My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 109 Bible Shiraishi! Gold Wrist! ! ! (Please Subscribe!)

Kitahara Osamu looked at Shiraishi Kuranosuke who came onto the stage, his eyes like torches.

In this world of internet kings, there are indeed a few geniuses among junior high school students.

And this Shiraishi Kuranosuke is one of them.

Known as one of the 'Four Ministers'.

And these four major ministers are Seiichi Yukimura | Atobe Keigo" Shiraishi Kuranosuke, Tezuka Kunimitsu!

His playing style is actually very similar to Seiichi Yukimura and QP, and he is a perfect tennis player.

at the same time.

In the auditorium of Shitenhouji, a late comer finally arrived.

This person wears a straw hat and looks very free and unrestrained. This idle character makes outsiders think that he is an unemployed vagrant.


The reality is that not only is he not a vagrant, he is also a very powerful person - "270" Shitenhouji's coach, Watanabe Shu!

"Coach, you are here.

"Uncle Xiu, you're here!"

Several members of Shitenhouji greeted him.

Watanabe Xiu shook his head and said:

"You must watch the match carefully next. If you can learn something from Osamu Kitahara, it may be able to help you improve your tennis skills."

Seeing this posture on the court, Osamu Watanabe couldn't help but sweat for Shiraishi. It's not like Watanabe Osamu has never heard of Osamu Kitahara. Since he can serve as a coach, he must have good judgment on the game.

Osamu Kitahara is so famous that he can become a European Championship talent who broke Polk's record, which proves that he is a dimensionality-reducing blow to everyone else in Japan.

Kintarou Tooyama was a little curious and said:

"Uncle Xiu, this is not like your character."


Watanabe Xiu smiled, but in the end he could only shake his head without answering.

On the field, the game is about to begin.

With the referee's order.

Osamu Kitahara got the serve game.

Shiraishi Kuranosuke concentrated all his energy and locked his eyes on any movement of Osamu Kitahara. He was confident that even any small movement of Osamu Kitahara would not escape his eyes.



Only an explosion was heard in the air.

And after this.

The sound of a tennis ball bouncing sounded behind me.

this means…………

Kitahara Osamu had already completed the serve, but he didn't even realize when his opponent fired the serve!

"Just...what happened just now!"

"No, I didn't react. Why do I feel that Osamu Kitahara is even more perverted at this time than when he fought against Higa Middle-School!"

"It goes without saying that when he competed with Kite Yushiro, he probably didn't even show 50% of his strength!"

"But... this is Shiraishi Kuranosuke. He represents the highest level of junior high school students in the Kansai region... How could he... throw him away without even moving? It’s divided!”

The audience started talking.

Everyone in Shitenhouji was really dumbfounded when they saw it.

Especially Chitose Senri, who was even more surprised and speechless.

It's not like he hasn't played against Kitahara Osamu before, and he knows that Kitahara Osamu is very powerful, but...

Even Shiraishi can't serve under him. This is a bit outrageous!

On the contrary, Watanabe Xiu seemed not too surprised.

Shiraishi Kuranosuke froze on the spot, his throat rolling a few times. Before fighting Kitahara Osamu, he had imagined countless possible situations.

Only this kind of situation, being directly abused without even a chance to fight back, is something I have never imagined!

At this moment.

Bei Yuan Xiu's salty voice came over.

"I said...are you still unwilling to unleash your strongest strength?"


Kitahara Shu's words once again refreshed Shiraishi Kuranosuke's understanding.

Unexpectedly, the trump card that he had been hiding was revealed to Kitahara Shu.


It is true that he has not released his strongest strength yet.

Originally, this skill was prepared for the finals of the national competition. If it is not shown now, I am afraid that I will really fall in the semi-finals.

that's all.

Shiraishi Kuranosuke, actually started to untie the bandage on his hand.

"Well, what is he doing?"

"Why are you taking off the bandage all of a sudden?"

"Is it possible that the bandage affected Shiraishi's performance?"

Just when everyone is still wondering.

The hint of golden light on Shiraishi's hand shocked everyone instantly!

"Look, what... is that???"

I saw that after taking off the bandage, Shiraishi Kuranosuke's Shoushan body actually had a huge gold wristband!

"Holy shit!"

"Golden wristbands?? No, does this guy always wear this damn thing when he plays games or something??"

"As expected of the number one in the Kansai region, Shiraishi. In order to make himself stronger, he actually brought something like this to himself. It would be too cruel to himself!"

"I can only say that this kind of operation really surprised me..."

Not only the audience was surprised, but everyone in Rikkai and even Shitenhouji were also surprised.

They never expected that the director of training, who was their daily strength, always trained with heavy wrist guards.

And Shiraishi who wears wrist guards to limit his own strength already has national-level strength, so wouldn't Shiraishi who unleashes all his power be even stronger?

But there was only one person in the audience who was very indifferent.

That’s Watanabe Shu!

You know, this golden wristband was made by Watanabe Xiu and he spent all his money on it and gave it to Shiraishi Kuranosuke.

The purpose is to train Shiraishi and tell him not to remove it unless it is critical.

And obviously, now is a very critical moment.

"The current minister should be capable of fighting Kitahara Osamu!"

Kazuo said very excitedly.


His words did not receive a response from everyone in 2.4.

After all... Shiraishi didn't release all his strength, so why did Kitahara Osamu release all his strength...

"However, the one who is truly terrifying is Kitahara Shuba!"

Someone in the audience suddenly said this.

If you think about it carefully, it is true.

Because Osamu Kitahara actually knew directly that Shiraishi had not released all his power!

This also makes all the viewers look forward to the next battle between Osamu Kitahara and Shiraishi.

The game continues.

Shiraishi Kuranosuke frowned and said quietly:

"Next, I need to ask for more advice!"

Shiraishi Kuranosuke's eyes are full of fighting spirit. He knows that even if he cannot win the final victory, he must go all out. This is his Bible Tennis!

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