My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 131: Light Ball·Collapse! Echizen Nanjiro Can't Sit Still At All! (Please Subscribe!)

Seeing Tezuka Kunimitsu's shocked expression, Kitahara Shu smiled slightly and said slowly:

"Tezuka, you have learned a little dishonestly."

You know, Tezuka Kunimitsu's playing style has always been very steady and very crisp.

He often overwhelmingly defeats his opponents with his powerful strength, and he doesn't like to use any evil tricks.

Although Tezuka Kunimitsu's move just now was not crooked, but rather a very clever move.

For Tezuka, this seems a bit cunning and a little out of character for him.

Tezuka Kunimitsu's ability to hit this shot indeed exceeded Kitahara Osamu's expectations.

If he hadn't reacted in time just now, he might have lost points on this goal.

However, Kunimitsu must be more surprised than Osamu Kitahara.

Because he knew that his Tezuka domain and the Tezuka Phantom would not pose a substantial threat to Kitahara Osamu.

after all.

Tezuka Field is the same as Tezuka Phantom, which is an effect produced by rotation. After the opponent fights back, the tennis ball will be attracted to the surrounding body or bounce out.

However, if the opponent's power is so strong that it can directly offset the spin and hit the ball back twice as much, then Tezuka Domain and Tezuka Phantom will be defeated!

Moreover, these two moves will also cause great damage to one's body, so this damage can only be neutralized through the 'supreme realm'.

But in the final analysis, the Supreme Realm move was not created by himself, but was given to him by Kitahara Shu and allowed him to integrate it.

According to what he said, since Kitahara Shu could tell him how to create this move, he must have a way to break it.

Therefore, it naturally makes no sense to directly use the supreme realm to create compound rotation.

He chose to improve this move.

In the flash of inspiration just now, he thought that he could hide the rotation in other rotations, that is, use a blinding method to blur the rotation!

This can be said to be a genius adaptation!

He also thought that this point would definitely be scored unexpectedly.

But I didn't expect that Osamu Kitahara, like an omniscient god, could actually hit the ball back.

Tezuka smiled bitterly inwardly.

"Xiu, how many abilities do you still have that you haven't used yet~"?

The audience watching the game did not realize this.

They only think that this is just a simple serve, but in fact, it contains a lot of mysteries and mysteries of tennis!

If you are not careful, you may lose points!

Others couldn't see it, but Echizen Nanjiro saw it clearly.

After seeing Tezuka Kunimitsu use a fake spin, he almost screamed, and when he saw Osamu Kitahara hit the ball directly back, he couldn't help it anymore.

He said directly:

"What a nice return!"

From this moment on, he had determined that Beihara Xiu was the person he was looking for.

A trace of fighting spirit ignited in his heart.

And this fighting spirit never appeared again after he retired.

He returned to Japan from the United States, ringing bells in temples, and living a leisurely life. This does not mean that he has given up tennis, but that...

He can't find an opponent willing to take action!

At the same time, he felt that he might be an old man in two years, and it was really lonely and regretful to meet a decent opponent in his life.

As the saying goes, the strong are always lonely.

Although he looks jovial on the surface, in fact, he is very eager for an opponent who can defeat him!

On the field.

Tezuka Kunimitsu rushed towards the landing point of the ball, and the tennis ball bounced up after landing, obviously not in the normal direction.

"Irregular skills......"

It turns out that Osamu Kitahara passed the technique of irregular rotation.

Although this move is very strong, it can no longer threaten Tezuka Kunimitsu.

I saw that he turned on the state again instantly!

After using Thunderbolt to hit the tennis ball, he swung again!

And this shot was a tornado smash!

With Selfless State and the blessing of the ultimate limit, even Osamu Kitahara has to pay a little attention to this ball.

After he lifted the racquet, the tennis ball had fallen down, and it was obvious that a dent had been made in the net. Ichikitahara's muscles also bulged.

Beitahara Xiu smiled and said:

"This ball is indeed interesting, so come and try my ball."

Then he hit the ball back hard, and this ball...

It actually started to glow!

It’s Hokumoto Shu’s unique skill—Light Strike: Honkai Impact!

In fact, this is not a complete form of light ball and collapse.

It's just a light shot that accounts for 50% of the power!

Because he didn't know how much he suffered, it would not be good to beat his brother with one ball.

Tezuka Kunimitsu did not choose to retreat.

Instead, he continued to activate the Selfless State, transferring all the strength that had been tempered to the limit to his arms, and finally combined with Sanada Kenichiro's aggressive fire, bombarded him heavily!

I only heard a "bang" sound!

In an instant, a burst of light flashed, and even the light between heaven and earth was weakened a lot.

When everyone opened their eyes, they suddenly discovered that the racquet in Tezuka's hand was in dilapidated condition, and the net had been broken a lot!

However, he actually caught the tennis ball.

After the tennis ball flew into the air at a very low speed, it fell on the net and rolled down again along the net.

It was a scratch ball, and it was a ball that couldn't be saved.

That's it, Tezuka Kunimitsu actually scored the first point.


The referee announces the score.

Seeing the end of the ball, everyone started discussing.

"Wow, Tezuka Kunimitsu actually scored first. It looks like he is really good!!!"

"But (Wang Wanghao) I feel that he was very reluctant to catch the ball. After all, the racquet has been destroyed. Isn't Osamu Kitahara who destroyed the racquet even more powerful?"

"That seems to be true!!"

"Anyway, I will always support Kitahara Osamu!"

The sound of the audience's discussion, of course, reached the ears of the two people.

Tezuka Kunimitsu shook his head helplessly when he heard someone praising him.

He knew in his heart that this might not be Beihara Xiu's full strength!

He looked into Kitahara Osamu's eyes and said:

"You gave up the ball to me just now, right?"

Kitahara Shu didn't say anything, just raised his eyebrows, and then said:

"You scored the ball beautifully just now."

Tezuka Kunimitsu adjusted his glasses in relief and took out another ball from his arms. The game was far from over.

Since Kitahara Osamu is willing to give himself the opportunity to use all his methods, then there is no need to have any reservations!

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