My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 115: Genichiro Sanada Vs Fuji Syusuke! (Please Subscribe!)

In the court, the referee began to read out the game list.


"Singles three! Fuji Syusuke!"

"Doubles two! Inui Sadaharu, Momoshiro Takeshi!"

"Singles two! Echizen Ryoma!"

"Doubles one! Kikumaru Eiji, Oishi Syuichirou!"

"Singles one! Tezuka Kunimitsu!"

Next, the coach began to announce Rikkai's big game roster.

"Singles three! Sanada Genichiro!"

“Doubles one! Kirihara Akaya, Marui Bunta!”

"Singles two! Seiichi Yukimura!"

"Double two: Niou Masaharu, Hiroshi Yagyu!"

"Singles One! Kitahara Osamu!"

After the list was announced, the audience was not surprised.

This arrangement is more in line with everyone's expectations.

After all, in the entire Seigaku, only the doubles combination of Oishi Syuichirou and Kikumaru Eiji, and Tezuka Kunimitsu are qualified to pose a threat to the big player Rikkai.

As the referee announced the entrance of the three singles players, Tezuka Kunimitsu raised his eyes and said to Fuji Syusuke next to him:

"I'll leave it to you, Fuji."

After all, Tezuka is a person who is not good at words and is taciturn. It is a rare thing to be able to say these words to cheer Fuji.

Kikumaru Eiji also cheered Fuji Syusuke with a smile and said:

"Come on Fuji, this game is very important to Seigaku, but we also hope you can enjoy the game. That's it, show your true strength and let Rikkai Inya see how powerful we are at Seigaku!"

It’s not just Kikumaru.

Echizen Ryoma, Inui Sadaharu, Kaidoh Kaoru and others all gave Fuji a very supportive look.

Fuji was still smiling and nodded.

At the other end, Genichiro Sanada is also preparing to play.

Many big Rikkai fans also started to cheer for him.

If nothing else, before Kitahara Osamu joined Rikkai University, he was Rikkai University's second-in-command. He was called the 'Emperor' and was very popular.

Fudomine, Hyotei, Yamabuki, Saint Rudolph and others also began to look seriously, staring closely at Sanada and Fuji Syusuke.

Tachibana Jiping put his hands on his chest and whispered:

"The great emperor of Rikkai is facing off against Seigaku's Wind Child, but as far as I'm concerned, Sanada Genichiro has undoubted national level strength, while Fuji Syusuke...may not have reached that level yet. "

Guan Yue had a different opinion and said:

"How can we measure it by this standard? After all, this is the strength shown in previous games. Since Seigaku was able to win so many opponents and reach the finals, Fuji Syusuke played a major role, and according to the last game with the Lions Judging from Le's game... Fuji obviously still has some killer moves that he hasn't used yet."

People around him gave their opinions one after another.

"Fuji Syusuke is one of those rare players who has a very sharp mind when playing. I even think his potential is even greater than Tezuka Kunimitsu."

"But... As for Sanada, Sanada has always been a very powerful person. Have you ever seen him lose in an official competition?"

On the field.

Genichiro Sanada and Fuji Syusuke looked at each other, neither of them spoke first.

In the end, it was Sanada who spoke first and said:

"Fuji, I've heard about you. Your triple counter attack is very powerful."

Fuji Syusuke still had his narrow eyes and said:

"I have some more powerful ones that you haven't seen yet.

The two of them didn't talk too much.

After guessing first.

It was Fuji who got the right to serve.

Fuji Syusuke held the tennis ball and said with a smile:

"My ball will disappear.


He threw the tennis ball into the air, and then the tennis ball quickly fell with a spin, and as Fuji's racquet fell, "Bang!"

There was a sound, and Racquet seemed to draw a perfect U in the air, turning into a stream of light and flying towards the opponent.

"Is that the trick?"

Many people in the audience began to discuss.

That's right.

This is Fuji Syusuke's famous serve stunt.

"Disappearing Serve!"

Some people who knew something about Fuji Syusuke spoke up and said:

"This is Seigaku Fuji's skill - the disappearing serve, which is to cut the lower half of the serve.

"Due to the rotation of the ball, the point of contact between the ball and the racquet changes. When the ball reaches the opponent, it quickly flies outward and seems to disappear."

"It is precisely because of his excellent tennis skills that he is called a "genius" by everyone!"


After the tennis ball flew out.

As soon as it landed, it immediately made close contact with the ground, and then the powerful force made it fly towards the sky!

"My Cao! Disappeared!"

Many viewers immediately exclaimed when they saw this.


Kitahara Xiu and others didn't care at all.

after all.

Fuji's little trick can only be used on a stage like the Kanto Tournament.

Here, it is a severe cold across the country.

What he faced was Genichiro Sanada, who had national level strength!

I saw.

Sanada said coldly:

"That's all."


His figure was like a bolt of lightning, disappearing instantly.

The next second he was already leaping in the air, and as he swung his racquet, there was a sound of "Bang!", and the tennis ball was successfully hit back!

"Such speed!"

Fuji was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

No one at Seigaku expected that Sanada could successfully counterattack the 'disappeared serve' directly.

Inui Sadaharu raised his eyes and said:

"Sanada's speed was so fast that before the tennis ball completely disappeared, he was caught by Sanada, and the move just now seemed to be a real stunt... it moved like thunder!"

"Move like thunder?"

Seeing that many people don't know what this move is, Inui Sadaharu explained it.

"Sanada Genichiro has a total of four unique moves. This unique move is named after the art of war. As fast as the wind, as slow as a forest, as motionless as a mountain, and as moving as thunder."

"Among them, Moving Like Thunder is a magical skill that uses the legs fiercely. You can mobilize the power of your legs in an instant, and then chase all the tennis balls on the court.

"Just now, Sanada used this move to directly cut off Fuji's serve!"

After listening to Inui Sadaharu's explanation, everyone barely understood.


This serve is just a test by Fuji. Since it is a test, it is definitely not his full strength. The result of the game is still unknown.

Fuji Syusuke obviously knew that this ball could not stop Sanada, but the words Sanada spit out in the air immediately made him feel some pressure.

"Invasion is like fire!"

As these four words were spoken, Sanada's racquet seemed to be surrounded by fire, and with the whistling of a cyclone, the tennis ball was slammed back by the racquet and rushed towards Fuji!.

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