My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 110: Osamu Kitahara Surpasses Biblical Tennis? ! (Please Subscribe!)

Looking at Shiraishi Kuranosuke and Shitenhouji who looked quite excited, everyone in Shitenhouji felt a glimmer of hope.

The perfect tennis bible that hides passion in silence.

This is Shiraishi’s tennis!

In fact, Osamu Kitahara has a pretty good impression of Shiraishi Kuranosuke's tennis and speaks very highly of him.

You know, the biblical tennis that Shiraishi Kuranosuke pursues is actually to put it bluntly, it is to perfect the basic movements and basic exercises.

This kind of thing sounds simple but is actually very difficult to do.

Because this process is very boring.

Ordinary people can persist for a day or two, a week, or a month.

However, there are probably not many people who can persist for a year, right?

But...he persisted for three full years!!

This perseverance comes from his talent.

However, it is actually more because of his responsibility!

It's not like Shiraishi Kuranosuke really likes this kind of exercise, this style of playing.

It's just that 02 is because if he can't pick up this pillar, then Shitenhouji won't be able to reach a new height!

He can sacrifice himself for the whole team!

This kind of spiritual quality is something Beihara Xiu somewhat admires.

"But... responsibility and courage alone are never enough. All I can teach you is a dignified failure."

Beitahara Xiu murmured.

In the second game, it was Shiraishi Kuranosuke's turn to serve.

He patted the ball gently, constantly adjusting his breathing, trying to find his own balance.

However, the pressure placed on him by Beitahara Osamu was too great. Standing in front of him, it felt like there was a mountainous area.

Pressing on my head, I felt out of breath.


After a period of adjustment, he gradually found his feeling.

Throw a tennis ball up and it immediately flies into the air, then reaches its highest point and then slowly falls.

After falling to the most pleasant height.

His knees bent, the racquet lowered, and he gritted his teeth and swung the racquet!


This swing was of the highest standard, clean and neat, without even a trace of unnecessary movement.

And any action can be regarded as a textbook performance!

This is Shiraishi Kuranosuke's tennis!

A tennis that pursues the basics to the extreme!

He has to practice this one movement at least thousands of times every day.

Therefore, he can make other people's ordinary serve ten times or a hundred times more powerful!

"I think... with this kind of swing, I feel that he is so professional. No wonder he is called a tennis textbook..."

"It's not like I haven't seen him play before. He was not like this before. Although he was fast, he was not so abnormal. After taking off the wrist guard, his serving movements are obviously faster now. My eyes are fast. Can’t tell the difference.”

"That's right, removing the wrist guards has greatly improved him.

"I think this tennis ball has completely surpassed the national level performance!"


Everyone thought Shiraishi was surprised by this shot.

Only the slender figure in front of him still maintained a calm and calm attitude.

When the tennis ball was about to pass in front of him.

Kitahara Osamu swung out the racquet from his side!

There were no unnecessary movements, but it produced an explosive effect.

Hoo ho ho!!!

Even the air was stirred up by this beat!

And when the air waves surged, the tennis ball also flew out.


Shiraishi Kuranosuke's pupils tremble!

"how so!"

Shiraishi Kuranosuke was shocked by nothing else.

Rather, Kitahara Osamu didn't use any skills just now, it was just a simple and normal swing, and it actually produced such a powerful effect?

This is many times better than my Bible Tennis!

My mentality started to deteriorate a little.

And off the court.

All members of Shitenhouji were stunned. Although Osamu Watanabe had already guessed that Shiraishi would not be Osamu Kitahara's opponent, he still twitched his brows fiercely when he saw this shot!


too strong.

If Shiraishi has developed his basic strength to the extreme, then Kitahara Osamu has directly sublimated this extreme!

Sublimated to an angle that does not belong to this dimension!

While everyone is in a daze.

The tennis ball has landed.

Shiraishi Kuranosuke couldn't help but look back, his pupils trembling again.

Because, he discovered that there were a few fine lines on the ground.

"Not only is the speed of the ball amazing, but also the power... is it so strong!"


"What was the speed of the ball just now??"

"I don't know. I feel like I can't tell the difference at all. The speed of the ball just now was too fast."

"I'm afraid his current strength is no longer just national level. I guess... Is it world level?"

"World class?! I heard that there is a high school student who plays a very fast ball. His name is Tsukimitsu Ochi. His Mach ball reaches 260km/h, and even professional players can't catch it. But I feel that the ball just now has surpassed it. This speed!"

Watanabe Xiu sighed heavily.

630 Kithara Osamu's performance can be said to have directly destroyed his last remaining hope.

After looking at Kitahara Osamu and then at Shiraishi Kuranosuke, Watanabe Osamu thought to himself:

"Shiraishi... I can only hope that you can learn something during the competition with Kitahara Osamu..."

On court.

Kitahara Osamu expressed his approval of Shiraishi's serve just now and said:

"The serve you just made was very good."

Hearing this, Shiraishi gritted his teeth gently.

He couldn't recover from this shock for a while.

And the subsequent performance gradually became substandard.


Tennis continues to be played, and it is also the ultimate in ordinary, but ordinary tennis reveals extraordinary tennis.

This time, he did not choose to attack the last position, but directly hit Kitahara Osamu's left wing corner!

With a perfect foundation, he can serve from any angle.

Facing this tennis ball with a tricky angle.

Kitahara Osamu's figure, like a ghost, arrived at the landing point instantly.


Another blow that was almost to the extreme!


Shiraishi Kuranosuke's hair was suddenly blown by a breeze.

"Thump thump thump thump thump..."

The sound of tennis balls bouncing continuously was heard. .

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