My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 133 Tezuka’S Reserved Light! The Ultimate In Seamlessness! (Please Subscribe!)

At this moment, although the two people are friends, their identities are not just as simple as each other's friends.

They also shoulder the hopes of their teammates and the mission of the team!!

Throughout history, there have been many instances where brothers fought against each other, and brothers could turn against each other.

Although it is impossible for the two of them to turn against each other and become enemies, it is.

On the playing field, you must go all out and treat the opponent as an enemy!

Kitahara Shu naturally understands the principle that kindness to the enemy is cruelty, but there is one exception, and that is...

The situation is completely under your control!

The game lasted three rounds, and the third round was tied at 15:15!

Tezuka Kunimitsu looked at Kitahara Shu in front of him, with a hint of gratitude in his eyes, and he said softly:

"Xiu, I know you want to leave me a complete game, right?"

Kitahara Shuya didn't explain anything.

In fact, what Tezuka Kunimitsu said is right.

Because after he traveled to this world, he directly became a freshman in Seigaku, and he didn't have many friends at that time.

Tezuka Kunimitsu, who is also taciturn, can play with him.

It can be said that the first friend I came to this world was Tezuka Kunimitsu!

Friends need to support each other, so he chose to stand up when Tezuka Kunimitsu was bullied by senior students.

And the gears of fate have allowed them to stand on the national arena, in a position where they are opposite to each other!

Although a game is only six rounds, this is a national competition!

Moreover, both of them are already in the third grade of junior high school, so they will not have another chance in the future!

This final battle across the country may only happen once in a lifetime.

So maximizing him is the truly meaningful thing!!

Tezuka Kunimitsu saw Kitahara Osamu's thoughts.

At the same time, his body began to emit a trace of light!

And this light surprised all the audience!

Because, this light... is very familiar!

It is the light that belongs to the limit of seamlessness!!

The audience was completely confused. They only saw Echizen Ryoma and Seiichi Yukimura show off their seamless brilliance during the second singles session. They didn't expect it.

In singles 1, we saw Tezuka Kunimitsu on display again!

How could a small Japanese junior high school have so many extraordinary talents?


Their surprise is normal, because look, in this world, the tennis elites are all occupied by Europe, but in the past few years, Japanese tennis talents have sprouted up like bamboo shoots!

It can be said that this is the real golden generation!

The audience were surprised and said:

"I'll go! Tezuka Kunimitsu seems to have reached the limit of seamlessness. Is there anything wrong?"

"That's right, that's right. I can confirm that this is the limit of seamlessness!"

"Oh my God, there's no charge to achieve the ultimate in seamlessness now? How come everyone can do this?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? How can you say that everyone can do this trick? If you count it down, there may only be five or six people in the country who can do this trick, okay?"

"I never expected that a few singles among young students would be so good, so why didn't they get any results in the past few years?"

When we talk about this, we have to mention Ryūzaki Sumire who has been expelled from Seigaku!

But these are things that have nothing to do with the game, so I won’t talk more about them.

On the field.

Tezuka Kunimitsu, who has opened the limit of seamlessness, radiates light from his body to Kitahara Osamu!

Everybody knows.

This kind of light can not only increase your own energy, but also affect the opponent's status. It can be said to be a very buggy skill!

Even Seiichi Yukimura, who was previously known as the Son of God, suffered a terrifying weakening after being exposed to Ryoma's light!

If Seiichi Yukimura hadn't also turned on the light of reserve at the end, he wouldn't have been able to win!

"I heard that the most powerful genius under Kitahara Shu is Tezuka Kunimitsu!"

"Nonsense, haven't you heard? When he was in Germany, even the German national team invited him and extended an olive branch to him, asking him to join the German team.

"Are you kidding me? The German team is the strongest team in the world. How could they just randomly send an invitation letter to a junior high school student?"

0…Please give me flowers…

"Have you watched the news? Now the rules of the World Championship have changed. Now it requires at least three junior high school students to participate in the competition, so each of their national teams is actively inviting talented people from all over the world to participate in training camps and final selections. Send three people to participate in the competition!"

"Tezuka Kunimitsu is so strong that he is the best in Japan and the best in the world, so it is not surprising that he is favored by the German team, okay?"

The audience was noisy, but the competition on the field continued.

The team members of the youth students, seeing the minister turning on this state, all said in surprise:

"I knew that the minister must be the strongest, yet he even mastered this move!"

Kikumaru looked at the minister on the field happily and said.


"By the way, I'm curious, when did the minister master so many skills?"

Inui Sadaharu will give everyone some popular science at this time, saying:

"Anyway, as far as I know, he has mastered the Selfless State since he was in the first year of the country, and has learned the limit of the limit that has been tempered for thousands of times, so now he can use the limit of the seamless state, which is completely within my expectations!

It's not just the people at Seigaku who noticed this.

Atobe Keigo of Hyotei also noticed this.

He looked at Tezuka Kunimitsu with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

After all, he has always regarded Tezuka Kunimitsu as his destined enemy and always thought that he could defeat him, but.

He found every time that Tezuka Kunimitsu grew up very quickly, always leaving him behind by a big margin inadvertently!

In other words, Tezuka is always hiding his strength!

And I always have to put in a lot of effort to barely keep up with his pace!

Kenichiro Sanada feels the same way.

Like Atobe Keigo, he also regarded Tezuka Kunimitsu as a must-win enemy, but when he saw Tezuka's flawless start, he still felt that the move was a bit off.

Fudomine Juji deuce analyzed:

"Tezuka Kunimitsu has indeed been hiding his strength. I think his current strength, even if it is not as good as Kitahara Osamu, is not much different!"

Tachibana blinked, but on the field, Tezuka Kunimitsu had already launched a new round of onslaught! Enter!.

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