My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 220 Sharks smell blood

Ni Guangnan and Ren Zhenfei looked at each other, and it was Ni Guangnan who spoke first:

"Ma Tian, ​​I think Tiannan Chip Technology still needs to go global! But we still have to occupy the majority of the equity, and we can only let foreigners occupy a smaller part! Listen to my reasons..."

Ni Guangnan's reason is very simple. In addition to Ma Tian's idea that Tiannan chip technology can develop better on the international stage, he also mentioned the aspect of becoming a technological power.

"In the past ten years, many foreigners still have the impression that we were in the 1960s, backward and poor, and couldn't even afford a smartphone, let alone high-end technology! Now we need to use chips to let them Change this impression and let them know that we are also a technological powerhouse!"

Ma Tian looked at Ren Zhenfei. Ren Zhenfei was slow for a while and then said: "I am also more inclined to go out! I have also gained some experience from Xia Wei over the years, that is, when you go out, you will encounter greater difficulties and challenges. .However, growth and progress are also the fastest.

In the past few years, Xia Wei has encountered many setbacks in the international competition with Apple, but he has also learned a lot from this opponent and made a lot of progress. "

Ren Zhenfei gave it a brief taste, and the examples he gave were very vivid and appropriate. Xia Wei competes with Apple, so why not Tiannan Chip Technology compete with Asmail, Moss Semiconductor and Sanxin, and compete with the West?

Ma Tian was silent. Both old men agreed to go out, which was quite different from what he expected. From a rational point of view, the best choice was to give up 100% control and go out.

"Let's end the meeting here today. I'll think about it carefully!" After Ma Tian finished speaking, he ended the meeting and sat in his seat, lost in thought.

After thinking for a day, Ma Tian decided to follow the advice of the two elders and sell out 49% of Tiannan Chip Technology's shares, leaving only 51%.

Of course, it is not just a simple 49%, there is also a lot of knowledge in it.

First, the 49% must not be dominated by one company, but rather adopt the method of raising funds to allow large institutions to compete.

Second, in order to further diversify the shares, only 15% will be raised through fundraising, that is, the primary market, and 30% will be obtained through the secondary market, that is, listing and circulation, for shareholders to obtain.

And it can only be listed in the big A. In other words, if Apple and Qualcomm want to obtain 34% of the negative rights, they have to purchase a large number of shares from the A-share secondary market.

It is obviously extremely unfavorable to them, and it can be said to be basically impossible! Putting aside the restrictions on Southbound Trading, foreigners can only buy a small amount of stocks every day. They are facing a big A, and the water in the big A is too deep, so they can only ask for blessings.

Rather than saying that Ma Tian "compromised" and released some stocks, it is better to say that Ma Tian gave them a step to cooperate, and they had to pay a huge ticket fee. The valuation of 300 billion is definitely a serious premium at present!

"Where's the remaining 4%?" Ren Zhenfei asked blurtly. The total just added up was only 96%.

"3% will be awarded to Mr. Ni, and 1% will be awarded to those who have made major contributions in the past five years." Ma Tian said.

"Why do I want shares? I am very satisfied to see the birth of the lithography machine." Ni Guangnan quickly waved his hand and refused.

"Mr. Ni, you have worked so hard these past few years, and you deserve some shares!" Ma Tian said.

"No, I don't want it! There's really no way to give it, help me give it to the country!" Ni Guangnan refused again. He didn't know that these shares were worth a lot of money.

However, half of his body has been buried in the ground, so why do he need these extraneous things? It is better to donate to the country that nurtured him.

As for his three children, all of whom have successful careers, he rejected this incredible wealth on their behalf.

Ren Zhenfei laughed on the sidelines, and Ma Tian also couldn't laugh or cry. The older generation's contribution thinking and the temperament of treating money like dirt are really admirable.

However, Ma Tian still forcibly gave 1% to Ni Guangnan and donated 2% to future national equity institutions.

"Where's the valuation?" Ren Zhenfei continued to ask.

"300 billion!" Ma Tian raised three fingers.

"300 billion?" Ni Guangnan was a little surprised when he saw the valuation mentioned by Ma Tian. You must know that in the past five years, Tianyu Xinghai has invested about 20 billion in Tiannan Chip Technology, and the valuation has increased by 15 times.

Also, if he has 1%, isn’t that 3 billion, making him a billionaire?

However, Ren Zhenfei and Ma Tian think it's nothing. Asmail City has a market value of 80 billion U.S. dollars, which is converted into more than 500 billion yuan. 300 billion is not expensive.

"Okay, then I'll negotiate with them for 300 billion!" Ren Zhenfei nodded.

"Let's talk. If we really can't reach an agreement, let them talk to me!" Ma Tianba said angrily.

At this time, it is no longer necessary to hide the identity behind Tianyu Xinghai. It is better to gain more chips and status during negotiations.

Xia Wei also continued to talk with the Western representative company Asmail.

When Joseph heard that Tiannan Chip Technology planned to release shares to them and go public, he agreed. After all, this was the case for Moss Semiconductor and Sanxin.

But when they heard that only 45% was released, they were a little dissatisfied and wanted more!

"Is 45% less?" Joseph frowned.

"Mr. Joseph, this is our country! Please recognize your status! We must gain 51% complete control!" Ren Zhenfei said sonorously, with a pair of eagle-like eyes staring at Joseph. .

Joseph immediately trembled and said hurriedly: "45% can be negotiated!"

"The valuation is 300 billion!" Ren Zhenfei continued to say the valuation.

"What? 300 billion, did I hear correctly?" Joseph was shocked. Is this old man Ni Guangnan crazy about money?

Why is it valued at 300 billion? Can you spend it all before you die?

"You Asmail's market value is still close to 600 billion!" Ren Zhenfei retorted.

"Mr. Ren, I think you seem to be mistaken!" Joseph took a deep breath and said, "We Asmail have been around for decades, and we have so many markets and are profitable!"

Joseph didn't say the rest, but the underlying meaning is that besides technology and the rabbit country market, what else does your Tiannan Chip Technology have? Is it hairy? Not even one! Why is he worth hundreds of billions like them?

“We have far-leading technology!”

"Ahem, your technology is not far ahead, Mr. Ren, we can't accept 300 billion!"

The 300 billion negotiation collapsed, and the two parties broke up on bad terms, but that's how negotiations are. The talks have collapsed several times a week, and this time is no different.

When Joseph returned, he also held a meeting with Apple and Qualcomm to discuss the situation. They reluctantly agreed to release 45% of the shares, but the valuation of 300 billion was also unacceptable.

Frankly speaking, 300 billion is too expensive, but 50 billion is still about the same.

"Let's talk directly to that old man Ni Guangnan. That old man holds 100% of the shares. He must be tricky. Go find out who is behind them!" Henry Dahl of Apple still spoke steadily.

"Let's also send people to the Rabbit Country and negotiate it once and for all!" said the Qualcomm representative.

As soon as these words came out, Intel and NXP also expressed their intention to come.

Everyone is not a fool. If Tiannan Chip Technology is valued at 50 billion, it will definitely be a piece of meat. And if they open up the global market in the future, they will more or less buy some shares of Tiannan Chip.

If you don’t buy it now, if you wait until the time comes to cooperate, the price will be very different.

As a result, a large number of executives from world-renowned technology companies came to visit Tiannan Chip Technology and Ni Guangnan to discuss shares.

Some investment institutions also expressed interest and sent people, including many of Ma Tian's old friends.

When Ma Tian learned about this, he also laughed out loud. The group of people rushed over just like sharks smelling the smell of blood.

Capital is all about profit!

"Let them change their route to Tianyu Xinghai and talk to me!" Ma Tian said.

I wonder what these foreigners would think when they saw it was him, would they be "happy"?

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