My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 219 Should we give up 100% control?

After receiving instructions from Ren Zhenfei, Nie Zhenyuan also returned to negotiations with Joseph.

Seeing the relaxed expression on Joseph's face, as if he was sure of victory, Nie Zhenyuan poured a basin of cold water on him: "Mr. Joseph, I'm sorry, after all consideration, we at Xia Wei still feel that we should not renew the contract with you!"

"What?" Joseph was a little confused, "Mr. Nie, are you sure Xia Wei wants to take such a risk?"

"We are sure! The main reason is that you are too untrustworthy. If you say you want to break the contract, you will break the contract."

"We are under pressure from Yingjiang!"

"Okay, Mr. Joseph, don't insist anymore. We, Xiawei, have decided to only hand over the chips to companies in our own country! We trust our own people more than handing them over to you!"

Seeing Nie Zhenyuan's determined look, Joseph didn't expect Xia Wei to be so irrational. He thought quickly, did Tiannan Chip Technology belong to Xia Wei?

He doesn't believe Nie Zhenyuan, why should he believe what his own people say? How can Qualcomm and Intel stab each other?

Unless Xia Wei has control over Tiannan Chip Technology, which he shouldn't. Isn't Xia Wei's chip research company HiSilicon?

Unable to think of any other reasons at the moment, Joseph also adopted a delaying tactic, indicating that both parties needed to calm down and ended the visit.

He was going to communicate with the headquarters. What was the situation at Tiannan Chip Technology Company? Why does Xia Wei believe in this company so much?

After all, you have come to this point, and you still haven’t even figured out the basics of Tiannan Chip Technology. It’s simply ridiculous!

Asmail's people stayed in Xiawei for three days, and the two sides kept arguing and testing the bottom line.

Since Xia Wei had the absolute upper hand in terms of both strength and morality, Nie Zhenyuan was particularly strong during the negotiation process, and wanted to cut off the chip cooperation relationship with Asmail, and there was still an order of 60 million units, and no one could be left behind. .

No, let’s go to the EU Court of Justice.

That night, Asmail immediately burst into emotion. He grabbed hold of Apple's Vice President Henry Dahl and gave him a slap in the face. Roughly translated, it means:

Damn you, come up with such a harmful method to harm them, causing them to be in such a passive situation.

Qualcomm and Intel are looking at their noses, and their noses are looking at their hearts. They are also the losers, and they have long wanted to scold Apple.

Henrik Dahl was scolded until he was speechless, and his expression was a little uneasy, but he didn't know how to refute, so he could only let Joseph of Asmael scold him.

When Joseph was tired of scolding, he said weakly: "I didn't expect Rabbit to break through 7nm technology so quickly!"

"How is your investigation going at Tiannan Chip Technology?" Joseph was still angry, but he calmed down and asked about Tiannan Chip Technology.

If it could be broken through from Tiannan Chip Technology, things would be much simpler.

"The investigation results are mainly divided into two aspects. On the one hand, it is its equity structure. On the surface, Ni Guangnan still holds 100% control, but this is obviously abnormal. Ni Guangnan, an old man, cannot afford so much money, and there must be some black hands behind it that have not shown up;

On the other hand, it is its import list, materials, etc.; judging from the foreign trade purchase orders in the past four years, there are no corresponding photolithography machine components purchased by it. All its raw materials are domestically produced, and the purchased items are also technically occupied. Very low ratio components.

However, it has been releasing new lithography machines and maintaining iterations of one to two generations a year, which is obviously a full research and development route. "

This is the recent investigation of Tiannan Chip Technology by several major companies. The more they investigate, the more frightened they become. Tiannan Chip Technology is really evil and has been advancing by leaps and bounds unreasonably.

Who is the mastermind behind this? Is it the Rabbit National Team or is there another hidden force?

"However, they do have the manufacturing capabilities of 7nm lithography machines. We sent people to communicate and investigate, and they said they can also take our chip orders from Qualcomm!" a Qualcomm representative added.

Joseph was stunned when he heard this. He took a deep look at Qualcomm and asked, "You won't give part of the order to Tiannan Chip Technology, will you?"

"How is it possible? Joseph, don't think too much, how could we allow companies from the Rabbit Country to enter the semiconductor field casually!" Qualcomm representatives quickly denied.

Others, such as representatives from Intel and Apple, also quickly stated that they would not do this.

"Joseph, you are overthinking this. We are on the same team. Qualcomm is only communicating with us to spy on information."

"Yes, we are allies in the semiconductor field."

Joseph took a deep breath and became wary. European and American, they are said to be connected together, but I don’t know how they were sold behind the scenes.

A meeting also ended unpleasantly. Joseph cursed someone at the meeting, but he felt a "thorn" in his heart.

Yes, they are not the only 7nm lithography machine factory in the world now, and Asmail is not the only one.

The gringos held meetings to discuss, and Ma Tian often communicated with Ni Guangnan and Ren Zhenfei.

At present, Tiannan Chip Technology is also trying to go out and take chip orders from some foreign companies, but unfortunately, it has not even received orders of 1 million yuan from abroad.

Although Tiannan Chip Technology already has platforms for Xia Wei and Tianyu Xinghai, foreign companies still do not recognize it. In this regard, it is not as good as Zhongxin International, which holds 1% of the global market share, even if Zhongxin International can only produce so-called 46nm chips.

"What's the reason for their refusal?" Ma Tian asked.

Ni Guangnan replied: "There are mainly two reasons. One is that they don't know much about us and our products have not been tested by the market, so they are worried; the other is probably that Europe and the United States are exerting their efforts. After all, they have always controlled the semiconductor field. Yes, they said that our company has a single holding, and it is not easy to control the situation of a single company, and they need to invest in it before they can consider the order."

In short, the West hopes that Tiannan Chip Technology can be controlled by them like Moss Semiconductor, otherwise they will not consider handing over chips to Tiannan Chip Technology.

Looking at the shareholding structures of Moss Semiconductor and Sanxin, we can also see that 70% of Moss Semiconductor's shares are controlled by the West, while Sanxin has 55%.

Ren Zhenfei remained silent. From his perspective, the foreigners were right. Chip manufacturers should not be controlled by a single company.

Otherwise, no company can safely hand over its chips to this chip manufacturer, and the risk is too uncontrollable.

But from Ma Tian's perspective, is it necessary to consider this? After all, Ma Tian is not short of money, and he is also withdrawn and arrogant. It is normal for him to have 100% control, which can be seen by looking at Tianyu Xinghai.

Is this Ma Tian's choice, to let capital invest in Tiannan Chip Technology and gain access to the global market, or to continue to stick to it, only in China?

The video conference immediately became quiet, and the two old men were waiting for Ma Tian's decision.

"Mr. Ni, Mr. Ren, please give me some advice!" Ma Tian sighed and did not make a decision immediately. With his character, he must be a solitary eater and not be interested in those foreigners! Dare you threaten me? Just die.

But from an intellectual point of view, going global is the style of a great country, and Tiannan Chip Technology should have a place in the semiconductor world outside.

And only on this big global stage can Tiannan chip technology develop better. As the saying goes, shallow water cannot hide dragons, only tortoises. The development and evolution of a thing cannot be separated from the constantly changing fresh soil.

Although he is immortal and Tiannan Chip Technology will not fall behind, it is not the same thing to rely on him all the time. His energy is always limited.

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