My Tough Husband

Chapter 185: For whom

At this time, a somewhat old voice sounded inside.

"Brother Bai, come in too." This is the voice of the national teacher.

There is a spirit in Yue Youbai's heart. In the Yue Dynasty, he was the most jealous, and the most terrifying thing he felt was the national teacher!

Containing their emotions, Yue Youbai and Yue Youlong walked inside...

Although the voice of the national teacher sounds very old, his face is not like that. He is only forty years old at most, and his face is handsome. It can be seen that the opponent should be extremely handsome when he was young.

However, the color of the eyes of this national teacher is very dark, and when he stares at you, you may even have an illusion that you may be swallowed by the other's sight, and you will unconsciously indulge in it.

And this is a very terrifying thing for those who practice martial arts.

The most important thing is that although this national teacher has never made a move, and even they don’t know whether this national teacher can martial arts, but no matter how high your martial arts is, you will still be involuntarily guarded in front of him and you will still have yourself. Not as good as others, the feeling of being suppressed by others!

Although Yue Youlong and Yue Youbai are crown princes and the third prince brother, but the national teacher is very trusted by the emperor, so these two princes also respect the national teacher.

Of course, only you know whether you really respect in your heart, but you still have to express the respect on the face!

"Guo Shi!" Yue Youbai lowered her head slightly.

"Brother Bai, don't come here unscathed." Wu Xian, a national teacher named Wu Xian, has been a national teacher in the Moon Dynasty for 20 years.

"Lao are here..." Moon Emperor Yuewei You also faintly said at this time.

Yue Youbai walked two steps quickly and reached the edge of the big bed, half kneeling in front of the bed. "Father, are you okay?"

Yue Wei You motioned to Yue Youbai to help herself up, and Yue Youbai hurriedly did so.

Yuewei You sat on the back of the bed, his tone still a little weak. "You're back……"

"Why didn't the emperor tell the children earlier, so that the children can come to please..." Yue Youbai is very favored on weekdays, so when talking to the emperor, he doesn't adhere to his father and son's duties so much, but is a lot more casual.

Yue Wei You smiled. "The third child... the father, the old man."

"Nonsense, Emperor Father is not old." Yue Youbai glared disapprovingly.

"Haha." Yuewei You smiled and cared for a few words about Yue Youbai's situation in Tiancheng, and then said: "The third child, Father has one thing for you to do."

Yue Youbai had an exciting spirit in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face, and immediately said, "Father, please give orders."

"The national teacher needs half a bowl of blood from Han Tingxuan. This task is left to you to complete."

Yue Youbai's heart was stunned, and Yue Youlong's heart was also stunned. He immediately said: "Father, Chen Wangfu Han Tingxuan, the son of the minister and him found that the other party's mind is very meticulous and difficult to approach, third brother. After all, it’s my brother, I’m afraid..."

"Prince." Yuewei You interrupted Yue Youlong lightly.

Yue Youlong closed his mouth, but worried in his eyes.

Yue Wei You didn't seem to see anything, just staring at Yue Youbai.

Yue Youbai bit her lip tightly and said nothing.

Yue Wei You said lightly: "The third child, if you are worried that you can't think of a good way, then there is a ready-made solution here, the emperor."

Yue Youlong was startled, and instinctively asked, "What method?"

This time, Yuewei You did not blame Yue Youlong, but said: "Han Tingxuan, I heard people report that his opponent is very good... He has a subordinate named Yang Shuo, Yi Qiao, this person and The third child seems to know him well? This Yang Shuo...but it's not impossible to make good use of it and get half a bowl of blood from Han Tingxuan..."

Yue Wei You's words changed the expressions of Yue Youbai and Yue Youlong slightly.

Yue Youbai couldn't help being in a trance, Yang Shuo...

The next day. When Han Tingxuan got up in the morning, his nose felt a little itchy, and he sneezed twice, and he couldn't help rubbing the tip of his nose. Today, Mo Yanzhi should send the reply of the credential to the Ministry of Rites, and even if there is a slight omission in the reply, he can now find a reason.

The fall of the emperor greatly affected the image of the royal family, and there was also a somewhat serious consequence.

That is, the emperor's brain, for some things, his memory is not very clear. Fortunately, this result does not affect daily life, so I can't see much now.

The emperor came to the other courtyard, probably because of this.

However, in the eyes of the Dongfang family and the Nangong family, the emperor’s biggest purpose is to try...

Fortunately, Tian Yuexi's account was very detailed at the beginning, so there are very few things that Mo Yan didn't know. Han Tingxuan went out and found that the weather today is still good. He couldn't help but feel a little better.

He now feels that the most troublesome thing is the people from Yue Dynasty. If these people don’t leave, he really can’t feel at ease to go to Mo Yanzhi's place... Therefore, although they have promised that Mo Yanzhi will go there in the two days, he doesn’t know why. A little uneasy, so he still didn't go.

In addition, Yue Youlong asked him to accompany him by name yesterday, so Han Tingxuan can't slip away!

He always felt that Tiancheng seemed to have a sense of wind and rain.

After breakfast, Steward Qi came to report that Yang Shuo was here, so Han Tingxuan asked the other person to go to the banquet room.

When Han Tingxuan went there, he found that the opponent was a little bit blue under his eyes, so he said, "Did you rest well?"

Yang Shuo said: "It's remedying."

Han Tingxuan patted the opponent on the shoulder. "Don't blame yourself too much, don't clear Yue Youbai, it was originally my order to follow the vine."

Yang Shuo smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Han Tingxuan hesitated and said: "So far, there is no news that is not conducive to us... Even if Yue Youbai stole the secret account and some information, it may not be used."

Yang Shuo was taken aback when he heard the words.

Han Tingxuan said indifferently: "You are in your place and perform their duties. Some things can't be changed, but it doesn't have much to do with whether you want to... actually."

Yang Shuo's voice was a little hoarse. "What... mean?"

"After coming into contact with that Yue Youbai these past two days, I found that the other party was in a bad mood."

Yang Shuo did not speak.

"Yesterday in Weizilou...The person he saw was you, right?" Han Tingxuan said suddenly.

Yang Shuo paused, then nodded slowly. "Yes, I was not careful yesterday. When I met Zhang Luobing in a dark alley, he was seen by him above...The place is not hidden. I will be more careful in the future."

Han Tingxuan smiled. "I looked at him and seemed really moved."

Yang Shuo pressed his lips tightly when he heard the words. Silent.

Han Tingxuan smiled and said, "I thought you would be happy if you listen to me."

Yang Shuo was silent, and said seriously: "If it's as you said, he is not totally unintentional to me, or we can use it..."

Han Tingxuan also had a meal when he heard the words, and then looked at Yang Shuo with a smile. "Are you serious?"

Yang Shuo said coldly: "Naturally! I have a clear stand with him, and I will never waver."

"You..." Han Tingxuan shook his head slightly, and suddenly said, "But you know that being tempted does not distinguish the status of the enemy or the other."

Yang Shuo was startled, Han Tingxuan smiled lightly. "You and I are subordinates, but they are more friends. From the standpoint of subordination, I hope you can ruthlessly use everything that is beneficial to us to create greater benefits for me. But from the standpoint of a friend, But I hope that since your heart is moved, you should at least not regret, lose, or hurt your mind... and don’t have any malice towards the person you like. In that case, it won’t be so at first, but in the future, you will regret it, even It may become a gap between us." "Brother Han, Yang Shuo won't!" Yang Shuo said immediately.

Han Tingxuan smiled. "Don't rush to make a decision, ask your own heart, it will give you the answer... By the way, what is the matter of coming to me today?"

Yang Shuo saw that Han Tingxuan didn't want to talk more, so he directly stated the purpose of his coming today.

One is for reporting, and the other is for the development after Qingzhufang...

Waiting for Yang Shuo to leave is already an hour later.

On the way back, Yang Shuo ran into someone...that was, Brother Xue.

In other words, it was Yue Youbai, but the other party became like Brother Xueer again!

If he saw this person before meeting with Han Tingxuan, Yang Shuo would either turn a blind eye or would ridicule him directly, maybe he would do it directly.

But now, Yang Shuo strangely found that he was a little calm, and besides being calm... it was a little more complicated.

Yue Youbai didn't expect Yang Shuo to be so calm. He bit his lips slightly, and then walked towards the opponent.

"Let's have a good chat, okay?"

"Did you come by yourself or someone asked you to come?" Yang Shuo said suddenly.

Yue Youbai was slightly taken aback when he heard the words. "……what?"

Yang Shuo looked at each other lightly. "You came by yourself, or someone called you."

Yang Shuo repeated it again, very cold and... calm.

Yue Youbai was very calm, but he felt a little relaxed, Yang Shuo saw it through himself, then, the father's idea was not achieved... Isn't it blamed him?

"I came by myself^" Yue Youbai said softly.

Yang Shuo sneered, and Yue Youbai's eyes flinched when she said this, obviously lying.

However, if Yue Youbai really wants to lie, why bother to avoid her eyes?

Yang Shuo should have been unable to see clearly, but after listening to Han Tingxuan's words, he calmed down, but instead saw clearly. As a result, the mind is more complicated.

He couldn't help thinking of what Han Tingxuan said.

Like is meant to be regardless of status or status, whether it is an enemy or a friend.

Yue Youbai waited for Yang Shuo's cynicism after saying this, but did not expect the other party to say, "Let's go."

Yue Youbai was startled. "what?"

Yang Shuo said, "Don't you want to talk? You can choose a location."

Yue Youbai's heart suddenly hurt at this moment. Even he wanted to say. "I didn't come for myself! I was forced to come! Don't follow me!"

But in the end, Yue Youbai didn't say anything, but when he led the way, his steps were very heavy...

As for Yang Shuo, he didn't seem to notice anything. He just followed Yue Youbai and asked, "How are you doing these two days?"

Yue Youbai's steps were uncheckable, and she said softly: "Yeah."

Yang Shuo smiled faintly. "Really good? Then why do you feel unhappy?"

Yue Youbai stopped abruptly, turned his head, fixedly looking at Yang Shuo, Yang Shuo also looked at him, looked at him, and suddenly said, "Do you know what I want to do most now?"


"Turn your make-up face into your own... Then, kiss fiercely!"

Yue Youbai's heart trembled fiercely when she heard this, even a little speechless. "you……"

Yang Shuo smiled. "It's hard to believe? Your Royal Highness, I just want you so much. You have such a big attraction to me. I can't believe it, right?"

With that sound of your Royal Highness, Yang Shuo called not sarcasm, but...charm.

At this moment, Yue Youbai only heard the sound of her own heartbeat...

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