My time is running out

Chapter 38 Celestial Computer

The girl blinked and looked at Chen Tao: "Who are you? Where am I?"

She sat up slowly.

Chen Tao said: "You were hit by a car just now. You are fine now."

The girl was slightly startled, covering her head with her hands, as if she was thinking about something.

Suddenly, her pupils froze.


She suddenly screamed, holding her head in her hands, and said in horror: "I remember, I was going to school, and I was hit by a car... It hurt... it hurt so much, I felt pain all over my body. "

Seeing the girl's frightened look, Chen Tao said gently: "Don't be afraid, it's okay."

Hearing Chen Tao's words, the girl was slightly startled and looked at Chen Tao.

Her eyes were filled with tears.

Chen Tao said: "It's okay."

The girl pursed her lower lip. She looked at her body. When she saw that her body was not injured, her eyes lit up slightly. She looked at Chen Tao: "Did you save me?"

Chen Tao nodded slightly.

He looked at the man next to him and said, "Come here and apologize."

The man shook his head and looked at the girl in surprise. His eyes fell on Chen Tao: "Impossible...impossible. She was clearly injured all over her body just now, and her feet and legs were broken. How could she survive? ? "What did you do?"

Chen Tao stood up, looked at the man, and said, "It doesn't matter what I did. What matters is that you apologize to me."

The man's expression darkened slightly, and he stared at Chen Tao. He was a little annoyed, but he looked at the girl who had already stood up.

He couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Lin Tang was sure that the man in front of him was definitely extraordinary.

He suppressed the annoyance in his heart, looked at the girl, and said, "I'm sorry."

The girl looked at the man but ignored him. She looked at Chen Tao and said, "Thank you, big brother, for saving me... Then I have to go to school."

Chen Tao nodded slightly.

The girl turned and left.

For her, learning is much more important than things here.

However, it's normal.

Although Chen Tao saved her, it didn't mean that she would commit herself to him.

Looking at the girl's back.

"Look, even if you save her and force me to apologize to her, so what?"

Chen Tao heard the sound and looked at Lin Tang.

Lin Tang crossed his arms and said, "You are just a stranger. Even if you save her and help her, she will ignore you. What's the use of what you just did? What's the point?" "

Chen Tao said: "I helped her just because she looked unhappy and I wanted to help, so I helped. As for what she does, what does it have to do with me?"

Lin Tang was slightly startled and looked at Chen Tao strangely.

Chen Tao didn't bother to pay attention to this guy. He carried the lunch box and walked towards the villa.

"Brother." Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

Chen Tao paused slightly and turned his face slightly to look at the man behind him.

The man looked at Chen Tao and said, "My name is Lin Tang. Can I make friends?"

After seeing Chen Tao's ability, Lin Tang felt that this person was extraordinary. If he could get closer to him, it would definitely be helpful in the future.

Chen Tao glanced at Lin Tang, looked away, and continued walking to the villa.

Lin Tang was slightly startled, and he said: "Brother, I, Lin Tang, am the second-in-command of Tare Group. Do you know Tare Group? The largest mobile phone service provider in Tare is my family. You come here and mess with me, there is absolutely no wrong."

Once this identity is revealed, I believe that most people in Taal District will choose to have a few words with Lin Tang.

Tare Group is a large group in Tare District with extremely rich assets.

From Lin Tang's point of view, if he took out this identity, the man in front of him would have to give him some face no matter what, right?

Chen Tao didn't look back. After entering the villa, he closed the iron door.

Looking at the closed door, the corner of Lin Tang's mouth twitched.

Chen Tao went upstairs and returned to the bedroom.

Entering the bedroom, Chen Tao heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom.

It was probably Zi Qing taking a shower.

Chen Tao placed the lunch box in his hand on the bedside table.

It was evening now, and the sky outside the window had darkened.

Chen Tao was thinking.

Today he once again saw the horror of 'Nebula'.

Before, Chen Tao didn't care that much about the existence of 'Nebula', but now Chen Tao found that he couldn't help but care about it.

Nebula calls itself a celestial computer.

Celestial computer.

Celestial body..., what does it mean?

Chen Tao asked in his heart: "Xingyun, what I saw when I entered that black space before was your true appearance?"

"No, I am a celestial computer, the same size as the Earth star you are on. My real entity is currently in orbit near the Earth star, in a state of disguise. With the current technology of the Earth star, I cannot be discovered. "Yes." came a mechanical voice.

Celestial body, the same size as a planet?

Chen Tao was shocked.

Nebula continued: "To put it simply, I am a large computer, and you, the master, are holding my controller."

Chen Tao said: "Who created you?"

"This information is blocked by a password and requires a password," Xingyun said.

Chen Tao breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he couldn't ask too many questions.

But Chen Tao can be sure that Nebula is by no means a technology of this world. He wants to build a computer the size of a celestial body. This kind of technology is not available in this world.

Chen Tao hesitated for a moment, then said, "Can you create living creatures?"

This question is crazy, but Chen Tao feels that he needs to ask.

"Living things are made up of programs, and Xingyun can write programs."

Although Chen Tao didn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence, he still heard the key point.

In other words, Xingyun can create living things!

Chen Tao held the chopsticks taken out of the lunch box, he held the chopsticks and said: "Can you... create humans?"

This question is even crazier than the previous one.

Xingyun's answer is: "Humans are more advanced programs..."

"Okay." Chen Tao interrupted Xingyun.

Because he already knew the answer, but he didn't want to hear Xingyun say this answer.

Chen Tao slowly adjusted his emotions.

After all, all this is too crazy.

"Tap..." Chen Tao heard footsteps.

He looked back.

Ziqing walked out of the bathroom in a bathrobe. She saw Chen Tao and smiled: "Are you back?"

Chen Tao nodded slightly.

After seeing Ziqing, Chen Tao's somewhat crazy emotions also subsided a little.

Ziqing walked to Chen Tao and sat down. She looked at the food on the bedside table and said, "What did you buy?"

At such a close distance, Chen Tao could smell the fragrance of Ziqing's body, the shower gel mixed with her unique body fragrance.

Chen Tao smiled and said, "Soup noodles, we used to eat them often in the slums."

Hearing this, Ziqing's eyes lit up slightly, she smiled and said, "I was thinking about eating this, it's great."

She was happy, moved closer to Chen Tao, and took the initiative to kiss Chen Tao's cheek.

Chen Tao was happy.

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