My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 134: Tezuka Kunimitsu Whose Tennis Ball Was Taken Away! (Please Subscribe!)

After turning on the limit of seamlessness, Tezuka Kunimitsu's attack is reaching its extreme!

Just like the game between Echizen Ryoma and Seiichi Yukimura, any ball must pass through a high-speed camera to determine whether it has scored!!

And the battle between the two people has reached a fever pitch!!




The constant beating of racquet filled the air.

The trajectory of the tennis ball can no longer be seen, and only a few bright yellow lights can be vaguely seen, bouncing between the two! The tension of the game has also reached its extreme!

Many people didn't dare to breathe at all and held their breath to watch the game!

I don’t know how long I have been playing this ball, but finally!

Tezuka Kunimitsu seized an opportunity and stretched out his arms directly, giving the tennis ball a very weird spin.

After Kitahara Shu's "590" return, tennis actually...

Eject directly out of bounds!

This scene stunned everyone watching the game!

Because they couldn't understand why a tennis ball that was hit straight out would fly out of bounds!

This is really unreasonable!

The audience began to discuss:

"Did I make a mistake? Why did the ball fly out? How did it happen?"

"I want to ask, can you imagine the principle behind it?"

"Don't worry about the non-principles! Tezuka Kunimitsu's skills actually hide so much. This guy's reputation is really not just blown away by others!"

Before the game, no one would have thought that this round would suddenly be so difficult!

This can be said to be the most exciting and mysterious final of a national competition in recent years!!

Others didn't understand, but Seigaku's Inui Sadaharu saw some clues and started to explain to everyone, saying:

"Tezuka just now must have hit a compound spin!"

"Compound rotation?"

This term puzzled others at Seigaku.

Inui Sadaharu continued to explain, saying:

"The so-called compound rotation, as the name suggests, is a compound rotation! This kind of rotation is very magical and should be achieved by combining the effects of the Tezuka field and the Phantom of the hand.


"After these two kinds of spin are combined, if the opponent chooses to hit the ball with in-spin, he will be attracted to the range around him, and if he chooses to hit the ball with out-spin, he will be directly bounced out!

"This... is an almost unstoppable move!"

Everyone was confused.

Listen to this explanation......

That seems really invincible!

In fact, it is indeed the case.

After Tezuka hit this ball, a whirlpool like a red whirlpool suddenly broke out all over his body!

And this cyclone clearly belongs to his field [this field is called————

The highest realm!

This trick was also given to him by Professor Beihara Xiu, but he still had to use it when it was time to use it.

Even if Beiyuan can crack it, it can only be done with tricks, soldiers will block it, and water will cover it.

However, when everyone thought that Bihara was about to break up,

Something that no one expected happened. Just when the tennis ball was about to fly out, it actually...

Suddenly it turned back in mid-air and fell back.

This is really incredible!

"Here, am I just blinded by this? Why did you suddenly fall back??"

"No, you read that right, it did indeed land again after spinning!"

"That is to say...this tennis ball actually made a second turn in the air??"

Those who are knowledgeable will know that this situation has a term in the tennis world called————

"Yan Hui!"

Shiraishi Kuranosuke, known as the Bible of Tennis, frowned deeply when he saw this ball!

It's not that he has never fought against Kitahara Osamu, but!

During the fight with him, he found that Osamu Kitahara's technical strength was very strong, and he could completely beat him with his technical strength, but at this time, he showed skills that he could not understand!

That’s right, it’s an extremely powerful technique!

However, Shiraishi still couldn't explain the principle of this ball.

Finally, Yanagi Renji, Rikkai's elder, saw some clues.

He said to the confused people around him:

"Did you pay attention to Kitahara Osamu's posture when he was playing ball just now?"

"The direction of his racquet is not towards the inside of the court at all, but... towards the outside of the court!"

After hearing these words, the people around me thought about it, and they remembered that the direction Kitahara Shu just played was not in line with the direction of normal people at all!

Is it because of this reason that tennis returned for the second time?

Yanagi Renji continued:

"My guess is that the minister knew how the supreme realm works, so he did the opposite and actively hit the ball out of bounds. Instead, due to the special spin, the tennis ball went back!"

"Of course, this does not mean that everyone can use this trick to crack the highest realm!"

"You must have a transcendent understanding of spin, especially compound spin, and you must have an amazingly accurate ball control rate when playing, so that the spin can be successfully offset!

"It sounds very simple, but if you want to achieve this step, I don't think anyone in the country can do it!"

This surprising scene not only surprised the audience, but also shocked the person involved, Tezuka Kunimitsu...

Tezuka Kunimitsu was shocked. He had no idea that the tennis ball that was supposed to fly out actually returned!

He didn't have time to think so much, so he could only rush towards the landing point of the tennis ball, and then hit the ball back hard!


Kitahara Shu looked at Tezuka who was constantly looking for ways to solve the problem, showed a few playful eyes, and said:

"Tezuka, have you ever tried what it feels like to be deprived of tennis?"

Tezuka was stunned after hearing this.

"Could it be that……………"

The next second.

After hitting this ball.

He instantly felt that he was in the highest realm...


"It's 3.1!!!"

There are no words to describe Tezuka Kunimitsu's inner shock!

The tennis skills that I have worked hard to practice will disappear in an instant.

Of course, he knew that this kind of disappearance would not be an inexplicable disappearance. He practiced what Kitahara Shu just said...

Tezuka smiled bitterly.

And next, facing Kitahara Osamu's gravity smash, he had no power to fight back.


The sound of a tennis ball hitting the ground was heard.

The referee finally announced the score of this round:

"15-30! Osamu Kitahara scores!"

"Did you really take my tennis ball?"

Off the field.

Seeing Tezuka suddenly stiffen and lose a point, others felt very puzzled.

Because, with Tezuka’s personality, it’s impossible to just give up the ball and not play!.

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