My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 146 Angel Transformation! Kirihaya Controls The Demon! (Please Subscribe!)

On the field, everyone felt at a loss when they saw such a big change in Kirihaya.

After all, they have never seen a head full of white hair and eyeballs covered with bloodshot eyes while playing a game!

Some people even wonder if Kirihaya has simply gone crazy!

People around said:

"Look, look, what's going on? His hair has turned white and his eyes have turned red. Why do I feel like he's a bit like an evil ghost..."

"Yeah, what the hell is going on? Can anyone explain it to me!!"

"You can't really go crazy, right? I heard that this is how you go crazy when playing basketball!"

The people around him didn't know very well, and even Seyfried didn't know what was going on.

Only Retru thought about it for a moment, and then told the reason. He said slowly:

"I have investigated some people with special powers in tennis. When some people play, their blood will surge due to their own physical reasons, which will cause their skin to become red and their eyes to become red."

"If we explain it scientifically, in the final analysis, it is because of blood pressure. Such people's blood pressure is easy to increase, which causes the blood color of the skin to increase."

"Once they enter this state, the players will produce high-intensity explosive power, and the side effect of this power is that they are uncontrollable!"

After hearing this explanation, the junior high school students around asked:

"Does it mean that he is out of control now?"

Retru looked at Kirihara Akaya, shook his head and said:

"It looks like... he seems to have maintained his sanity again, which is strange."

Retru didn't know what the specific situation was.

Kirihara Akaya on the court laughed.

He said to Seyfried in front of him:

"Hey! Do you think I look terrible now?"

Seyfried was startled for a moment and said:

"How could I be afraid..."

Although he said it was not scary, he was actually a little scared in his heart...

That's right.

This is the demonization of Kirihara Akaya!

Although it is said to be a demon, it actually has nothing to do with demonization now.

He is angel!

This is the realm that was not mastered until the 017 training camp in the original novel.

In the past six months, under the subtle guidance of Kitahara Osamu, he has gradually adapted to demonization, able to control the ferocious power in his body, and guide this power appropriately!

The name 'Angel Transformation' was also given by the Beichen Gang.

After Seyfried saw the angelic appearance, he felt a little like he was facing a formidable enemy.

He slowed down the pace of his attack, trying to test the effect of Kirihaya's move.

"Bang. "!"

The tennis ball shoots out.

"too slow!"

And the tennis ball he hit was quickly caught by Kirihara Akaya, as if he suddenly gained a lot of speed and strength!

"Such speed!"

Seyfried is different.

Unexpectedly, besides the light of reserve, there are so many ways to enhance one's energy in the world.

Since receiving the Light of Reservedness, he cherishes the Light of Reservedness and believes that he has mastered the strongest tennis path.

But after seeing Kirihara Akaya's performance, he suddenly realized.

It turns out that I have always been a frog in the well and am content with the status quo!!

If he cannot face up to his opponent, he will only be slowly assimilated in this frog-boiling environment and lose his unique competitiveness!

Between changing thoughts.

Kirihara Akaya and Seyfried started a long tug of war again.

The angelization will not last very long, after all, it will consume a lot of physical strength, so Kirihara Akaya decided to end the game with a fast attack.

Fast break is his specialty!

In the original work, Kirihara Akaya is even called a perfect hunter!!

Because he could use a concentrated burst of power to break the opponent's flawless attack, which shocked all the German team members at the time!

Although, at this time, he has not shown the full picture of "concentrated explosion", he has already had the prototype of "concentrated explosion"!



Kirihaya's return speed is getting faster and faster. In every small round, he can always win the score within three returns!!

"Damn it...this guy..."

This kind of quick attack made Fried Han start to sweat profusely.

Under such circumstances, the score on the field has become 5:5.

It seems that this is a duel that is destined to enter a tiebreak!

The two people fought without reservation, making the fighting process vivid and vivid.

Those who initially mocked Kirihara Akaya and thought Kirihara Akaya was not good have shut their mouths.

Kirihaya proved to them with her actions that even Asians can stand on this stage and fight against Germany's strongest genius!!


The big score was dragged to 66.

The match goes into a tiebreak.

Letru looked Kirihaya squarely in the eyes.

This boy is much better than he thought.

After bursting out with a strength similar to 'demonization', he did not lose his mind. Instead, he took control of this power and used it for himself...

In fact, he had already made up his mind that even if Kirihaya lost the game in the end, he would still be qualified to stay in the training camp.

His ability to concentrate and explode in a short period of time also made Retru feel expected.

On the field.

The two of them breathed heavily.

Sweat slipped from his forehead and fell to the ground drop by drop.

Seyfried gritted his teeth and looked at Kirihaya opposite.

Before the game, Seyfried never imagined that he would be treated like this by Kirihaya!

Kirihaya's eyes sparkled with excitement.

Because even he himself didn’t expect that he could survive until now!

It can be said that he was forced to this step in adversity and unleashed his potential.


This time, it's Kirihaya's turn to serve.

(Wonderful) Kirihaya threw the tennis ball high, and when it landed at the highest point, he suddenly stood up and drew a strip.


Seyfried was not to be outdone.

Holding the racquet and rushing over, the scene became anxious again.

Half an hour later.

The scene returned to calm.

On the field, Seyfried and Kirihaya had already fallen to the ground, exhausted. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they were exhausted.

The points sign showed 178:176, Seyfried won!

Kirihaya smiled bitterly.


Did you still lose?......

And Retru's kind face came closer.

"Congratulations to Kirihaya, the German U17 training camp welcomes you to the county.

other end.

Kitahara Osamu, who had already finished the competition, suddenly bumped into someone. He looked up and was happy.

"Bismarck? You want to see me for something?"

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