that little bird out quickly. That little bird doesn't have any rewards yet."

The barrage began to scroll in turn, and many anchors followed the special effects that filled the screen and clicked in curiously to see what was so strange about this lucky guy that he could be appreciated by his big brother.

As anchors, they naturally knew that this reward could not be fake, it could only be that the wild brother was discovered. Looking at the identity of Ma Tian's new account on the first day, they all suddenly felt like lemons.

Isn't this little mushroom very lucky?

Ma Tian's backstage private messages also increased, and some even directly stated that they wanted to hang out with Ma Tian.

Ma Tian took a look and ignored the sluts backstage, and typed: "No need to kick me, I just made a joke. It's live broadcast, everyone can enjoy watching it, and there won't be any conflicts."

For people like Xiaoniao, Ma Tian wanted to slap him "to death" at first, but now he feels that it is not necessary. There is no need to meet someone who is looking for a presence online.

At this time, Xiaoniao couldn't stay any longer and immediately exited the live broadcast room. After all, someone who can reward more than 100 Rockets without even thinking must be more powerful than him. He is just a rich second generation. At most, every With a monthly pocket money of 100,000 yuan, it is naturally impossible to compete.

However, he couldn't swallow the anger in his heart, so he logged out of the account and clicked in with a small account, wanting to see the development of the story.

In the live broadcast room, when I saw Birdie, who was second on the reward list, withdrawing, I immediately felt even more happy.

There is nothing more fun than eating melons. Immediately, the comments began to ridicule Xiaoniao, saying things like "beating the face to look fat" and "clown". Suddenly the face of Xiaoniao looking at the screen turned green.

Seeing Xiaoniao exiting the live broadcast room, anchor Xiao Mushroom finally came to his senses and said hurriedly: "I didn't kick Brother Xiaoniao. Don't mock others. Just like what Brother 2334186891 said, everyone should be happy watching the live broadcast. . The little mushroom will also work hard to sing to bring happiness to everyone."

"And brother 2334186891, please stop giving rewards. It's not easy for everyone to make money."

"Hey, I'm still feeling sorry for my brother's money. Don't you know that my brother is making millions every minute?" This sentence was commented by Xiaoniao Xiao, which is the retribution of Yin and Yang.

Unfortunately, this comment happened to be seen by Ma Tian. Ma Tian used his brain to calculate his current rate of making money, and replied lightly:

"It's okay. Just typing and replying to the barrage is enough."


Ma Tian's comment immediately silenced the comment area, and questions began to pop up in the comment area.

Netizens who are good at mathematics have already started to calculate:

"Calculate the typing response screen as 30 seconds. The big brother just rewarded 100,000, which means you will earn about 3,300 per second. Calculated as 3,000, that is 180,000 per minute, 10.8 million per hour, 259 million per day, and one It’s almost 93.3 billion per year, eldest brother is 666!”

"Brother, although you have strength, please don't brag like this. Who can make money like this now? Even Apple, the most profitable company, doesn't make money like this."

"Brother is so awesome at bragging. Isn't he bad at math?"

After putting a question mark in the comment area, people began to question Ma Tian. Ma Tian also smiled and was too lazy to explain.

At this time, the supervisor of a certain tooth also saw this scene and burst into laughter in front of the computer.

Seeing how happy he was, the colleague next to him couldn't help but asked out of curiosity: "Little Yang, what makes you so happy?"

"Just watching a live broadcast room, a big brother said that he made 100 billion a year. He was really bragging. Apple's net profit last year was only 30 billion U.S. dollars, but they are a company. He said that personally, who in the world can make such money? , Bajiute can’t do it either, right?”

"Well... maybe there really is one, Boss Ma Tian!" Colleague Xiaogang thought for a while and replied.

"Huh? Boss Ma Tian can earn 100 billion a year?"

"Yes. Although he has not been listed on the market, didn't he admit at the Tianming Automobile Conference the year before last that he made 300 million a day?"

Xiaogang's reply caused Xiaoyang's brain CPU to burn out, and he suddenly made a bold association: Could this new account be Boss Ma Tian?

The live broadcast room was still questioning Ma Tian's bragging, but Xiaoyang was breaking out in a cold sweat.

He called the R\u0026D department to check the identity of the account. Although there is no real-name system now, some information can still be scrutinized.

For example, which distinguished card is bound to this number and whether it is from Hunan City.

Soon, the information from the R\u0026D department returned that this person was most likely from Hunan City, and Xiaoyang was immediately shocked.

"Little Yang, what's wrong with you?" Xiaogang couldn't help but ask as he watched Xiao Yang's operation bewildered.

Xiaoyang came to his senses and immediately dialed the number of his boss, and then his boss called his boss. Finally:

Supervisor XX of a certain tooth enters the live broadcast room, director VV of a certain tooth enters the live broadcast room, CEO Dong Nongjie of a certain tooth enters the live broadcast room...

Netizens in the live broadcast room immediately opened their eyes wide, and passers-by did not expect why this small live broadcast room would be so lively today.

"CEO Dong Nongjie, could it be fake?"

"Could the fake one be the Emperor's brand?"

"My dear, this can't be true, can it? Can you explain what happened?"

CEO Dong Nongjie activated Emperor Renewal X10 in the live broadcast room, and CEO Dong Nongjie gave away 10 treasure maps.

Xiao Mushroom's live broadcast room immediately began to receive gifts. Especially the name of CEO Dong Nong Festival was so ridiculous that major anchors couldn't help but jump to it. In just one minute, the number of people in Xiao Mushroom's live broadcast room began to soar.

In a short while, the number reached more than 100,000, and the top ten guests at the VIP table were all emperors and various big brothers who came under false names.

No one knew what was going on, but it actually blew up the CEO of a certain Ya.

Brother Xu, Damahou, was the big anchor who came over. He knew Dong Nongjie, and his eyes widened in the live broadcast room: "I'm tricking you into a monkey, which big brother is here to blow up all the big brothers?" "

The barrage in the live broadcast room has become a complete mess, small gifts are flying all over the sky, and the female anchor, Little Mushroom Man, has been completely stupid.

Everyone was confused until CEO Dong Nongjie typed: "Brother Ma?"



The people in the comment area have completely lost their minds:

"Brother Ma? Ma Yun or my brother Teng?"

"Holy crap, are these two big guys coming to the live broadcast room?"

"Could it be Boss Ma Tian?"

Ma Tian also didn't expect that Mou Ya had guessed his identity, and he didn't bother to hide it. He softly replied "Yeah", which immediately caused a stir.

"Which horse is it? I just came here and I don't know anything. Can someone please explain it?"

"Damn it, he's making 100 billion a year, he's not really the boss of Ma Tian, ​​is he?"

"It's a new account. I made 100,000 just by typing. It can only be boss Ma Tian!"

"Could it be a fake? How could Boss Ma Tian come to watch the live broadcast?"

"You're confused, who dares to pretend to be Boss Ma Tian? Is Tianyu Xinghai really going on a trip to Gangguo?"

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