My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1230: Father and Son (6)

Chapter 1230 Father and Son (6)

Mu Jinchen gritted his teeth. Now it’s not the time to confront him. Royal Family R doesn’t know what kind of Longtan Tiger’s Den is. Wushuang is now pregnant with Liujia, so naturally it is impossible for him to come over suddenly. .

"I can cooperate with you completely. Since you know the identity of my wife, you should know that she is the only jewel in the palm of the uncle Beitang in your mouth. You took me away today without warning. This will make her sad."

Mu Jinchen took his breath away, "I know that there is communication equipment on your plane, you let me connect with them to report safety."

Xia Su looked at him coldly, as if weighing the credibility of his words.

"Lord Xia Su, I, Mu Jinchen, said everything I promised you. Naturally, what I promised you will not go wrong. However, as our new strategic partners, shouldn't we not give me this right?"

Mu Jinchen took a breath again and said steadily, "Your unfeeling and unrequited love can make a great cause. It does not mean that I will do nothing if I have love and love. I love my wife, and I love my family, just like her and my family. There is a slight damage—"

Mu Jinchen paused and continued to say calmly, "You better kill me, otherwise, I will wipe out what you think is the most important thing at all costs. You can question what I said, of course, you can also immediately Order people to wash away my memory."

He loves them, Mu Jinchen has never had such a deep understanding.

"Forgot to tell you. I have the best medical team in the world in Country D. They have done deep hypnosis on me many times and tried to defeat my willpower. Unfortunately, they did not succeed. Instead, they inspired me. Potential. My medical team said that the technology of brainwashing is immature, especially for people with strong willpower like me, the probability of failure is 100%."

"If you want to take away a brain-dead puppet, you actually try it. As for whether it will be useful for your great cause, I believe it is another matter. I am not threatening you by saying this, I believe it is in your eyes. Here, everything in this world should have a price. To be honest, I don’t want a biological father like you, and I’m not your ideal son. Therefore, our relationship is still based on equivalence. It’s more appropriate on a transaction basis."

"Did you say so? Go Xia Sujun!"

Mu Jinchen was a little anxious when he heard Xia Su's words, but then calmed down and after thinking about it carefully, he knew why Xia Su said so.

In fact, he is intact and his biggest bargaining chip. The subjects of Country R will not accept an heir who is crippled in any aspect.

Xia Su listened to Mu Jinchen's words, and his narrow and secluded eyes narrowed dangerously. He looked down upon this son, and his heart was a little strange. Whether Mu Jinchen wanted him or not was his ideal He hasn't seriously thought about the matter of his son.

After all, it has been less than 24 hours from knowing that he has a son, but he needs this son. He must have an heir, especially if he has a superior IQ, to be an unparalleled heir.

This is because there is an outstanding inheritance to be able to stop the public, and to overwhelmingly surpass the group of mediocrities in the R royal family.

Especially, Charlotte, who has been against him everywhere recently.

"You are very clever, you are my Xia Su's son. Come on, what do you want to do?"

There is one more later

(End of this chapter)

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