My time is running out

Chapter 37 Writing the Human Body

Chen Tao got dressed and left the villa.

After leaving the door and passing the yard, Chen Tao could see the takeaway boy riding an electric bike through the gap in the iron gate railing, waiting outside.

This Thar area doesn't look much different from the wealthy area and slum area. It even has food delivery services.

Chen Tao opened the iron door.

The delivery boy glanced at Chen Tao and said, "Pay on collect, the price is ten hours."

Chen Tao said, "Yeah." He took the lunch box from the delivery boy.

Chen Tao raised his hand and touched the delivery boy's wrist.

Give ten hours of time to the delivery boy.

"Beep beep..." Suddenly, a rapid blast of horns sounded.

Hear this trumpet sound.

Chen Tao looked at the source of the sound.

A car was driving on the road very fast.

Right in front of the car, a girl who looked to be about seventeen or eighteen years old was stepping on the zebra crossing and walking towards the opposite side.

The girl has noticed the car, but the problem is...

Too close, the car was traveling too fast.

It was too late for the girl to run away, she stood there blankly.

The driver of the car seemed to be in a hurry and honked the horn desperately.


There was a muffled sound.

The girl's body was thrown out and hit the car.


The body hit the windshield of the car, making a muffled sound.

The windshield is cracked.

The driver quickly got out of the car.

The driver was a man. When the man saw the girl on the windshield, he frowned.

He stretched out his big hand and pulled the girl out of the car.

Lost on the road.

He got into the car and started the car.

Chen Tao's figure lay across the front of the car.

When the man saw someone there, his expression changed slightly: "What do you want to do?!"

Chen Tao looked at the man and said calmly: "You want to run away after hitting someone. How can there be such a good thing in this world."

Chen Tao was filled with unknown anger, especially when he saw the man throwing the girl who was hit out of the car.

The man frowned: "This is the Taal District. Isn't it very common to run after hitting someone? I'm in an emergency. Get out of here quickly, or I'll hit you too!"

Chen Tao took out a pistol from his waist and pointed it at the man.

The man's expression changed slightly and he quickly raised his hand.

Chen Tao snorted and lowered his hand.


There was a gunshot.

The car's tires exploded.

The corner of the man's mouth twitched.

Chen Tao pointed his pistol at the man and said, "Get out of the car."

When the man heard this, he frowned, opened the car door, and got out of the car.

He raised his hands, looked at Chen Tao, and said, "Brother, didn't I just kill someone? Why do you do this? What do you want me to do?"

Chen Tao stared at the man and said, "Apologise."

The man was slightly startled: "Apologise?"

Chen Tao said: "I want to apologize to that girl."

The corner of the man's mouth curled up, and he showed a playful smile: "Apologise, she must be able to hear it. She may have died just now. She may not be able to hear my apology."

Hearing this, Chen Tao turned his face and looked at the girl.

The girl was lying on the ground, her eyes closed, and there was blood at the corner of her mouth.

The clothes on his body were torn, and the vague flesh and blood inside could be seen through the gaps.

One of her feet was twisted strangely.

Seeing this, Chen Tao's heart dropped slightly.


He walked up to the girl, squatted down, raised his hand and put it on the girl's nose.

A trace of warm air touched Chen Tao's fingers.

The man crossed his chest with his hands. He stared at Chen Tao and said, "Is it necessary to seek justice for a dead person?"

Chen Tao said: "She is not dead."

The man curled his lips and said, "Well, she's not dead, but she's not far away. Even if she has a little bit of energy now, she can't make it to the hospital, so give up."

At this moment.

Everything around him turned into blue code, and time stopped.

Chen Tao looked at the girl who had turned into a code in front of him.

Originally, Chen Tao was able to save her, but it happened too quickly.

When Chen Tao saw it, the car had already hit the girl.

Before Chen Tao could react, everything had already happened.

But what made Chen Tao most unhappy was the driver's behavior.

After hitting someone, he didn't send the person to the hospital immediately. Instead, he planned to leave the girl behind and run away.

Chen Tao was very unhappy.

However, thinking back, this is the Taal District. If someone is killed if he hits someone, no one will take care of this kind of thing.

But it was too cruel.

This made Chen Tao very unhappy.

He looked at the code on the girl's body. The codes on a normal person's body were all neat and orderly forming the shape of the human body.

But the code on the girl's body is a bit confusing, some parts are missing, and some are in a mess.

The car was going very fast just now, and she was lucky to be able to breathe.

Chen Tao said: "Xingyun, can she still be saved?"

A mechanical voice sounded slowly.

"She only needs to rewrite the code and replace the previous code, and she can recover. But the place where she stores the data is also damaged, and part of the data inside is missing. Even if she rewrites it, part of her data will already be missing."

material? Store data?

Chen Tao's heart moved and he said, "Are you talking about memory?"


Chen Tao said: "With less memory, it would be great if you can save your life. Then you can rewrite the code."

"Received instructions and started rewriting."


Chen Tao saw that the chaotic code on the girl was being cleared bit by bit, and then new codes were being generated.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chen Tao felt a strange feeling in his heart.

It turns out that in the eyes of advanced computers, human beings are also a kind of data...

Chen Tao remembered that 'Xingyun' said that his genes support him in writing code. Does that mean that if my programming skills are strong, I can program humans?

As soon as this crazy idea appeared, Chen Tao quickly shook his head.

This idea is crazy.

It shouldn't stay in your head.


Chen Tao saw that the code on the girl in front of him had returned to normal, just like a normal person.

Chen Tao exited the other world.

Time begins to flow again.

Chen Tao looked at the girl. The injuries on her body had recovered, and her weirdly twisted legs had returned to normal.

Her face was rosy and she looked nothing like she had just been in a car accident.

"You...what did you do?"

Suddenly, Chen Tao heard a startled voice coming from behind him.

Chen Tao looked back.

The man looked here in surprise, his face full of disbelief.

"How come her legs and her injuries have improved?" The man's face was full of surprise. He couldn't understand it. Just at that moment, he noticed that the injuries on the girl's body were inexplicably healed.

This strange scene made the man feel incredible.

Looking at the man's surprised eyes.

Chen Tao slowly withdrew his gaze, looked at the girl, and said, "That's not important. What's important is that you can apologize to her next."

When Chen Tao finished speaking, the girl's eyelashes fluttered, and she slowly opened her clear eyes, looking at Chen Tao with a hint of confusion.

"Are you awake? Are you actually awake?" The man's face was full of disbelief.

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