My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 135 Tezuka Kunimitsu: This Game Must Be Finished On Your Knees! (Please Subscribe!)

When people outside the venue saw this scene, they felt very puzzled.

After all, Tezuka Kunimitsu, as a rare good player among junior high school students, can be offered an olive branch by the Germans, which shows that his own strength is not weak!

And a strong player, in addition to his own strength, also has a very good mentality!

After experiencing an arm injury, he can still return to the game tenaciously to seek improvement. This has surpassed many people. It can be said that Tezuka Kunimitsu's mentality is definitely not bad!


Just now, Tezuka obviously gave up on receiving Osamu Kitahara's tennis ball.

The people from Seigaku were curious and said:

"Why did the minister...he stand still and didn't catch the ball? What does this mean?"

"Could it be that... I saw it wrong, or that my opponent committed a foul?"

"Can someone explain this?"

Faced with such speculation, Inui Sadaharu finally gave the answer.

He just shook his head and adjusted his glasses for the last time. After seeing Tezuka Kunimitsu's expression, he had a bold idea in his mind.

He spoke slowly:

02 "It's not that I made a mistake, or that there was an accident, it's more like... I didn't react at all!"

After saying this.

Everyone was confused.


"You didn't react at all? How is this possible?"

"There were obviously many faster balls than the one just now, and he could catch them. There is no reason why he can't react to this ball!"

Kikumaru Eiji His words were echoed by many people.

However, what Inui Sadaharu said next made everyone stunned.

"A person can make mistakes, but when he makes a mistake, the physical reaction will not be eliminated."

"But look, Tezuka didn't even have a muscle reaction just now!"

"In other words, from the bottom of his heart, he didn't realize that the ball had flown over!"

After hearing this statement, everyone thought about the situation just now.

Sure enough, it seems to be true.

But... isn't this so unreasonable?!

After all, Tezuka is so powerful, how could he not be able to react?

No one can give the answer, I guess.

They simply don’t understand what kind of ability it is to devour!

They didn't even think about it!

The audience was even more confused and started talking about it:

"Did I make a mistake? Could it be that Tezuka is ready to give up the competition and give up the championship to Osamu Kitahara??"

"It seems impossible, right? Based on my understanding of Tezuka Kunimitsu, he probably wouldn't do such a thing!"

"Then how to explain that he suddenly gave up the ball and stopped playing?!"

The audience didn't understand, but there was one person who knew it very well, and that was

Echizen Nanjiro!

After he saw Tezuka give up the ball, his brows immediately wrinkled!

I thought to myself.

Good guy, this kid actually has the ability to devour something similar to Ryoga. I’m really surprised!

He has two sons in total.

The younger son is Echizen Ryoma, who is extremely talented.


The eldest son’s talent is even more powerful than that of the younger son!!

His eldest son's talent is to devour!

In the process of playing with others, you can swallow up other people's proud skills!

This is also the reason why he doesn't let him compete with Ryoma, because he is afraid that Ryoma will have his skills swallowed up.

I originally thought that my eldest son was the only one in the world who had this kind of talent, but I didn’t expect that Osamu Kitahara also had it!

Suddenly, he remembered something, that is...

Ryoga came back that day and told him that he had met a very powerful person.

And that person also has a very powerful devouring ability, and that person's devouring ability is even better than him!

Could it be that this is the guy?

From the beginning of the game to now, Kitahara Osamu's shock to him is getting bigger and bigger.

On the field.

Tezuka Kunimitsu didn't realize that the tennis ball had passed by him until it hit the ground.

His heart sank.

It turns out that Osamu Kitahara not only devoured his tennis skills, but also instantly weakened his understanding of tennis and his basic abilities!

If he didn't know Beihara Xiu before, he didn't know so many mysterious skills.

It was impossible for him to believe that there was such a skill in the world that could achieve such a perverted effect.

However, he had seen Osamu Kitahara fight against Echizen Ryoga with his own eyes!

At that time, the two of them devoured each other's skills, until finally Ryoga's skills were permanently devoured!

If Kitahara Osamu hadn't returned it to him in the end, he might have been useless for the rest of his life.

But he didn't expect that this move would actually appear on him.

Only those who have truly been devoured by their skills and talents will feel how desperate this is!

Even someone as strong as Tezuka Kunimitsu could not help but feel a little shaken at this moment.

Seeing that Tezuka's expression was very wrong, Kitahara Shuzhen was afraid of giving him a psychological shadow, and then said:

"Do you want me to give you my power back?"

Tezuka Kunimitsu frowned and finally gritted his teeth and said:


So the game continues.

However, after most of his abilities were devoured, Tezuka's performance at this time is no longer a national-level master, and is even worse than a Kanto-level master!

The 830 looks so clumsy against Kitahara Osamu!

The score is also getting bigger point by point.

In the blink of an eye, Osamu Kitahara won the third game!

*3-0! Kitahara Osamu scores!"

When the audience saw that Osamu Kitahara was leading by a large margin, they began to say:

"It seems that Kitahara Osamu is definitely going to win this game. Tezuka Kunimitsu seems to have been completely shattered!"

"The reaction is so slow...but he shouldn't be so quickly overwhelmed, I feel like there is always another reason!"

"What other reason can there be? The racquet is in his hand and his legs are on his body. He can run away and hit whenever he wants. You see, he is acting like a child who has just learned to play tennis. This How can it be done??”

The game reached the fourth inning.

It's Tezuka Kunimitsu's turn to serve.

Tezuka Kunimitsu felt so stressed that he almost collapsed!

Under the gaze of so many people in the audience, he even had the urge to admit defeat at a certain moment...

However, when he thought about this game, it was the final battle with Osamu Kitahara, an experience he would never experience again in his life, he decided.

Even if you are kneeling, you have to finish the fight!

He threw the ball high.


The tennis ball flew towards Bei Yuanxiu's side, but the quality of this ball was far less beautiful than the previous games. .

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