My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 142 Osamu Kitahara Joins The German Team! Tezuka, Kirihaya Follows! (Please Subscribe!)

Since there will be training camps to recruit players in the future, everyone else is thinking about joining the Japanese training camp, but seeing that Osamu Kitahara has not said anything, everyone is a little worried.

Is it possible that Kitahara will not participate in the training camp in Japan?

Kirihara Akaya asked:

"Minister, where will you go after you decide?"

Everyone else is also very curious about the answer to this question.

Kitahara Shu took a sip of the drink and then said calmly:

"I have already thought about it, I will go to Germany!"

As soon as this statement came out.


For a moment, Kirihara Akaya was very surprised.

Not only Kirihara Akaya, but others are also confused.

Because theoretically speaking, since as a Japanese, you should join the Japanese training camp and bring glory to the country, why did he choose to join Germany?

This is really a bit confusing.

And only Beihara Xiu himself knows all this.

Because Osamu Kitahara doesn't have any special feelings for Japan, if it weren't for the fact that this is the world of Net King, he would even feel disgusted.

After all, I was from the Dragon Kingdom in my previous life, so this kind of history still needs to be remembered.

The second is 510 when I was traveling in Germany.

I found that Germany is actually the country that enjoys tennis the most and regards tennis as an important project. It can also develop better there.

Moreover, since we are in the world of net kings, we must create a brilliant record!

And joining Germany and winning ten consecutive championships is enough to leave a mark in history!

Moreover, in the original work, if the Japanese team did not have the halo of the protagonist, how could the Japanese team defeat the German team and finally stand on the top of the world?

Therefore, he still feels that this championship should be given to Germany!

Everyone felt a little disappointed. After all, they had followed Kitahara Shu's back along the way.

In the end, Kitahara Shuu contributed a lot to winning the national championship!

So when they first heard that Osamu Kitahara was going to Germany, they felt an indescribable feeling.

Kirihara Akaya asked tentatively:

"Minister, can I go to Germany with you?"

Beitahara Xiu smiled slightly, took a sip of the drink, and said:

"If you are willing, I can take you there, but I don't know whether the German team will accept you in the end. It depends on your own efforts." (accf)

Hearing this news, Kirihara Akaya was very happy. After all, as long as Kitahara Osamu is willing to take him there, then there is a chance!

He did learn a lot from Kitahara Shu, and Kitahara Shu is loyal and a good friend. The last time he was attacked by Alamenoma, Kitahara took revenge for them. "He agreed to follow Kitahara Shu for the rest of his life!

Others have their own thoughts in their hearts.

Although some people also want to follow Beihara Xiu to Germany, after all, this is their hometown.

Traveling in Germany is fine, but long-term training there still doesn't feel right.

Kitahara Shuya was very reasonable and said:

"You don't have to think too much about my feelings. You have your own tennis path. You can join any team you want. Then when you meet teammates or opponents on the court, you can just say hello when we meet."

With these words, others felt at ease.

About a month after winning the national competition, everyone received invitations to the U17 training camp one after another.

At this time, the emperor.

Atobe Keigo was very happy after getting the invitation letter. Looking at the words on it, he felt that he couldn't hold it anymore.

After all, he lost the competition in the national competition and did not achieve a good ranking. He was always holding his breath!

He wants to show his strength in the U17 World Cup!

In fact, his idea is correct.

After all, in the original work, he is the captain of the Japanese team!

Except Hyotei.

Many schools such as Youth Student, Fudomine and Shitenhouji also received invitations.

They prepared to go to the training camp for training according to the content on the invitation letter.

Although Osamu Kitahara and Kirihara Akaya also received the invitation, they did not choose to go according to the address on the invitation letter, but took the tickets to Germany.

That's right.

In the end, everyone at Rikkai chose to stay in the Japanese team's training camp, and only Osamu Kitahara and Kirihara Akaya chose to go to Germany!

It's not that others don't have a particularly good relationship with Beitahara Shu. As mentioned before, they still feel that staying away from home is not a good choice.

Of course, in addition to the two of them, there is another person who chooses to join the German team, and that is...

Tezuka Kunimitsu!


When Osamu Kitahara, Tezuka Kunimitsu and Kirihara Akaya were waiting for the plane, Osamu Kitahara said:

"Kirihaya, why are you so determined to go to Germany with me?"

Kirihara Akaya scratched her head and said:

"I don't know why, but I feel like I can learn a lot from you, Minister!"

Kitahara Shushi patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"You still call me minister, we have already graduated."

Kirihaya continued to scratch his head, with a hint of shyness on his face, and said:

"Anyway, I believe you will always be my minister!"

Needless to say, Tezuka has attracted attention from Germany since he was in Germany, so it was easy to understand why he joined it.

After a few minutes, the plane finally arrived.

Several people got on the plane, closed their eyes, and fell asleep.

About nine hours later, the plane finally crossed the Pacific and arrived at the International Airport in Berlin, Germany.

After getting off the plane, several people came up to greet me from a distance.

Yes, they are none other than Retru and others from the German team!

They had communicated with Kitahara Osamu before, so they picked him up here long in advance. After all, Kitahara Osamu was very important to them.

With his joining, the German team will definitely achieve very impressive results in the World Cup!

"Kitahara, you are finally here!"

Letru held Beihara Xiu's hand tightly, and the smile in his eyes was self-evident.

And Polk, QP, Bismarck and others "also nodded at him.

Seyfried also followed the team, not daring to look at Kitahara Osamu.

After all, Kitahara Osamu directly defeated him back then.

If he hadn't kept his hand in the end, he might not be able to play tennis in his life.

Therefore, his emotion towards Kitahara Osamu is one of awe!

Of course, it is definitely impossible for Osamu Kitahara to argue with a small character like Seyfried.

Letru soon spotted Kirihaya and asked curiously:

"Who is this...……."

Beichen introduced him and said:

"Kirihara Akaya, a talented little brother.

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