"Well, it's indeed delicious!" The delicious food in front of him still diverted Fatty's attention, and he stopped glancing at Ma Tian out of the corner of his eye.

"You should try this too, it's delicious too!" Yang Jinli kept moving and even put snacks for Fatty by hand.

It’s rare that she meets a like-minded “eating friend”!

Because whether it is Ma Tian, ​​Li Runqi, Ji Leiming or others, they are not very fond of snacks.

The charity party was still going on, and people arrived one after another. Finally, at 7:20, the party officially started.

Han Hong was the first to come to the stage and began to speak at the party:

“Dear leaders and guests, welcome to this Barra Charity Gala. Everyone is very welcome. I believe everyone is here to donate their love. I would like to give everyone my respectful greetings... …”

Han Hong is one of the celebrities who has always been at the forefront of charitable donations. There are also different opinions on the Internet. As for who is right and who is wrong, Ma Tian is not sure.

Ma Tian couldn't help but ask Jing Tian next to him to see if she understood what was going on.

Jing Tian thought for a while and replied: "Actually, I don't know very well, but I think she must be really caring. After all, if Sister Han Hong wants to make money, why bother so much? And it's easy to get herself involved in the whirlpool!"

Ma Tian nodded, obviously agreeing with this view. That's right. Who doesn't make black money secretly? Does it need to be so high-profile?

The charity auction officially started with Han Hong's opening ceremony. It stands to reason that Lian Zongguo, as the leader, also needs to speak.

But Ma Tian was sitting below, and because Huang Tao was not in a good mood, he canceled the speech.

That Huang Tao was called out by him, originally wanting him to leave decently. It turned out that he was a young man and a stubborn person, and he actually started a quarrel with him outside.

It made him look disgraceful, and in the end, he actually asked him to call his agency before taking him away. It was really a disgrace.

The first item in the auction is a signed photo of Sheng Long, with Hollywood in the background.

The starting price for this signed photo is 100,000, which is enough to show Sheng Long's status in the entertainment industry.



The people below were all shouting, and they didn't know whether they were really trying to give Sheng Long face, or whether they were trying to use this auction to build a good relationship so that they could participate in a Hollywood movie in the future.

In the end, this autographed photo was sold for 1 million, which made Ma Tiandu very interesting. Is this the benefit of fame?

1 million is a good start, and the atmosphere of the whole venue has been set a tone, which is why the organizers put Van Dragon's things in the front.

The second item is a painting collected by director Lao Mouzi. It is not an antique, but a modern painting by a famous artist who is familiar with him.

It's a picture of a wild horse outing. The details displayed on the screen do look a bit nice. Anyway, Ma Tian doesn't know how to appreciate it, he only knows whether it looks good or not.

The starting price was also 100,000, and soon the price reached 600,000.

Jing Tian whispered to Ma Tian from the side: "This is mainly to sell Director Zhang's face. I guess it can be given to at least one male or female lead."

"Then what do you think the transaction price will be?" Ma Tian couldn't help but asked curiously. He remembered that the trajectory of his previous life at this time should have been that celebrities' salaries were astronomical.

It’s only 600,000 now, so it’s obviously not worthy of a third male or female lead.

"I guess it's still 1 million!" Jing Tian replied.

"Is it the same price as Fang Long's autographed photo? It seems like it's all about worldliness!" Ma Tian expressed his guess.

Jing Tian nodded endlessly. She didn't understand this originally. For example, at the first charity meeting, she donated 10 million, and then she was scolded by the elders in the family.

The reason was that she donated much more than the 1 million given by the big names at the time, which easily made people unhappy.

Sometimes, worldliness is everywhere, and you can't just do whatever you want. Only through experience can you know there are rules.

Sure enough, the price suddenly reached 900,000, and finally reached 1 million as Jing Tian expected.

1 million was taken by a female star whom Ma Tian didn't know. She was probably asking for a role to please Lao Mouzi.

Later, some celebrities' belongings were put up for auction, and they were all different. There were signed photos, signed records, and even pillows and hairpins.

Ma Tian was interested in nothing, and neither was Yang Jinli. However, something Han Hong introduced later did catch Ma Tian's attention.

"This item comes from a mountain village called Aka that I visited. It is relatively remote and poor. These are some paintings drawn by their children. I hope you like it.

The first painting is a family, which is a family of six, including father, mother, grandparents, and two children.

The second painting is of a forest, with birds and deer;

The third painting is of a scientist. This was painted by a smarter child. It seems to be Mr. Ma Tian. He said that he would study hard and become a scientist like Mr. Ma Tian in the future..."

When Han Hong introduced the third painting, Lian Zongguo was stunned. He didn't reveal Ma Tian's arrival. It was just a coincidence.

Jing Tian, ​​who had already looked at Ma Tian, ​​felt that it was such a coincidence.

There were about 12 children in that mountain village, so he painted 12 paintings. Han Hong probably wanted to use these 12 paintings to win people's love.

But by mistake, he attracted Ma Tian's attention.

Ma Tian took a sip of the tea in front of him without any expression.

The auction continues and the paintings are up for grabs.

"The starting price for the first painting is 1,000. I hope everyone will support it!" Han Hong said on the stage. Her expectations were not high. She only needed to raise 10,000 yuan.

She has held so many charity galas and knows how real the people who come to attend them are.

There are some caring people, but few! It's basically an exchange for fame and fortune, just like the "ticket" for auctioning Lao Mouzi. If the item itself has no added value, no one will take action at all.

When there is a charity auction, half of the people don’t donate a penny, it’s normal if they just come to gain popularity.

"Does anyone need 1,000?" Han Hong appealed again on the stage.

Jing Tian glanced at Ma Tian, ​​who was not moving, and raised his sign without hesitation: "80,000!"

She wanted to take pictures of them all, mainly for the third image, of course.

Seeing Jing Tian pay 80,000 yuan, all the celebrities present were shocked. She is really a prodigal woman.

Even Zong Guo glanced in Jing Tian's direction and nodded imperceptibly. He would take action even if Jing Tian didn't, so he looked at the third picture.

"Thank you, Miss Jingtian. Miss Jingtian is really a kind-hearted person!" Han Hong did not hesitate to praise him. Just now, she almost thought she was going to miss out. How embarrassing it would be.

"The starting price for the second picture is still 1,000..."

"Eighty thousand!" Jing Tian continued to raise the sign without hesitation.

Prodigal bitches, most people once again cursed in their hearts.

"Thank you Miss Jingtian. I would like to thank you first on behalf of Aka's children. The third picture..."

"80,000!" Jing Tian took action again without hesitation. Everyone present could see that Jing Tian wanted to take pictures of everything.

But this time Ma Tian took action. He raised the sign in front of Yang Jinli: "500 million!"

"What?" Everyone present, except those who knew Ma Tian's identity, were all shocked.

Did they hear it correctly? 500 million?

The A-list celebrities in the front row were shocked, the directors and capitalists attending the meeting were shocked, and Han Hong on the stage was shocked.

"Sir, are you sure? Also, did you hold up the wrong sign?"

Han Hong could see clearly on the stage that what Ma Tian was holding was the sign in front of Yang Jinli.

"Yes, she will pay 500 million!" Ma Tian confirmed.

He looked at Yang Jinli, who was also confused, but nodded anyway.


I went out to play at night, so I can only do this a little more

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