My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 277 Unknown technology, the physical world is tortured

The popularity on the Internet was so great that even Ma Tian was alarmed.

The news was revealed by Yang Jinli when the family was having dinner.

While Yang Jinli was chewing chicken feet with his hands, he asked curiously: "Boss, was it you who built the sky train recently?"

Ma Tian hasn't come back for dinner in the past few months, spending time in the laboratory. Today is the first time he has time to come back and have dinner together.

Li Runqi also looked over, but Ji Leiming was out on a business trip today and was not there.

Regarding Yang Jinli's question, Ma Tian nodded with rice in his mouth and did not deny it.

"What the hell is that?"

"It's like you said it's a train in the sky, but we call it Cloud Car No. 1. From now on, citizens of the City of Progress can take that train to get to get off work!" Ma Tian said.

"Holy crap, can you really keep flying in the sky?"

"Of course, but why are you paying attention to this?"

"It's all going viral on the Internet!" Yang Jinli took out his mobile phone and showed it to Ma Tian. Only then did Ma Tian realize how sensational this incident was.

He originally thought it was an ordinary invention. Not only compared with the recent space satellites and Baidi fighter jets, but also compared with the fully integrated Cloud Car No. 1 that was launched later, it was not on the same level.

After all, the current Yunche No. 1 in the City of Progress can only drive up to 90 kilometers per hour, which is too unqualified. In the future, it will be able to drive 4,000 kilometers or even tens of thousands of kilometers per hour when it borders the outside world. That is the real performance of Yun Che No. 1. performance.

"Brother Ma, I heard from the transportation department about this matter that they are under a lot of pressure. Now the number of weekend visitors in the City of Progress has increased by more than 10 times. It is almost as good as Pozi Street and Taiping Street when they were most popular. If you work hard, many people will come to see Yunche No. 1 in the sky!"

Li Runqi said at the right time that there was no need to tell Ma Tian about such a trivial matter. Now that Yang Jinli mentioned it, she would just mention it as a family matter.

Ma Tian scratched his head. He knew how crowded Pozi Street and Taiping Street were when they were popular. It could be described as rubbing shoulders and rubbing heels.

Seeing that netizens were all curious about what that thing was, Ma Tian also called Su Xihua and asked him to announce and introduce the thing, so that everyone would come to watch curiously and cause trouble.

Su Xihua nodded naturally and asked his staff to write a draft. Soon the Tianyu Xinghai official website released an introduction to Yunche No. 1:

"I'm very sorry for occupying public resources. The sky train that has been circulated on the Internet recently is actually a product recently developed by our Tianyu Xinghai. Its name is - Cloud Car, and the one in the picture is Cloud Car No. 1, which adopts a new Unknown technology, capable of flying freely at high altitudes, will be used as a new means of public transportation in the City of Progress.

It is currently in the experimental stage. Please wait for follow-up notifications as to when it will be launched..."

Below the announcement, a complete demonstration video of Yunche No. 1 is also attached.

All netizens now knew that this was a new product launched by Tianyu Xinghai, and the popularity on the Internet that had not yet subsided was ignited again.

【Shock! Tianyu Xinghai New Technology - Cloud Car]

[The train in the sky turns out to be a new product created by Tianyu Xinghai! 】

The media can enjoy the hype this time. After all, although they had speculated that Tianyu Xinghai was responsible in the past, there was no evidence and there was a prerequisite for spreading rumors. Now that Tianyu Xinghai admits it, they can openly write a press release and brag about Tianyu Xinghai.

Not only that, even foreign media also swarmed in. After all, the product Tianyu Xinghai presented this time was not very sensitive. It was not a weapon or satellite, but a means of transportation. They did not hesitate to start writing in their own country. draft.

[Science fiction becomes reality? Ma Tian brings the sky train! 】

[Ma Tian has been quiet for March and is back with blockbuster science fiction products! 】

The foreigners were less restrained in bragging than the domestic media, and directly said that Ma Tian had brought science fiction products. However, it did make people think it was science fiction when they saw it.

After all, how could a train fly into the sky? No wings, no rocket boosters or anything?

Musk's eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw the promotional video of Cloud Car One. He rubbed his eyes several times to confirm that he had seen it correctly.

A group of physicists in academia are also collectively confused.

"I didn't see the booster in the video? How did Ma Tian get up in the air? Are there invisible pillars?"

"Anti-gravity technology? But that shouldn't be the case. Anti-gravity technology must also have power to propel it. Look at the tail, there is no power to boost it!"

Hua Shuwen was also called to inquire by several friends in the academic circle, both at home and abroad.

Since Ma Tian was not involved in academic circles, they could not contact him, but they all knew that Hua Shuwen had a good relationship with Ma Tian and wanted to know more.

In this regard, Hua Shuwen also said that he did not know, and he did not understand the techniques used by Ma Tian.

Then, he didn’t join in at all! Anyway, it was not about military weapons, so he didn't bother to ask, but what Ma Tian did next was beyond his expectation. Of course, this is something to talk about later.

As we all know, physicists and mathematicians are somewhat behind the scenes in their research and are a bit stubborn or stuck in a blind alley. They can't figure out how Ma Tian, ​​the train, flies and moves, which is even more uncomfortable than killing them.

"This is impossible! This violates the current principles of physics!"

"Wardfa, Ma Tian is a devil. He has tortured me for several days!"

In State O, at the famous Bohr Institute, a group of physicists and mathematicians also watched Ma Tian’s video introducing the cloud car and held a meeting.

The attendees were basically all deans who could make a name for themselves in the world of physics, such as Yochiro Nabu, who won the Nobel Prize in 2008 for discovering the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking in subatomic physics;

David Cross and Frank Velitz won the Nobel Prize in 2004 for their discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of strong interactions.

They, a group of big guys, had a heated discussion about Ma Tian's cloud car and discussed what technology Ma Tian might have used.

Some people said it used anti-gravity, and some said it used magnetic levitation, but these two technologies were quickly refuted by others.

Because the so-called power unit is not seen at all in the video, these two technologies cannot explain why there is no power unit.

"Could it be that Ma Tian deceived us?" Trislan Libby asked. His eyes were swollen and he was tortured by the technology of this cloud car taking off.

Why can't Ma Tian, ​​the devil, be more specific when he only said that he used an unknown new technology?

"Don't you rule out this possibility? After all, he is a businessman?" Someone reconsidered.

"What are you excluding? Do you really think that if Ma Tian doesn't join the academic circle, his level will be worse than ours?" The grumpy David Cross said directly with disdain. He admired Ma Tian very much and absolutely did not believe that Ma Tian would do it. Such deception happened.

So far, Ma Tian has only published one paper in the academic world - "A Study on Improving Positioning Accuracy Based on Chaos Theory". However, this imperfect paper has been studied by countless scholars from various countries for at least nearly 7 years. I wanted to explore the principle of the uncertain experimental coordinate formula proposed by Ma Tian, ​​but basically failed.

However, it does not hinder the demonstration of how awesome Ma Tian is. Now Ma Tian's paper has almost evolved into Ma Tian's conjecture. It is estimated that no one has solved it after Ma Tian's death, and Ma Tian's conjecture can be established.

So David Cross still admires Ma Tian, ​​even if he won the Nobel.

"Stop arguing, why don't you just go and have a look at the scene?" You Chiruo Nabu suddenly said, anyway, it is the Yingjiangs who have a bad relationship with Ma Tian, ​​so it is perfectly fine for them to communicate.

Oh, I forgot that the United States also had a bad relationship with Ma Tian. After all, their Westland and Ma Tian's Tianyu Xinghai had fought so many times secretly in the Steel Country for several years.

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