My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 114 Finals! Echizen Nanjiro's Evaluation Of Kitahara Osamu! (Please Subscribe!)

The national competition is the most important event in Japan. Even in the preliminary round, there are always a lot of spectators.

Today is the finals, and the enthusiasm of everyone in the audience is far beyond everyone's imagination.

The huge stadium was already filled with all the spectators, and there were two or three times as many people standing outside the venue watching.

This is actually not allowed by the rules, but unfortunately the enthusiasm of the audience was too high, and the organizer could only send some staff to maintain order.

As for the audience seats, all the other previously eliminated junior high schools were present.

Fudomine, Hyotei, Josei Shonan, St. Rudolf, Yamabuki, Higa Junior High, Shitenhouji, Rokkaku Junior High...

wait wait wait.

Everyone watched the game with anticipation.

As the saying goes, there are no villains in sports.

In this world of Net Kings, only a few "727" people can be blamed, and most of the Princes of Tennis should be loved by others.


The stadium door opened and the teams entering the finals slowly walked in.

It was Rikkai University led by Osamu Kitahara.

and Seigaku led by Tezuka Kunimitsu!

When they appeared, they immediately caused quite a stir.

"Coming, coming, they are already here. I am really looking forward to today's game. After all, this is the last and biggest game of the year."

"Is Rikkai going to win three consecutive championships this year? If we say three consecutive championships, it will simply create a legend and a great era."

"Who says not? If under the leadership of Osamu Kitahara, Rikkai University can win three consecutive championships, it will also leave a mark in history. After all, no one has been able to achieve this achievement before."

"Oh my God, it's too exaggerated. I just looked at Rikkai's record, and every time he directly swept the opponent 3:0. This kind of dominance is simply invincible! Such terrifying strength Except who else?”

"However, you must not underestimate Seigaku. After all, Tezuka Kunimitsu has returned to China. They are also a legendary team, okay? Their previous record in the national competition was very poor, but this year they actually directly entered the finals. There is already a faint challenge. Rikkai has the momentum to become the dominant player."

"However, looking at these two teams, the players are not very nervous, as is not like a life-and-death final at all, but like a discussion between friends.

The audience was whispering and the sound of discussion was deafening.

And what no one noticed was.

In the audience seat, there was a slovenly figure wearing a gray monk's robe, flipping through a magazine.

But it was clear that his attention could no longer be captured by the magazine.

Yes, he is no one else.

None other than Echizen Nanjiro!!

Ever since he saw Kitahara Osamu's strength at the last Kanto Conference, it left an unforgettable impression on him.

This time in the national competition finals, he decided to come over and take a closer look.

And the reason why he was so curious about Kitahara Osamu was because Echizen Ryoga returned to his country some time ago and visited him.

Then I talked to him about Kitahara Osamu.

Listening to Echizen Ryoga's description, Kitahara Shuyong's strength shocked him.

If there really was such a monster in the world, then he really wanted to fight him.

The reason why he retired was because he had no rivals in the world.

But his love for tennis still did not give up.

If an opponent appears who is worthy of him, he will really pick up racquet again and compete seriously.

Countless reporters came to the venue with their "long guns and short cannons", preparing to broadcast the entire event live.

There is no doubt that on such an occasion, Mamoru Inoue and Shiba Saori are indispensable.

"Inoue-senpai, where can we get a better shooting angle?"


Shiba Saori found that Inoue Mamoru had been looking at the auditorium and didn't know what he was looking at.

Shiba Saori followed his gaze and looked over.

I was surprised to find someone.

Echizen Nanjiro!

To know.

Echizen Nanjiro is a legend in the tennis world.

It can be said that everyone in the circle knows and knows about it, but they didn't expect that he would actually appear here.

I heard before that Echizen Ryoma is his son. Could it be that he came here today just to watch his son's game?

"Since Nanjiro is here, let's hurry over and interview him!"

Inoue Mamoru and Shiba Saori hit it off immediately and quickly walked over with their cameras.

The two of them came close to Nanjiro and took pictures of his face, saying:

"You are Mr. Nanjiro, please introduce yourself. My name is Inoue Mamoru, and this is reporter Shiba Saori. Can we interview you with a few questions?"

Inoue Mamoru asked tentatively.

Nanjiro was not a pretentious person. He nodded and said:

"Feel free to ask questions."

Inoue Mamoru asked the first question and said:

“Are you coming here this time to watch your son’s game?

Echizen Nanjiro was calm and nonchalant, nodded, and then said:

Pretty much, but this time when I came to watch the game, there was another person who caught my attention.

Mamoru Inoue smelled the strong stuff and said:

There is another person that attracts your attention. Let me guess, is it...Kitahara Osamu?!

After saying the name, Nanjiro nodded.

After receiving Nanjiro's affirmative answer, Kamimori continued to ask:

Then what kind of development do you think he can have in the tennis world in the future with his strength?"

"Is it possible for him to become a professional player like you and leave a legend in the world of tennis?"

"Of course, before you answer, I would like to express my opinion. I think he will definitely become another person in the Japanese tennis world who will influence the world of tennis after you!"

Inoue Mamoru also has a preference for Kitahara Osamu.

After all, if it weren’t for Osamu Kitahara, their “Tennis Monthly” 2.4 would not have been so popular!

After hearing this, Nanjiro smiled, then shook his head and said:

"How can you be so sure that he will play for Japan instead of other teams?"

After hearing this sentence, Shang Shou was stunned.

After thinking about it, it is indeed like this.

For a person as powerful as Osamu Kitahara, all teams around the world want to recruit him.

It is not difficult to imagine that they can offer sky-high prices!

And such a genius, of course, can go further only by being in the company of geniuses.

Therefore, it is still unclear whether Kitahara Osamu will stay or join overseas in the future.

Inoue Mamoru could only sigh slightly and said:

"This is Beihara Shu's choice. No matter what he chooses, it is right!"

With that said, the game on the field is about to begin. .

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