My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 200 Do you really want to know my name?

Huang Tao looked at Ma Tian and asked about Ma Tian's identity. Although he didn't know Ma Tian, ​​his words were naturally familiar.

As soon as he said this, everyone at the table couldn't help but look at him.

Ma Tian also turned his head and looked over, sizing him up.

She does look pretty cute. Ma Tian doesn't know how to describe it. The only adjective that comes to mind is that of a boy or a girl.

In the eyes of some fans, it might be good-looking, but in Ma Tian's eyes, it was really a bit girly, and he immediately lost the desire to watch it.

He turned his head back and ignored him.

Seeing Ma Tian ignore him, Huang Tao's face suddenly darkened. He was a big star and he took the initiative to say hello. How could someone be so rude? His heart suddenly became even more twisted at this time.

Fat Di, Hao Ying, and Dong Jian at the same table also looked at Ma Tian, ​​this person is so cool.

Only Yang Koi thought it was normal and his mouth still didn't stop.

But Jingtian's smile suddenly paused, and she looked at Huang Tao with an unkind expression. She was already tired of this person who liked to get up to him.

Now he actually wants to get together with Master Ma Tian and says, brother, who is your brother?

However, with Ma Tian in front of her, she couldn't say some unpleasant words to lower Ma Tian's impression of her. She just gave her a warning and didn't look further.

But Huang Tao didn't notice Jing Tian's warning. He was holding back his ultimate move. He was about to explode with Ma Tian's attitude.

If there is negative energy, you can see that his negative energy bar is rising crazily at this time. Finally, the negative energy bar is full and his IQ is lost.

"Brother, are you a little too rude? Hasn't anyone taught you to be polite when going out?"

As soon as these words came out, Dong Jian and Hao Ying who were watching the show were stunned, and Yang Jinli and Reba, who were happily eating snacks, also stopped in mid-air.

The smile on Jing Tian's face has completely disappeared, and he has become sullen without knowing it.

Just as she was about to speak, Ma Tian spoke first. He was not angry, but just found it funny, "You really want to know my name? Don't you regret it? Forget it, let me know your name?"

After saying that, Ma Tian asked Jing Tian who was on the side: "What is his name?"

"Huang Tao!"

Jing Tian told the answer and looked sympathetically at Huang Tao, who was still confused.

"Is the person in charge of your entertainment industry here? Call him over." Ma Tian said calmly, as if giving an order for a trivial matter.

But Hao Ying, Dong Jian, and Reba, who were sitting at the same table, were like thunder in their ears, "Fuck!"

Even though they had heard so many rumors in the entertainment industry, they had never heard anyone speak so loudly.

Huang Tao was completely confused.

"Okay, Brother Tian!" Jing Tian continued to smile like a lady in front of Ma Tian, ​​then stood up and walked to the front row.

There are indeed leaders present today, such as Lian Zongguo, who currently holds an important position in China Film.

At this time, he was chatting with a senior executive of a certain TV station, and he smiled when he saw Jing Tian coming over:

"Xiao Tian, ​​why do you have time to come to me, an old man?" Lian Zongguo is very familiar with Jing Tian, ​​or to be precise, he is very familiar with an uncle of Jing Tian's family.

Jing Tian didn't smile like before this time. Instead, he sat down with a serious face and said to Lian Zongguo: "Uncle Lian, there may be someone you need to entertain."

"Who?" Even Zongguo became serious and needed his entertainment? Jing Tian was sure he wasn't joking.

"Ma Tian, ​​Master Ma Tian was at the scene and encountered some trouble..." Jing Tian whispered what happened next to Lian Zongguo.

Even Zong Guo's eyebrows were visibly raised, "Where is he sitting? Take me there!"

He didn't expect that things would be so dramatic. Master Ma Tian secretly came to attend the charity party he organized, and there were actually people below who were not afraid of death to offend others.

Jing Tian led the way, and even Zong Guo stood up and followed with a straight face.

As soon as Lian Zongguo moved, the whole audience's attention immediately turned over, and then they saw Lian Zongguo following Jing Tian towards the third row.

"Mr. Tian, ​​welcome to play with us!" Lian Zongguo was a good man, so he naturally guessed that Ma Tian might not want to reveal his identity, so he directly changed his title to Mr. Tian.

"Just call me Xiaotian..."

"My surname is Lian! Lian Zongguo"

"Lao Lian, sit down!" Ma Tian said, feeling very comfortable. He really didn't know Lian Zongguo, so Lian Zongguo introduced himself. It is never awkward to communicate with smart people.

The phrase "Lian Lao" also made Lian Zongguo very comfortable. At least Ma Tian gave him face, which was much better than the overbearing and unreasonable words he heard in the rumors.

Lian Zongguo sat directly where Jing Tian had been, without even glancing at the other celebrities on the table from beginning to end, except for Yang Jinli, who was dressed in a different style like Ma Tian, ​​guessing her identity.

Seeing Lian Zongguo sitting in the third row, the celebrities in the same row and the back row couldn't help but look over. Hao Ying, Dong Jian, and Reba at the same table were completely confused, and Huang Tao was completely stupid. .

What did he do? Where is he?

He was just like a child who made a mistake at school. The head teacher called his parents to the office, completely at a loss.

"Lian Lao, it seems that your Huang Tao's quality needs to be improved. Will having such a person on the screen set a bad example? Some fans don't have the ability to distinguish right from wrong and are easily led astray."

Ma Tian said calmly that in the past few years, he has somewhat understood the art of language. He didn't mention banning a word, but there were bans everywhere.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Tian is right. I will ask everyone to improve themselves when we get back." Lian Zongguo's answer was flawless, but he still didn't even look at Huang Tao.

Seeing that Ma Tian had nothing else to say, Lian Zongguo asked tentatively: "Mr. Tian, ​​do you want to sit in front?"

Regardless of whether Ma Tian wants to continue sitting in the back row, there is nothing wrong with asking to show his dignity.

"No, I feel comfortable sitting here!"

"Okay, then I won't disturb you anymore!" Lian Zongguo was so comfortable that he finally took a look at Huang Tao when he got up and took him away.

"Come with me!" Lian Zongguo said to him calmly, but anyone could hear the unquestionable words in his mouth.

Huang Tao's scalp was numb, "Lian, Lien Dong..."

"Don't say anything, I know everything. Come with me!" Lian Zongguo's eyebrows were lowered, his face was already ugly, and he took the lead to walk out of the field.

Huang Tao stood up and followed in panic.

"Gulu~" This was the sound of Fatty swallowing her saliva. She had really opened up the world. She was just a newbie who had just become popular. She attended a charity event and saw such an exciting scene.

The eyes of the tablemates also followed Lian Zongguo and Huang Tao's departure and looked at Ma Tian, ​​with the heart of gossip already completely raging.

However, there are some things that you can't look at or ask. Seeing Ma Tian glance over, they immediately sat upright.

Only Yang Koi was still eating heartlessly: "Pang Di, do you want to eat this? This is delicious!"

After eating snacks together for a while, Yang Jinli and Fatty already felt sympathetic towards each other.

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