My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 132: Hold The Cup, Tezuka! Hold The Cup, Osamu Kitahara! (Please Subscribe)

After Tezuka threw the ball into the sky, he straightened his body and bent his wrist backwards. Then he suddenly swung the racket and heard a "bang" sound.

The tennis ball hit Kitahara Osamu's backcourt!

Kitahara Osamu, on the other hand, calmly walked to the backcourt, and then with a flat ball, the tennis ball was knocked back.

The return of the tennis ball was obviously expected by Tezuka Kunimitsu.

His main purpose now is nothing else but to test how many ways Kitahara Osamu has to play and how many tricks he has hidden!

After he has figured out everything, he can attack without restraint.

It is precisely because of this.

This ball was played for an extremely long time.

The two people seemed to be in a tug-of-war, as if they had endless physical energy.

Only the sound of 'bang bang' was heard throughout the audience.

This goal was deadlocked for about two minutes before someone finally broke the deadlock.

Tezuka Kunimitsu seized the opportunity, jumped up again, swung out the racquet, struck hard, and then said:

"Xiu! You are just defensive. Don't you want to get into politics?"

Hearing this, Beihara Xiu didn't have much reaction.

In fact, in addition to the physical strength of the 633 players themselves, playing basketball also depends on their mentality!

Sometimes, mentality is often more important than technology!

You can’t play tennis well without a strong mentality!

He knew from the beginning that Tezuka Kunimitsu wanted to slowly test out his own background in this game, and then plan to attack.

But how could he let Tezuka succeed?

Although the person standing opposite is his good brother, but...

After all, this is a competition, and it is nationwide!!

He has always wanted to fulfill his long-cherished wish to win the championship. Otherwise, he would not have led Rikkai to this stage.

He is a brother across from him, but behind him is a partner who trusts him.

Therefore, facing Tezuka Kunimitsu's test, Kitahara Osamu did not want to reveal anything more, but just used flat balls or slices to defend again and again.

And this soon made Tezuka unable to restrain himself.

Even Tezuka, who is usually known for his calmness, was still unable to use his hands and feet during Kitahara Osamu's endless defense for a long time, and finally took the initiative to launch another attack!

This time, he took advantage of my state and used Higa (acad) Middle-School Kite Eishirou’s ‘Big Bang’!!

This goal can be said to be a blast!

There was only a sound of explosion in the air, and the tennis ball hit like a cannonball, fell to the ground like a wolf!

Tezuka Kunimitsu thought to himself, you should catch this ball with all your strength, right?

However, Kitahara Shu actually passed the flat ball and caught the ball!

The audience first exclaimed and then started discussing.

"Kitahara Osamu is so powerful, isn't it? You can defend this move by directly using the flat ball?"

"What I'm curious about is why Osamu Kitahara is never willing to take the initiative to attack? Is it because he is afraid of making mistakes?"

"Maybe so. After all, whoever takes the initiative to attack is likely to reveal flaws first. In this case, the opponent will find an opportunity!"

"I don't think so. I haven't seen Osamu Kitahara play before. His tennis has always been very aggressive, but this time he played so slowly. I think he may have a reason!"

"What other reason could there be? He just didn't want to expose his mistakes. That must be the case. Otherwise, why would he be willing to defend all the time?"

"Haha, do you think you are qualified to comment on Kitahara Osamu's tennis? He is a national-level player, even better than the national-level player!"

There was an uproar off the field.

On the field.

Tezuka Kunimitsu, who had been unable to attack for a long time, was not in a hurry.

After all, his mentality and courage are among the best among the masters in the country, otherwise he would not be able to become Shu's friend.

He vaguely understood why Kitahara Osamu had been adopting a defensive strategy.

But just this conjecture made him suddenly feel the hairs on his back standing on end!

Because he realized at this time that although he wanted to keep testing Kitahara Osamu's abilities, in fact Kitahara Osamu was also constantly testing his baseline!

And it was during this dazed moment that Kitahara Shu spoke:

"I'll score next, it only takes one round!"

Hearing this sentence, Tezuka Kunimitsu was shocked again!

What greeted him was a smash from Kitahara Shufeitian!

And this smash made tennis shine again!

Before Tezuka could react, the tennis ball had already exploded with a golden light behind him!

That's right.

Light hitting!

The so-called light hitting is a phenomenon in which the tennis ball is bombarded with sweet spot skills and huge force, causing the tennis ball to glow. This kind of tennis ball is full of explosive power!

At this point in the game, Tezuka Kunimitsu was already a little discouraged.

The audience also started discussing it.

"Did you see it? Did you see it? When Kuroko spoke, did I say that Osamu Kitahara was just hiding his strength and thinking of ways to attack?!"

"Yes, yes, do you know anything about tennis? It's nonsense to say that Osamu Kitahara is afraid of showing his flaws!"

"It's impossible to talk to someone who doesn't understand tennis. Anyway, I think Osamu Kitahara will win this game!"

Echizen Nanjiro, who was sitting on the seat, calmed down a little.

He looked at Tezuka Kunimitsu and Kitahara Osamu.

I feel that these two people are actually talented people!

Moreover, they all undoubtedly surpassed his own son Echizen Ryoma!

But it is obvious that if Tezuka Kunimitsu is a genius and a super genius, then Osamu Kitahara cannot be described as a genius at all!

Everyone in Youth Academy also began to worry about Tezuka Kunimitsu.

After all, Tezuka Kunimitsu is the strongest fighting force in their Middle-School, and they are counting on him to win the game and help Youth Academy win the national championship!

But looking at the current situation, I hope you won’t get tired of it!

They have always been Tezuka Kunimitsu's strong support, even if the situation is unfavorable, they cheer for him loudly!

"Come on, Minister, we believe you can do it!"

"Come on, Tezuka, you must be able to do it. We all hope you can win the game!"

"Hold the cup, country!!"

On the other hand, everyone here at Rikkai is conservative and unwilling to say anything.

But seeing Seigaku shouting so enthusiastically, they couldn't be outdone, so Kirihara Akaya shouted loudly!

"Come on, Minister!!! Defeat Tezuka Kunimitsu! Let's win three consecutive championships!!! Hold the cup, Minister Kitahara Osamu!"

Kitahara Shu and Tezuka looked at each other and smiled helplessly at the same time. .

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