My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 116: As Fast As The Wind, And The Guards Of The Hundred-Armed Giant! (Please Subscribe!)

This attack of aggression was like fire from the sky, like thunder from the sky stirring up fire from the earth, and it hit Fuji Syusuke straight away.

Judging from the momentum, it has already surpassed Fuji!

This goal naturally aroused intense discussion among everyone.

"Holy crap, what kind of technology is this? Why is it so awesome?"

"I feel that if this ball had hit me, I would have been crippled.

"This sentence and this move are his famous stunts!"

Some viewers who didn’t understand Rikkai’s skills asked:

"What is the origin of Genichiro Sanada's move?"

Some knowledgeable people have explained it.

"Kenichiro Sanada has been practicing kendo with his grandfather since he was a child, and he has relatively high attainments in kendo."

"He integrated kendo and tennis together, so the balls he hits are as powerful as wolves and tigers, and it is impossible for ordinary people to catch them!"

"The move Aggression Like Fire is based on the drawn sword slash in Kendo. It is powerful and a unique move that uses force from the wrist. No other person can imitate it.

After listening to this explanation, everyone had a deeper understanding of Kenichiro Sanada.

As for Fuji Syusuke, his pupils shrank severely. He knew that this ball might cause trouble.

Not only did the audience think he couldn't catch the ball, but even the people at Seigaku became worried for him when they saw the ball.

Inui Sadaharu helplessly expressed his guess:

"The probability of Fuji making contact with this 3%."

In fact, this probability is said to be too high, not counting 0%, which is already giving Fuji face.


In the eyes of everyone.

Although Fuji Syusuke tried hard to catch the ball, his strength was still slightly insufficient, and the racquet slipped directly under the impact of the ball.

The referee quickly announced the score.


And this goal also set the tone for Ping.

In the first round, Kenichiro Sanada won the game with four aggressive shots.

The second game started quickly.

Fuji Syusuke has been mentally building himself up in his mind.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I take it seriously next time, I may not be able to get the score back...

A qualified player must have strong psychological quality.

In many cases, psychological quality is often the key to the game, even more critical than one's own skills.

Therefore, Fuji is now able to adjust his mentality in time, which is the embodiment of a strong person.

Sanada gave his opponent an approving look.

However, just adjusting your mentality is of no use.

If you don't have enough strength, no matter how good your mentality is, it's useless.

The second game started quickly.

All I saw was that Genichiro Sanada threw the tennis ball, and then, before anyone could react, the sound of the tennis ball hitting the ground was heard.

Fuji Syusuke was stunned.

Because he didn't even see when Genichiro Sanada hit the ball!

Fuji Syusuke alone was stunned.

The entire audience was stunned!

However, some viewers who watched the Kanto Competition reacted!

"I know, I know, it's that move!"

"Which move is it?"

"'As fast as the wind'! During the Kanto Tournament, Sanada Kenichiro used this move to defeat Fukuchihira! Have you forgotten?"

"The reason why you can't see when he hits the ball is because his speed is so fast that by extension, the invisible swing and the invisible lead are the so-called 'fast as the wind' !”

On the court, Fuji Syusuke stared blankly at the dancing tennis ball behind him.

In just a few seconds, his expression changed again and again.

On the other hand, look at Genichiro Sanada.

His state is still so calm and calm. After all, he has practiced swordsmanship since he was a child, and his state of mind is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The referee quickly announced the score.


And Genichiro Sanada started preparing to serve his second ball.

This time, everyone was mentally prepared.

Hundreds of pairs of eyes on the field looked at him.

Sure enough, when he threw the tennis ball, the muscles in his arms immediately exploded.

For a moment.

The tennis ball hit by Genichiro Sanada had already passed half of the court.

And what this ball left for everyone was just an almost indistinguishable shadow.

Fuji Syusuke is very excited!

It's not like he hasn't watched Genichiro Sanada's games.

But if he hadn't personally competed with Kenichiro Sanada on the field, he really couldn't believe that the opponent could be so strong.

This time, although Fuji Syusuke was prepared, he still couldn't catch the tennis ball.

The score was once again won by Genichiro Sanada.

What follows is a one-sided scene.

Although Fuji Syusuke is called a genius and has a very good triple counterattack, if he can't even catch the ball, these triple counterattacks will have no effect.

In this way, the second game was also won by Genichiro Sanada.

Four ACE balls!

The situation has reached this point and is already very unfavorable to Seigaku.

The atmosphere here at Seigaku seems a bit heavy.

In the third game, continue to change the server side.

Fuji Syusuke frowned this time and said seriously:

""Next, your ball won't go over the net again. "

for this sentence.

Everyone was very confused after hearing this.


Everyone in Seigaku smiled as if they had a chance to win.

"Here comes Fuji's fifth counterattack.

On the field.

Fuji gave up the 'disappearing serve' this time and instead used a very fast flat ball to open the situation.

Sanada then fired back, this time [Fuji's wrist gave Racquet a slightly different spin.

A white light flashed.

The tennis ball flew out.

Sanada had a vague feeling that this shot was not quite right.


But he couldn't tell what was wrong.

The tennis ball can only be played in the normal way.


The tennis ball flew out smoothly.

However, the trajectory was not at all as expected by Sanada!

"This is..………"

I saw.

After the tennis ball flew out, it collided directly with the net and fell to the ground.

The referee announced the score.


Marui Bunta was in a daze.

"You really...haven't accessed the Internet?"

They thought Fuji Syusuke was just joking, but judging from Sanada's performance, it was indeed Fuji Syusuke's way!

"What's happening here?"

Kirihaya also felt very puzzled.

Finally, Yanagi Renji gave the answer.

"It's... spin. When counterattacking, the ball spins at high speed on both sides of the racquet, resulting in a super square spin, and is counterattacked. The number of spins of this move is higher than Tezuka's signature skill Tezuka Phantom, and the opponent must play It takes several times more maneuvers than the server to counterattack and cross the net!"

On the field.

Fuji shouted with a confident smile.

"The fifth counterattack, the guard of the hundred-armed giant!"

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