My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 276 The cloud car is eye-catching, and the Internet is boiling

Yunche No. 1 is advancing recklessly at an altitude of 60 meters. Even if there are many high-rise buildings in the City of Progress, the height of 60 meters can basically be seen by everyone.

A group of people on the ground were even following behind with their mobile phones, because looking at the sky from the ground, the speed of Yunche-1 is relatively slow. In fact, the speed of Yunche-1 has basically reached 60 kilometers per hour. .

"Dad, look, there's a train flying in the sky!"

"? The train is flying in the sky, son, do you think it's a plane? Damn it, it's really a train!"

"Yunyun, look below, what is that?"

"If there's anything interesting on the ground, let me go. What is that?"

The citizens of the City of Progress have gone crazy. They are so crazy that they are taking photos and then posting them on WeChat Moments, Weibo, and forums.

"A sky train suddenly appeared in the City of Progress. Does anyone know what it is? (Bottom picture of Cloud Car No. 1.jpg)"

"Oh my god, it seems to be another high-tech product created by Ma Tian. Can you help me check if this is a flying train?"

"Shocked, a mysterious flying object appears over the City of Progress!"

In less than half an hour, even the Internet was abuzz.

Netizens looked at the pictures and doubted their lives one by one:

[No, is this P’s video? 】

[It must be P. Generally speaking, UFOs are blurred when photographed. If you see it so clearly, it is P. 】

[Holy shit, is this a new technology developed by Master Ma Tian? 】

[I am already driving to get confirmation. If you want to watch the live broadcast, please click and follow and wait for my reply! 】

Principal Wang was shocked when he saw it while swiping his meager account. He quickly came to the floor-to-ceiling window of his office and looked around with a telescope 360 ​​degrees.


However, Principal Wang is uneducated and is known all over the world by simply "digging". When he saw the flying Yunche No. 1 in the telescope, he immediately cursed.

"Xiao Li, go and call me Sister Jasmine, the number one outdoor girl in our company, and follow me to the live broadcast!"

Principal Wang also reacted quickly and quickly asked his secretary to call his employees to start the live broadcast.

He would not let go of this opportunity to gain popularity, so he took his employees and drove directly in the direction of Yunche No. 1.

At the same time, Sister Jasmine's live broadcast room was also opened, titled "Revealing the Secret of UFOs in the City of Progress, Suspected of Flying Trains".

Principal Wang also spent money first, buying 20 big gifts in the live broadcast room, first triggering a full-screen notification in the APP world to advertise, and then spending money to buy a meager hot search to attract others to download Panda TV.

Sister Jasmine's face also appeared in the live broadcast room. She looked at the tourists pouring in and said, "Family members, we are chasing that UFO right now. Today I will help you decipher what it is!"

Sister Moli looked at the camera and spoke, while looking at Principal Wang next to her to see if there were any instructions.

However, at this time, his Principal Wang was also looking at Yunche No. 1 in the distance with a telescope in shock, thinking a lot.

As someone who has studied abroad since childhood, he has a deep understanding of the huge gap between China and abroad.

Putting aside the standard of living, before the rise of Ma Tian, ​​the level of science and technology can be said to be lagging behind in all aspects abroad.

For example, the Internet, the thing that everyone is most familiar with, is basically 90% copied from other people's work, and we are walking by feeling other people's stones.

In terms of semiconductors and high-precision equipment, they are basically at least 20 years ahead of others.

Why come back? It was because his father, the richest man Wang, told him that the country was developing rapidly and there were great opportunities in the country. Of course, another reason was that the richest man Wang was a soldier and was somewhat patriotic, so he came back.

Originally, he still had a bit of disdain and contempt for people in China. Don't say he was evil-hearted. In fact, many people who studied abroad basically had this idea.

Why is it said that even the air in this beautiful country is sweet? It certainly makes sense.

But, what did he see when he returned home?

He saw that domestic companies were constantly coming up with technologies to compete with, or even surpass, the West.

The most representative one is Tianyu Xinghai, which not only innovates on its own, but also beats the West.

Tianrun No. 1 skin care products, stomach-protecting pills, Tianming cars, and photolithography machines. If one product is popular, even Western sanctions will be useless. Someone will smuggle it because the product is really good.

Recently, Musk has been beaten in terms of rocket launches, leading the United States and other countries to claim that they will vigorously develop space and catch up with Tianyu Xinghai.

He witnessed these one by one, refreshing his three views time and time again. Even he, a "dandy" kid, had no choice but to swear at what Ma Tian invented and admire Ma Tian endlessly.

Today, he had a premonition that he would see an epoch-making product again. Needless to say, this product was created by Tianyu Xinghai and Ma Tian. Now he couldn't help but think of the first time he brought his father, Wang Shoufu, to bring him here. The last words of the City of Progress (Chapter 244):

"Ma Tian is amazing. I hope your future focus will be on the City of Progress. I have a hunch that the future belongs here!"

I have to admit, his dad is really something.

At the same time, the Internet is also going crazy. There are many people who have the same sense of smell as Wang Sicong. Photos, videos, and live broadcasts are spreading crazily on the Internet.

"Mr. Wang, look at this. You are a great physicist. Do you think this is true?" An old man approached his physicist friend with pictures from the Internet.

"Kovsky, look at this video!"

"Zoji, which movie is this video from?"

"This is the video of Tianyu Xinghai!"

Many people do not believe that such a flying train will come out based on their common sense.

"Anyone who has attended nine years of compulsory education knows that building such a flying train is simply thankless. The energy required to float is too great, and it is not cost-effective at all!"

"What if something with such a massive mass is in the sky and falls down in an accident? I can only say that the citizens of the City of Progress are really in danger. Not only are they faced with the possibility of a rocket falling down, but now there is also a train!"

"It's fake. The current technology has not even developed a flying car, but we are building a flying train? Besides, why don't I even see the jet port? Could it be that Newton's coffin board can't hold it down?"

There are also many people who believe without hesitation that one group is Ma Tian's fans, and the other group is people who watched the live broadcast, because it is basically impossible to use special effects or fake the live broadcast.

For example, the people who poured into Sister Jasmine's live broadcast room under Principal Wang watched the suspended train through Sister Moli's camera, and all posted comments like "Fuck!"

"Anchor, follow me quickly. Did it stop at a high tower?"

"Anchor, follow us quickly, we want to take a closer look!"

As an anchor, Sister Jasmine is also happy and troubled. She is happy because there have never been so many people in her live broadcast room, but she is troubled because there are too many passers-by. The car cannot be driven due to the traffic jams blocked by robot traffic police and smart drop notifications. Even though she was small, she couldn't squeeze through the crowds of people.

She could only comfort the netizens in the live broadcast room: "The anchor is working hard, but it doesn't seem to be a high tower, it seems to be a newly built thing called a cloud platform. I haven't been on it specifically. There are too many people now, and I am crowded. Don’t go in.”

After a while, the drone police also came to clear the crowded crowd to prevent stampedes from happening.

The drone's electronic sound echoed above the crowd: "Citizens of the City of Progress, please don't go any further. The road ahead is congested and there may be a risk of stampede. Please retreat in an orderly manner under my command!"

"Repeat, please retreat in an orderly manner under my command, otherwise we will take coercive measures!"

Drone police can spray water and electrocute people, and can also provide first aid and hoist people out at critical moments.

A few people tried to push forward, but were immediately snatched away by several drones. After a moment of panic, the stampede didn't happen.

The engineers at the traffic control center also sighed and quickly continued to monitor the situation.

In fact, they also wanted to chase the cloud car at the scene, but it was a pity that they had to maintain order. (End of chapter)

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