My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1231: Wushuang, I'm fine (1)

Chapter 1231 Wushuang, I am fine (1)

Especially, Charlotte, who has been against him everywhere recently.

"You are very clever, you are my Xia Su's son. Come on, what do you want to do?"

Mu Jinchen listened to his tone and knew that his attitude had softened, but there was still room for a turn in this matter.

For the time being, I can only hold him steady first, and then slowly figure out the rest.

"I want to connect with my family immediately. Now, immediately. The rest, wait until I have enough energy to talk about it. Besides, when do you plan to give me the antidote for the poison on my body, Xia Sujun will not want me to stay like this for a while , Are you too weak to even say a word? Or are you afraid that I will hold you and let the plane turn around and fly back?"

Mu Jinchen's remarks were not polite, and there was no lack of sarcasm. If a monarch dignifiedly used this method to take him away from the wedding scene, it would be disgraceful.

"Mu Jinchen, those little tricks of yours are very eye-catching with me. I hope you know that if I can take you away once, I can take you away a second time. In China, even though I am not in the land of no one. But it is easy to take away the individual, at least, no one can help me."

Mu Jinchen snorted coldly, "I don't know if you are surrounded by contradictory villains. Mu Mou has always said nothing, even if he promises to villains, he will never contradict him."

"Mu Jinchen, pay attention to your manner of speaking, you are tit-for-tat against me, and it is not good for you. I hope you remember what you said now, otherwise...huh..."

Xia Su left such a sentence, shook his hand and left the room.

Mu Jinchen closed his eyes tiredly, and all the things that happened today are vividly vivid. He has never tried such a big ups and downs in his previous 30 years of life. A second before he thought he was the happiest in the world. Man, there was a man like this in the next second, claiming to be his father.

Sure enough, the happiest and the most unfortunate of his 30 years of life are in this day.

After a while, someone knocked on the cabin door, and he quickly opened his eyes. It was clear and bright, and it was not the time to mourn the spring and the autumn.

"Your Highness, what you want."

A young man who looked like an entourage came in with a communication tool and handed it to Mu Jinchen respectfully.

Your Highness...

This name was changed so quickly, Mu Jinchen curled his lips invisibly, really ironically.

"Let things go, you go out."

"I'll teach you how to use it." The young man still said respectfully.

"No, you go out."

The young man took out a small bottle of spray-like thing from his pocket again, "This can relieve you of the drug."

The young man put down what was in his hand, and stepped out carefully.

Mu Jinchen looked at the two things in his hands, and the corners of his lips became more sarcastically curved.

He struggling to open the lid of the bottle to sniff it under his nose, but within a few seconds, he already felt his strength slowly recovering.

He and Wushuang originally had a good impression of this country, but unexpectedly, the soul of this country is such a nasty person.

After dozens of seconds, his physical strength basically recovered, he moved his shoulders, moved his hands and feet, and couldn't wait to contact Wushuang.

His baby doesn't know what it is like now.

However, Wushuang in Mu's house was indeed anxious at this time like an ant on a hot pot.

Not only her, but the elders of the three families gathered in the Mu's old house.

(End of this chapter)

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