My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 143: Internal Selection Competition For The German Team! (Please Subscribe!)

After hearing Kitahara Osamu's introduction, the group of people took a closer look at Kirihara Akaya.

They saw that Kirihara Akaya looked rebellious and looked like a thorn in the side, so they defined him in their minds.

that is.

An undisciplined person!

According to the strict attitude of the Germans, people who are disobedient to discipline are not very welcome, but.

Since Kitahara Xiu brought him here, he must give Kitahara Xiu some face.

Moreover, to put it bluntly, if it is really inappropriate at that time, then just compete with them and find an excuse to kick him out.

In this way, the trio followed Retru and others to the training camp.

Except for Kitahara Shu, the other two people entered the training camp for the first time. After seeing the interior decoration and the magnificent space, they all showed incredulous expressions.

Tezuka Kunimitsu was okay, Yuan Wei was very surprised.

They were chattering all the way.

And this also attracted the attention of many European teenagers.

They all looked at this group of people, and they were different from each other.

Some people are envious, some are jealous, and some are even jealous!

To know.

Although many of them are in training camps now,

They may have to leave here after the selection!


The three people, Kitahara Osamu, were actually received by Buretru in person.

This can only explain one point, that is.

One hundred percent they will stay here!

This group of European young people don't know why these three junior high school students, who obviously look Asian, are treated like this?

Asia has never been the palace of tennis. As Europeans, they are very proud of tennis and feel that Asian talents are completely inferior to European talents!

Is it possible that these people have some background relationship?

Anyway, in the eyes of everyone with doubts and doubts.

Kitahara Shu and the others walked to the training room anyway.

At this time, all the main candidates for the training camp have arrived.

Retru said to everyone:

"First of all, I would like to formally welcome you to join. Let me introduce you to the members of our team!"

"This is Polk! The current team captain!"

As he said that, he pointed to a person with an extremely tall figure.

Polk nodded at everyone.


“This is QP! It’s known as perfect quality!”


The thin and slender young man with white-purple hair nodded to everyone.

"This is Bismarck, the vice-captain of our team!"

After Retru's introduction, Bismarck, who looked like a young man, also said hello to everyone.

"These are the doubles members of our team, and Seyfried is our junior high school student representative..."

After Letru's detailed introduction, we finally didn't know each other.

The first thing after officially entering the training camp is to conduct qualifying!

After all, when there are new players, we must first compete for a group of regular players.

Hear the news.

Kirihara Akaya was still a little panicked. After all, he had never played against a foreign opponent, and the German team was a highly civilized team!

But as the saying goes, when it comes, make peace with it.

Since playing a ranked match is inevitable, there is no need to be afraid, not to mention that he also learned the double sword style and left-hand drawing method under the teaching of Kitahara Osamu...

Relying on these abilities, you may not be unable to occupy a place among these outstanding people.

With this thought in mind, Kirihaya comforted herself and quickly calmed down.

The German training camp is indeed well-organized and pays attention to rules.

A few minutes later, Retru arranged a draw.

Everyone uses this to draw lots.

Of course, in the qualifying competition, junior high school students compete with junior high school students, and high school students compete with other high school students.

Kirihaya was very nervous, fearing that she would draw Kitahara or Tezuka.

But luck is good.

Kitahara and Tezuka each drew two German junior high school students.


Before he came to Dexi, he discovered...

He actually drew Seyfried.

Among the junior high school students, apart from Kitahara and Tezuka, the one who poses the greatest threat to him is naturally Seyfried!

Kirihaya was a little helpless, that is to say, the first game after joining the German training camp was actually against Germany's junior high school talent, Seyfried.

0Request flowers…0

The games are held in different courts.

Kirihaya and Seyfried came on respectively.

When he saw Seyfried's arrogant and unruly look, he felt a little panicked. After all, he had heard that Seyfried was very capable.

But when he thought that he was following Kitahara Shu's footsteps and came to this training camp, he couldn't embarrass Kitahara Shu, so he decided to grit his teeth and give it a try!

It doesn’t matter, even if you lose, the worst thing you can do is leave Germany and go back to Japan!

This game also attracted many other junior high school students from the training camp.

They have never seen anyone of Asian descent enter the training camp, so they are all looking forward to this game. Some of them even uttered wild words and said rudely:

"Bully him hard! Let them know what it means to be powerful!"

"Don't let this place be occupied by Asians, okay!"

"Seyfried, if you can't defeat him, I look down on you!"

"We must win this game today!"

People around were chattering and bustling, making the scene very embarrassing.

Redru reprimanded loudly and said:

"Shut up, everyone. Who do you think you are? You dare to talk nonsense. If anyone talks nonsense again, I will tell Wei to get out of the training camp immediately!"

After his words came out, those people immediately became honest and did not dare to push any more.

It is not convenient for Letru to say anything more. After all, humans are animals that will have such xenophobic emotions when their status is invaded by outsiders.

This is actually understandable.

However, the main goal of the German team now is to win the World Cup, so regardless of the relationship between ethnic groups, as long as they can win the game, that is the best!

It was under such circumstances that the competition between the two people was ready to begin.

Ray Trudeau serves as referee.

After guessing, it was Kirihara Akaya who got the right to serve.

The serve round is usually very important in a game.

Whoever gets the right to serve first will be able to take the initiative.

And if the situation can be opened up in the serve game, then the momentum will be very strong, and this is what momentum is like. .

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