My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 117 Xu Rulin! Rikkai’S First Win! (Please Subscribe!)

When these words are spoken, everyone can feel Fuji Syusuke's inner confidence.


As a Seigaku genius, Fuji's tennis skills are unquestionable.

His extremely high talent allows him to compete in various competitions with ease even if he is not very competitive in the sport of tennis.

Inui Sadaharu pushed up his glasses on the sidelines and said:

"This is where Fuji is so good. The probability of Fuji winning this round is 90%."

Inui Sadaharu not only likes to collect data on his opponents, but also on his teammates. Fuji Syusuke's recent progress is remarkable.

First, he upgraded all three counterattacks.

The original Swallow Return evolved into Phoenix Return.

The original Brown Bear Drop was upgraded to Qilin Drop.

The original White Whale was upgraded to White Dragon!

not only that!

He also fought back three times until he hit six times!

This move 'Guard of the Hundred-Armed Giant' is the fifth return attack of these six return attacks!


However, in the entire Seigaku, only Inui Sadaharu knew that Fuji Syusuke had mastered this move. Others were not sure at all. Seeing the curious eyes of Kikumaru Eiji and others, Inui Sadaharu explained it to them.

"This is a new trick that Fuji has developed during this period. It's called the 'Guard of the Hundred-Armed Giant'. When counterattacking 153, the ball will spin at high speed on both sides of the racquet, causing a super square spin and counterattack. The opponent must hit It takes several times more maneuvers than the server to counterattack and cross the net.

Hear this explanation.

Everyone was confused.


Super square gyration.


The opponent also needs to make several times more maneuvers than the server before he can counterattack and pass the net.

What the hell.........

It’s too perverted!

"Then this move is completely unsolvable, isn't it?"

Someone exclaimed.

"Actually, in a sense, it is indeed the case."

Inui Sadaharu continued to explain, saying:

"Because Fuji uses this technique, it actually directly limits the opponent's ball path. That is to say, the opponent must spin and spin strongly in order to counterattack this move, otherwise , it will be impossible to cross the network!”

People in the audience cheered for Fuji Syusuke like crazy!

"As expected of Seigaku's genius, Fuji Syusuke!"

"Isn't this move too powerful? Even Genichiro Sanada can't fight back?"

"If you ask me, Fuji Syusuke is the most talented person in Seigaku, right?"

"I agree!"

In fact, what these viewers guessed was right.

Excluding the protagonist Echizen Ryoma, who is full of aura, Fuji Syusuke's talent is actually the highest in Seigaku.

That’s right, it’s the highest!

Even more than Tezuka Kunimitsu!

This was admitted by the original author himself in the interview.

When Marui Bunta saw this scene, she became a little worried for Kenichiro Sanada and said:

"Buchou, Sanada... can he withstand this move?"

Kitahara Shunori said nothing.

In his opinion, Sanada's strength undoubtedly surpassed Fuji's, but.

A player's personal strength is also closely related to his playing state. Even without using the spying power of the Chosen God Realm, he can predict the outcome of the game very naturally.


The so-called true gentleman watches chess without speaking.

Bei Yuanxiu said without any nonsense:

"Let's keep the suspense for a while."

On the field.

Sanada Genichiro's eyes moved slightly.

have to say.

Fuji's move was a bit unexpected.


Even so, it only delayed the progress of the game a little bit, it was nothing.

"So, your move directly restricted my ball path, right?"

Sanada asked with a frown.

Fuji smiled slightly and said:

"You are indeed a very smart person."

Sanada exhaled and said:

"Then, let's try it out with spin!"

that's all.

The game continues.

Fuji Syusuke adjusted his breathing, threw the tennis ball again, and started the second ball.

"Are they the guards of the million giants again?"

Sanada raised the racquet and dropped it like a machete falling from the sky.

"call out!"

The rows of tennis balls cut straight up and down onto the tennis balls.

And the tennis ball also flew back with a very strong spin.

However, it was still because the intensity of the rotation was slightly lower, and in the end it almost touched the net and fell.


Some people have questions.

"Why is it that this time, facing the same guard of a hundred-armed giant, Sanada Kenichiro seems to be barely able to deal with it, even though he couldn't deal with it at all in the previous ball?"

"Idiot! Could it be that Fuji Syusuke has skills and can show off his skills, but Sanada can't show off his skills?"

"Then you should tell me..."

"Kenichiro Sanada has several big moves such as Feng Lin Shan Huo, and the one he just used to catch the ball is 'Xu Rulin'! The so-called Xu Rulin is to use powerful slices to achieve impeccable defense! And Fuji Syusuke's Hundred Arms The giant's guard must be picked up with slices, so it can compete with Fuji!"

After this person explained it, everyone understood what was going on.

And Fuji Syusuke was shocked when he saw that Sanada actually had this trick.

Because judging from Sanada's appearance, "I should be able to break through the 'Guard of the Hundred-Armed Giant' in just a few rounds."




"Game! Seigaku scores! Big score 2-1!"

Although Sanada tried to break the ball in this game, he failed to win it because it was his first time.

But the turnaround began in the fourth inning.

At the end of the fourth game, Sanada finally broke through the guard of the Million Giant, but in the end it was Fuji's insistence that won the score.


This is the end of Fuji's efforts.

The game ends here.

In fact, those who know tennis know that the outcome of the game is already determined.

This is because.

Although Fuji still has technologies of Star Fireworks and Dragonfly Illusion that have not been used yet.

These tricks have relatively high requirements on the venue and wind.

Therefore, it cannot be displayed smoothly.

And under Sanada's repeated attacks, he no longer had the means to capture Hiyu.



The scores kept changing.

"Game! Rikkai big score score 3-21"

"Game! Rikkai scored big, score 4-2!"

"Game! Rikkai scored big, score 5-2!"

"Game! Rikkai scored big, score 62!"

that's all.

In the end, Kenichiro Sanada defeated Fuji Syusuke with a total score of 6-2, giving Rikkai a good start. .

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