My Tough Husband

Chapter 184: Not calm

At night, specially arranged in the annex of the envoy.

Yueyoubai's room.

As soon as Yue Youlong came in, he saw a dazzling purple figure standing next to the window... revealing his true face, it was not the face of Tian Chuanyun wearing a mask, nor the appearance of Xue Ge's makeup.

The moon is white and beautiful now.

In Yue Dynasty, Yue Youbai had the title of No. 1 Beauty in the world.

"Big Brother is here." Yue Youbai saw Yue Youlong smile faintly, and then walked back from the window.

Yue Youlong closed the door, "I have been in Tiancheng for a long time, how do you feel about this place?"

Yue Youbai smiled faintly. "not so good."

Yue Youlong raised his eyebrows. "Bai, the first time my eldest brother saw you, I realized that you were in a bad mood."

Yue Youbai paused slightly, then slowly shook his head. "That's the illusion of Big Brother."

Yue Youlong approached Yue Youbai, reaching out and gently buckling the opponent's head. "I am your elder brother. Our father is a Gemini and has telepathy. Although we are not Gemini, our relationship is better than Gemini since childhood. Bai, have you grown up? Have you reached the point where you have to hide your concerns from your eldest brother?"

Yue Youbai's eyes softened a lot when she heard this, and she smiled lightly. "It's not that I want to hide something... It's just big brother, I don't know many things myself, let alone how to say it."

Yue Youlong frowned slightly. "It's not an emotional problem?"

Yue Youbai looked at Yue Youlong with a smile. "What do you want to say?"

Yue Youlong sighed. "Big Brother didn't check you for anything. It's just that what you are doing is not secretive, and your movements are within the scope of my attention... That Yang Shuo is close to you?"

Yue Youbai lowered her head slightly. "No."

Yue Youlong frowned. "White!"

Yue Youbai pressed her lips tightly. "What does the eldest brother want me to say? Admit that I like him? Or, I hate him?"

Yue Youlong had a meal, and couldn't help but smile wryly. "Bai, I really didn't expect you to use the word like."

Yue Youbai's eyes darkened a bit when he heard this, he fixedly looked at Yue Youlong, and said softly: "I didn't expect that I would use the word like...Big Brother, I'm tired."

Yue Youlong took a deep breath, "Okay, Big Brother understands. You rest earlier, Big Brother will go out first."

"Yeah." Yue Youbai answered softly.

After Yue Youlong went out, Yue Youbai slowly sat down on the edge of her bed. After a long time, he freshened up and went to bed... On the seventh day of the seventh day, Han Tingxuan heard news from the palace that Yue Youlong had actually asked to have a good time in Tiancheng.

As a country of etiquette, plus this time Yueyoulong came to the celestial dynasty with great sincerity, and there is also the credential of the emperor of the moon dynasty. Although the emperor of the celestial dynasty is "ill", the credential must be submitted. Yes, and have to wait for an answer.

During this period, the envoys of the Moon Dynasty also needed to discuss some details of "cooperation" with the Ministry of Rites of the Heavenly Dynasty. Although there is no specific "cooperation" between the two countries, due to the proximity of the borders, there are still some links in some places.

If there is a relationship, there will naturally be an interest involved, so this is what I'm talking about this time.

And these things, naturally did not need the prince Yue Youlong to come forward, so he proposed to travel around the city, Dongfang Xu and they had to agree!

Yue Youbai, the only emperor of the Moon Dynasty, naturally followed his eldest brother.

Originally, it was Dongfang Ye and the other four who were sent out as representatives to accompany Yue Youlong and others.

However, Yue Youlong actually offered to hope that Chen Wangfu Han Tingxuan could accompany him together. He also said that everyone is similar in age and should have a common topic. Han Tingxuan really didn't think he could have anything in common with Yue Youlong and others.

But even if the other party has any conspiracy, the other party's request for Han Tingxuan to accompany such an upright request, people can they refuse it!

As a result, Han Tingxuan was also among the people who accompanied him!

After turning around all morning, Yue Youlong, who was tired, offered to eat, so the group went into Weizilou.

When such a group of people appeared, they naturally attracted the attention of those who were in Weizilou.

"Is that the husband of Chen Wang?"

"Ah, where? Ah, I saw it, um, yes!"

"It's really Wang Fu Chen? Who are the people next to Wang Fu Chen?"

"I don't know... I only know one, that seems to be Lord Righteous?"

"Drink! It turned out to be Lord Right?"

"The other few must be either rich or expensive!"

While everyone was discussing, Yueyou Longyueyoubai went up to the third floor under the leadership of Han Tingxuan.

"Big Brother, I'll go out to get some air." Yue Youbai said lightly.

Yue Youlong nodded.

Han Tingxuan immediately smiled upon hearing the words: "Does Young Master Bai need someone to accompany him?"

"No, I just breathe it freely." Yue Youbai refused in a low voice.

"Good." Han Tingxuan didn't say much.

Yue Youbai went out, the view on the third floor was very good, especially, there was a platform and railing outside each room, through the railing you can look down, and you can have a panoramic view of many scenery.

Moreover, the layout on this platform is also very elegant. There is a stone table on the corresponding platform of this room. There is everything on the stone table with melon seeds and fruit plates, as well as jug desserts.

Yue Youbai just glanced lightly and walked to the railing, from here you can see the street below.

Yue Youbai was originally looking bored. Suddenly, a familiar white figure made him unconsciously stand up straight underneath. In an alley, Yang Shuo was talking to someone.

And if Han Tingxuan was here, he would find that person he also knew, Zhang Luobing. The brothers Zhang Luobing helped Han Tingxuan a lot.

Although Sun Qiuzhong was rescued, if it were not for Zhang Luobing, Sun Yuan would not have been so easy to win.

It is Zhang Luobing who is talking to Yang Shuo now.

Yang Shuo ordered something, and Zhang Luobing remembered it and left. It only took a few minutes for the two to meet and separate, but it was unexpected that Yue Youbai from a high place could see it.

Yang Shuo saw Zhang Luobing leave and was thinking about leaving too. He suddenly felt someone looking at him. He was startled and looked towards Yue Youbai.. Although one was in the alley below, the other was in the little alley. On the third floor of the building, but with their eyes facing each other, the two could still see each other...not to mention, Yue Youbai was originally looking at Yang Shuo.

Yang Shuo saw Yue Youbai's eyes darkened slightly, and he didn't bother to pretend anymore. He hooked the corner of his mouth mockingly, then turned around and disappeared...

Although Yue Youbai stood tall, his eyesight was so good, Yang Shuo's mocking smile he saw so clearly... After a while, Yue Youbai slowly lowered his eyelids, and a tingling sensation came from the palm of his hand. He lowered his head slightly, only to realize that his nails had been stuck in the flesh at some point, but he didn't know at all...

"What is Young Master Bai looking at?"

Hearing the voice, Yue Youbai turned his head slightly, and saw that it was Han Tingxuan, and only faintly greeted. "Chen Wangfu."

Han Tingxuan smiled. "It's fascinating to see what Young Master Bai sees, but what is fun to see?"

Yue Youbai said indifferently: "I haven't seen anything interesting, why did Wang Fu Chen come out?"

Han Tingxuan smiled and said: "It's a little stuffy inside, I also came out to breathe."

Yue Youbai calmly replied when he heard the words. "It turns out that I have finished my ventilation, and Chen Wangfu can do it myself."

Having said that, before Han Tingxuan could say anything, Yue Youbai went in right away.

Han Tingxuan glanced at the opponent's back, and then slowly walked to the position where the opponent was standing, he touched his chin, and slowly smiled...

It seems that Yue Youbai is not so calm this time... Look at the other party and feel that the other party is in a bad mood...

In the afternoon, everyone continued to wander around.

Some of the scenery in Tiancheng is better, and the more famous places have been turned around by everyone.

Tian Chuanyun looked at Yue Youbai several times with some doubts, but he didn't know why, but he felt that the other party was a bit familiar.

This "Prince Bai" was very similar to the "Prince Bai" he knew.

It's just that, although the young man he knew vaguely guessed that the other party might not be from the Celestial City, but from the Moon Dynasty, he did not dare to practice the two young men together...

But...maybe his father knows something...maybe, he should ask his father.

And if these two young masters are really the same... then... Tian Chuanyun's eyes flashed slightly, and he felt as if he had touched something extraordinary.

At this moment, a young man walked quickly towards their group.

When Han Tingxuan and the others were wondering, they saw Yue Youlong approaching the person. After the person saluted, he whispered a few words in Yue Youlong's ear. Then, they saw Yue Youlong chill immediately. "what!"

The man kneeled.

Han Tingxuan and Dongfang Ye glanced at each other, and then Dongfang Ye said: "Yue Gongzi, what's the matter?" Adding the word Gongzi after the last name is the name for the kid.

And a brother like Yue Youbai would take characters from his name and call him Gongzi.

Yue Youlong took a deep breath and said softly, "Don't tell me a few people, this time one of our team suddenly fell ill and fell into a coma. So, I want to borrow a doctor."

Han Tingxuan and others were surprised. "coma?"

Yue Youlong's expression was a bit heavy. "Well, that person's body isn't so's really troublesome."

"Young Master Yue is really polite." Han Tingxuan said immediately, and Dongfang Ye said: "In this case, let's go back." "Okay." Yue Youlong nodded, his expression still a little dark.

Everyone guessed that that person should be very important to Yue Youlong... But, Yue Youbai is here, then, what kind of person can make Yue Youlong show such an expression? Or is the other party pretending?

The crowd followed Yue Youlong back to the annex.

Because when they rushed back, they asked the shadow guards to ask for the imperial doctor first, so when they arrived, the imperial doctor also happened to be called Yu Chun. The medical skills are also good among the imperial doctors, but compared to Shen Fangde There is also Dongfang Li, which is a bit worse.

Yu Chun is not too young anymore, in her fifties. Whatever you experience is fine.

After saluting Han Tingxuan and the others, Yu Chun was greeted into a room.

Naturally, Han Tingxuan and others did not go in, and it was only a month for Youlong who went in with Yu Chun.

"Prince Bai, I don't know who the sick person is. Looking at His Royal Highness, he is very concerned." Dongfang Ye said with a smile. Yue Youbai smiled faintly, while maintaining his etiquette, she also looked a little absent-minded. There are some contradictions, but can Yue Youbai say that he doesn't know who is inside?

However, the ones that allowed his eldest brother to do this...only those few.

If it’s not the eldest brother’s waiter, then it’s probably...

Thinking of that possibility, Yue Youbai's heart trembled. If it is really that person, then... why? Why would that person come here? What is the purpose?

Although there were some waves in her heart, the expression on Yue Youbai's face was in place. "I'll know when the eldest brother comes out." Dongfang Ye didn't ask anything when he couldn't ask.

Tian Chuanyun looked at the door curiously, thinking about who was inside...

Han Tingxuan was also curious, but he thought more.

For example, why did that person get sick?

Poor health? Look at Yue Youlong's care for people... If you are really in poor health, what do you bring out for?

Nangong Wudi and Tianjingxing didn't care too much.

Yu Chun stayed inside for a long time, and after he came out, Tian Chuanyun was the first to say: "Yu Taiyi, how is the patient's condition?"

Yu Chun respectfully said: "Some people are not satisfied with the water and soil, and the lower official prescribes a prescription. After taking a two-day rest, it should be no problem." Everyone really didn't expect to get such an answer!

After a while, Yue Youlong also came out, clasping his fists. "Everyone, I'm really sorry. My subordinates are unwell and disturbed."

Everyone said again and again: "It's okay, His Royal Highness is so polite."

Yue Youlong said two more words of apology. Seeing that it was too late, everyone said goodbye.

Yue Youlong didn't do much to keep him, and he didn't explain that Tian will continue to play. Everyone tacitly didn't use it tomorrow.

Seeing that Yue Youlong attaches great importance to the people in it, it is estimated that he will not have the intention to play tomorrow.

After Han Tingxuan and others had left, Yue Youbai looked at Yue Youlong and said softly: "Brother, I still don’t know who is inside. Yue Youlong’s expression was gloomy for two seconds, and he looked at it without a trace. In his eyes, he uttered two words with his lips.


Yue Youbai was taken aback, Father? He thought it was...

How could he be the emperor!

Yue Youbai's eyes widened in disbelief, what was his father thinking!

Yue Youbai also said two words with her lips. "Where is the national teacher?"

Yue Youlong replied with lips: "Inside."

Sure enough, the national teacher is here...Unexpectedly, the father is also here!

The father and the national teacher came together, how could it be possible! What do they want to do!

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