My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 145 The Reason Why Both Sides Cannot Lose (Please Subscribe!)

Kirihara Akaya's operation of changing from racquet to racquet really surprised many people.

You know, in a normal game, to be able to change racquet, you have to be a professional player to do this!

Some professional players can play amazing tennis in two completely opposite situations!

It is very rare to be able to switch like Kirihara Akaya with ease, as if it were natural!

Red Drew outside the court saw this scene and murmured:

"Could it be know how to use dual swords?"

It's not like he has never seen a player in the double-sword style. He heard that there is a person named Omagari in Japan who plays the double-sword style.


That's a high school student.

And judging from Kirihaya's age, to be able to master it to this extent... is really remarkable!

On the field.

Seeing Kirihara Akaya switching her dominant hand, Seyfried frowned and felt that it would definitely not work if it continued like this, and he had to find a way to break through!

However, his advantage lies in his watertight defense like an iron wall.

02 Through defense, he can wear out his opponents for a long time!

However, once the opponent's offensive capabilities exceed one's expectations, this defense will collapse.



Because he was not used to Kirihaya's new style of play, especially the hand-over tennis, in just about ten minutes, he was beaten back by Kirihaya for three or four consecutive games.

"Is this kind of strength..."

Seyfried was forced to become a little anxious.

His character is actually somewhat similar to Kirihara Akaya, both of them are impatient and eager to achieve perfection.

However, what he lacks compared to Kirihara Akaya is the hint of forbearance in his impatience.

You know, although Kirihaya has a bit of a bad temper and was even a violent tennis player in the past, he has some rough edges!

Just like the subtle movement when he checked the net at the beginning, that movement heralded the difference between him and Seyfried.

In the process of being anxious, Seyfried easily lost his sense of proportion and made many mistakes, which made it easier for Kirihara Akaya to score.

Many people outside the court saw Kirihara Akaya chasing the score back, and they were secretly anxious and slowly counted the scores.

Watch the score change from 0:4 to 1:4, and finally to 4:4.

Some people finally couldn't help but say:

"Seyfried...won't lose to Kirihara Akaya, right??"

"How is that possible? With his strength, he can defeat Kirihara Akaya, okay?!"

"He is the representative of our junior high school students!"

"I don't think it's possible either. Seyfried keeps trying!!"

In fact, what they said is traceable.

As one of the representatives of ordinary German students, Seyfried has strong talent, and his talent also supports him to become a unique player in the team.

Especially, after experiencing the failure of being crushed by Osamu Kitahara, his original arrogant character has softened a little, and he has become more mature!

This experience allowed him to further improve his performance in the training camp.

Retru, who was outside the court, saw this scene and commented on the two people.

"Indeed... In terms of mentality, Kirihara Akaya is a bit better than Seyfried, but in terms of hard power, Seyfried may not lose in the end."

After all, after a long period of experience, Seyfried has opened up the light of reserve and possesses the brilliance of love, that is,

The ultimate in seamlessness!!


After the situation on the court fell towards Kirihara Akaya for a short while, Seyfried launched a counterattack.

And his counterattack is naturally reserved and glorious!

Seyfried began to think about how he obtained this ray of reserved light.

In that Marienplatz, after competing with Kitahara Osamu, he initially understood the light of reserve. 【

His love for tennis prevents him from giving up tennis because of a little setback. In the process of constant competition and competition, his love becomes deeper and deeper!

Now he has almost completely mastered the light of reserve!

Looking at Seyfried who was glowing in front of him, Kirihara Akaya said somewhat:

"This light!"


This ray of light seemed familiar to him. In the national competition that just ended, no less than three people turned on this ray of light.

Once this light is turned on, it means a sudden improvement in strength!

Seyfried looked at Kirihara Akaya's face, stared into his eyes, and said word by word:

"You know? For this game... I can give everything. There is absolutely no way I can lose to you. The only thing I can rely on is my love for tennis!!"

After saying this, he really launched a strong counterattack!

At this time, he had given up a lot of defense and turned into a complete offense. His offense was also very intensive and fast!


Seyfried scored a lot of points in a short period of time, and Kirihara Akaya on the court became more and more shocked.

He was in the audience of the national competition and watched those people open the limit of seamlessness. Although he was shocked, he didn't experience it personally, so he didn't feel how powerful it was.


Now that he is facing an opponent with such energy, he really feels the oppressive feeling!!

That is, under such circumstances.

Kirihaya lost points continuously.

The final score became 7974:5!

Seeing that if he loses one more game, he will lose the game completely, and the result is obvious.

Once he loses the game, he may have to leave the German training camp!

After all, the German team is a very strong team. These junior high school students are all like wolves and tigers, and hundreds of people have fought for any spot.

As an Asian, if he can't achieve outstanding results, what qualifications do he have to stay here?

Think of this.

He made up his mind.

I have to fight even though I gritted my teeth!!

And under Seyfried's seamless bombardment.

He had no way to resist this force.

"15-0! Seyfried scores!"

"30-0! Seyfried scores!"

"40-0! Seyfried scores!"

Seeing it, it was the last ball.

"You can't lose... You have reasons why you can't lose, and I, Kirihara Akaya, also have reasons!!!"

In Kirihaya's panic, he roared, his hair started to turn white, his eyes started to turn red, and his whole temperament became very scary!

Like an evil spirit crawling out of hell!

This state made everyone feel shocked!

After all, although there are many tennis tricks, it is really rare to suddenly change your body shape and appearance like this. .

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