My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 185 What is the face of cards?

The comments in the live broadcast room have completely exploded, and the barrages have completely dominated the screen, densely packed with colors.

But CEO Dong Nongjie was not stunned. Ma Tian's simple reply allowed him to fully confirm the identity of the account owner.

Without thinking, he continued to browse the treasure map, and said to the secretary on the side: "Go, ask the operations department to put this live broadcast room at the top, give me the maximum traffic, and then ask the accounts in the operations department to also brush gifts for me, regardless of Pay me the cost!"

"Yes, Mr. Dong!"

So, in Xiao Mushroom’s live broadcast room, a bunch of official accounts began to pour in, giving gifts to Xiao Mushroom.

"Welcome Ma to the live broadcast room!" CEO Dong Nongjie did not dare to blatantly point out Ma Tian's identity. He could only express his welcome with gifts while blurring Ma's identity. Anyway, there are three horses. Netizens can just guess which one. , netizens are not stupid.

As a businessman, he definitely won't lose money by buying so many gifts. He bought the hot topics on Weibo today, and Jesus couldn't keep them, he said.

The comment area in the live broadcast room started to scroll, and the knowledgeable guys have already started to analyze a few words Ma Tian said over and over again:

"You kicked him, I'll give you a surprise!"

"It's okay. Just typing and replying to the barrage is enough."


Ma Tianjiu said three sentences in front of everyone's witness, and the three sentences were analyzed repeatedly.

The first sentence shows that this Brother Ma is more domineering. To sum up, it is more in line with the temperament of Boss Ma Tian!

The second sentence, after calculation, is to earn at least 100 billion a year. Ali's revenue last year was only 70 billion, and its net profit was 26 billion, which is obviously inconsistent; Goose Factory's revenue last year was 103.9 billion, and its net profit was 34 billion. Maybe Yes, mainly because I’m not sure whether this guy is talking about money earned by a company or money earned by an individual;

Tianyu Xinghai’s whistleblower said that its annual revenue is 260 billion and its net profit is more than 140 billion, which is more in line! "

In the third sentence, he simply responded with a 'hmm', highlighting a simple and straightforward, a bit high-down style. The emotional intelligence seemed to be low, so Ma Yun ruled out that Ma Huateng could not offend people so much, and it was quite in line with Ma Tian. The temperament of a boss.

In summary, this Brother Ma can only be Boss Ma Tian!

The comment area finally confirmed that this was Ma Tian's account after the analysis of the leading brother. Immediately, the live broadcast room exploded, and everyone started to flood the screen:

“Welcome Brother Ma to the live broadcast room!”

“Welcome Brother Ma to the live broadcast room!”

"Welcome Mr. Ma Tian to the live broadcast room!"

"Welcome Mr. Ma Tian to the live broadcast room!"

Some capable netizens have also begun to express their own opinions. Although Ma Tian cannot have a close relationship with them, many of them use Ma Tian products, especially the performance of Tianyu Xinghai against foreign companies. Many of them are fans of Ma Tian.

Gifts in the live broadcast room completely exploded, and the special effects even made the screen freeze in the live broadcast room. Even major anchors came to give Ma Tianzi face-saving gifts, and Brother Xu and Ma Hou even took out their mobile phones to give gifts to the live broadcast room like crazy.

He is also a fan of Ma Tian. While swiping, he told his water friends: "Boss Ma Tian is my idol. Today I will show him how much I like him!"

After that, 10 treasure maps passed.

There are also many emperors and rich people who have also started their own gift-giving activities, which made the audience realize for the first time that gift-giving can be passed from person to person?

The barrage in the live broadcast room could not be seen clearly for a long time, and even Ma Tian fell silent.

After thinking about it, he privately chatted with CEO Dong Nongjie and said: "Turn off the gifts and the barrage. It is not necessarily a good thing for a little girl to suddenly get such wealth, and my comments will not be seen by others! "

When CEO Dong Nongjie saw this news, he quickly said to the technical director Bu Minghong beside him: "Quickly, give me the gift of this female anchor's live broadcast room and the barrage function. All I can do is boss Ma Tian." Speak!”

"What, do you need some time to support me? I'll give you 5 minutes, and all the research and development will help me find a way to make this function!"

After speaking, CEO Dong Nongjie quickly typed a reply to Ma Tian: "Brother Ma, this may take some time. Our backend is a bit unsupportive!"

Dong Nongjie's attitude is very low. It stands to reason that as a billionaire, he can be careless, but in his circle, he must have his own news.

Ever since Tianyu Xinghai hoisted Westland and hammered him in Gangguo, the top bosses in their circle knew who was behind Tianyu Xinghai, and Ma Tian's status could not be mentioned.

Ma Tian looked at this reply, then looked at the gifts and barrage that filled the screen. After thinking for a while, he typed: "Tell me your backend IP port!"

After that, he went to the study room and opened his computer.

Dong Nongjie was confused when he saw Ma Tian's reply, and couldn't help but ask the R\u0026D director next to him: "Bu Minghong, what do you mean by Brother Ma's words?"

Bu Minghong glanced at his CEO and thought, how old can you be to have the nerve to lick your face and call Ma Tian "Brother Ma"?

But he still thought about it and expressed his guess: "Does Brother Ma want to do it himself?"

Dong Nongjie touched his nose, "You mean, Brother Ma wants to turn off the barrage and gifts himself? As long as we give him an IP port? Is the technology a bit too exaggerated?"

"I don't know, it's theoretically possible, but it's definitely difficult to operate!" Bu Minghong said nonsense. He knew a little bit about technology, but he felt from the bottom of his heart that Ma Tian couldn't do it, even if Ma Tian was recognized as a top scientist. .

The so-called hackers are actually just high-level coders. How can they take over someone's system and operate it in a few seconds? Based on his own theoretical knowledge, Bu Minghong concluded that Ma Tian was not as fast as him.

"Then tell me your IP and I'll get back to Brother Ma!"

"!" Bu Minghong asked his subordinates and told him an answer.

Ma Tian got the IP he wanted and directly connected to his company's remote server:

"Tianji, do me a favor. Turn off the barrages and gifts in this live broadcast room, and only allow my account to speak. The address of the opposite server is this, and my ID is this."

Ma Tian typed out a line of command and gave it to his artificial assistant "Tianji".

Yes, it is true that Ma Tian cannot enter the backend of a certain tooth in a short time to modify their functions and turn off the barrages and gifts in the little mushroom room. It should be said that all humans cannot do this.

But that doesn't mean that the current "Tianji" can't do it. Tianji is a weak artificial intelligence written by him using Lv4 mathematics. Although he doesn't have much creativity, his function of helping a hacker to modify a code is still better than that of a human being. of.

Soon, something happened that caused the R\u0026D department of XX to collectively iterate.

"Holy shit, what's going on? We're being hacked?"

"Director Bu, it's bad, there are hackers attacking our backend!"

When Bu Minghong heard the phone call from his men, he was stunned on the spot and stared at Dong Nongjie.

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