My Tough Husband

Chapter 211: Don't worry about him so much?

When the child in Mo Yanzhi's stomach was eight months old, Yingsan and Ying17, who had gone on a mission, finally returned.

Their task is to go to the Jin Dynasty.

And their trip was worthwhile. They got back several rare medicinal materials that the old man Haishan wanted. At the same time, a witch Gu master who could cast spells was also kidnapped back.

However, that witch Gu master had a very weird temper, and his own strength value was also good. In order to avoid trouble, Ying San and the others stunned the witch Gu master along the way.

Just last night, Yingsan and the others finally rushed back.

When Yingsan and the others came back late at night, Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi were naturally sleeping, but the difference was that they slept in their respective rooms.

During this period, Han Tingxuan also had several episodes, but every time Han Tingxuan was grateful that his strength was not high, otherwise, I am afraid it would cause a lot of trouble!

These few times, he had seizures, but they didn't cause any trouble. In the two cases, Yingyi was by his side. Based on his strength, it was a dream to attack Yingyi!

Another time I was with Mo Yanzhi, but Mo Yanzhi was also defensive, so he didn't cause any harm, but after that time, Han Tingxuan was still very nervous, fearing that Mo Yanzhi would be injured by accident.

So from then on, Han Tingxuan told Ying Yi that before the blood curse was lifted, he and Ying Er took turns, and he could never lack people by his side, even when he was with Mo Yanzhi!

I would rather have no privacy than let Mo Yanzhi run into danger!

When Han Tingxuan woke up that day, he found that it was already bright. It seemed that he had slept for a while longer...

After Han Tingxuan woke up, Mo Yanzhi quickly opened the door and walked in.

Han Tingxuan watched Mo Yanzhi bring breakfast in, and said quickly: "Isn't it said that you can just let the shadow guard do it? You have to be careful when you walk, and don't fall."

Mo Yanzhi smiled faintly. "Don't worry, it's okay. It's just a breakfast, don't be nervous."

Han Tingxuan sighed. "You..."

"Yingsan has returned." Mo Yanzhi put down the breakfast and said.

Han Tingxuan was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled. "Really, so fast? I thought he would be slower, but I didn't expect to come back so soon."

Mo Yanzhi pursed his lips. "Hurry?"

Han Tingxuan smiled and squeezed Mo Yanzhi's hand. "It's already very fast."

Mo Yanzhi didn't say anything any more, only said: "They have also got the medicinal materials that the master wanted."

"That's good, the master was still talking about medicinal materials yesterday." Han Tingxuan said.

Mo Yanzhi delivered the breakfast to Han Tingxuan, and Han Tingxuan waved his hand with a smile. "I'm not a waste person, get up and eat, then hurry up."

Mo Yanzhi did not disagree either, only said: "Then I will put it on the table."

"Okay." Han Tingxuan responded, then got up, dressed and washed...

Not long after, Han Tingxuan sat at the dining table, "In other words, have you eaten yourself?"

Mo Yanzhi nodded. "I have eaten it, I have eaten it when I wake up in the morning."

Han Tingxuan nodded and ate by himself.

When he was almost using it, Ying Si's voice rang out. "master."

Han Tingxuan listened and raised his voice. "Huh? Ying Si, come in."

Ying Si came in, "Master, there is news from King Xian."

"Huh?" Han Tingxuan blinked. "Uncle Qi, what's the matter?"

"This is a message from the wise king." Ying Si handed over a note.

Han Tingxuan opened, glanced, raised his eyebrows, and then handed it to Mo Yanzhi. "Look at it."

Mo Yanzhi also took it, and after a while, he put down the note. "Inheritance is not so easy to take."

Five days ago, all the institutions of the inheritance land were finally resolved, but everyone was still blocked from the last level.

In the dark room of the basement, there are six stone gates. The stone gate clearly says that if it is a person who is not destined, then when the stone gate is opened, the box containing the exercises and secrets will explode, and the secrets will be there. Destroyed between heaven and earth.

But what is destiny? It turned out to guess the meaning of the inscription!

Moreover, there is only one chance, there are only four words, which need to be filled in a blank.

And, you also need to use internal force to write!

Because there was only one chance and no one had the answer, so many people crowded there to discuss the answer, but so far there is no conclusion.

For this inheritance, they have been waiting for a long time. If they lose at the last moment, they will regret it for life! Therefore, those young people who come for themselves, they do not agree with anyone who tries the answer easily.

In addition, there is only one opportunity, and everyone wants to take that opportunity in their own hands, so...a great battle began.

However, this battle was not a melee, but a large-scale organized battle, which was jointly supervised by the Wulin League and the imperial court.

The purpose is to select those six places.

And now, it was the news from Tian Yusu that it was during the selection contest that someone sabotaged it, and even now that three young people who were very likely to be promising have died.

Murderer... a martial artist who is likely to become famous.

Otherwise, the three of them wouldn't die without leaving any clues, and they were all killed by one sword!

This is a provocation to the Wulin League and at the same time a provocation to the court!

But because it took place in the arena and this time the selection was supported by the virtuous king behind the scenes, although the investigation work cannot go through the government, there is no doubt that the virtuous king can participate.

Tian Yusu wrote a letter saying this, and asked the emperor if he wanted to send someone here.

"How are you going back?" Han Tingxuan asked Mo Yanzhi, his husband.

Mo Yanzhi looked at Han Tingxuan, "Since it has been handed over to King Xian to deal with it, let him give it all the power."

Mo Yanzhi replied, and Ying Si sent it out.

Unexpectedly, Ying Si came back less than an hour after sending it out, and brought back three people who were shocked to death by Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi. Two of them were actually cursed with blood!

If Ying Si hadn't taken a look at the corpse, or if both of them had their eyes open when they died, Ying Si would have been unable to find the problem.

However, he had seen the appearance of Han Tingxuan's attacks many times, and two of the three dead men had problems with their veins, and he couldn't see it!

The old man Haishan said that the person who was hit by the blood curse, although the person over there was casting the spell.

However, the blood on the person's body is actually different from before, and it is embodied in a darker color. It's like poisoning...

Therefore, some people who were cursed with blood were treated as poisoned, and they died naturally in the end.

Ying Si was very concerned about the blood curse because of Han Tingxuan's blood curse, only to discover the abnormality of the two corpses, and thus found out that the other party had a blood curse!

Such a rare spell as the blood curse appeared so frequently among them!

Jin Dynasty! court death!

Mo Yanzhi and Han Tingxuan both looked ugly at once, and Tian Yusu had already paid special attention to them.

Mo Yanzhi asked him to find the old man Haishan.

"My apprentice, the master is busy, trying to figure out the medicine for this kid Han Tingxuan, what's the matter with you?"

The old man Haishan was notified directly by the shadow guard, but the shadow guard who notified him didn't say anything, so the old man Haishan spoke like this as soon as he arrived.

Han Tingxuan said: "Master, my antidote will be slowed down for a while. Tian Yusu said that he had found two more people who were swollen and cursed to death. Master helped to take a look at the real cause of death for the two. , Was it killed or the cause of the blood curse."

"What!" The old man Haishan was shocked. "The blood curse has appeared again?"

Han Tingxuan smiled bitterly. "Yes, so, Master, go and take a look."

The old man Haishan hurriedly said, "Okay, I'll check it out now."

The old man Haishan left with Ying Si, Mo Yanzhi's expression was still very ugly, Han Tingxuan sighed. "In other words, don't think too much about it, lunch, let's go, let's have lunch."

Mo Yanzhi took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay." Even if he was not in the mood to eat, Han Tingxuan still wanted to eat, so Mo Yanzhi agreed.

Both of them felt a little heavy, but they didn't show it too much.

After lunch, Han Tingxuan asked someone to move a deck chair to the yard, two, but they were separated by a few positions.

Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi lay one sheet each.

Soon after, the old man Haishan returned, and the three of them entered the house.

The old man Haishan didn't know if his expression was complicated or what he said: "It should not be the same person."

"What do you mean?" Han Tingxuan was taken aback.

"The person who casts a spell on you is not the same as those two people...they are very light. It can be seen that the person who wants to control them is not very capable, but that person should cooperate well with the murderer. When the speller cast the spell, the two young men should have been controlled for a moment, and then the murderer took action."

"So..." Han Tingxuan's eyes flashed. "Not a top expert, as long as you cooperate with the spellcaster, then you can kill people? And it will be very fast?"

"Yes, as long as the spellcaster also appears." The old man Haishan said.

Han Tingxuan smiled. "We know the master, you have worked hard, haven't you eaten lunch yet? Go ahead..."

"That's OK." The old man Haishan nodded. "The old man, I'll go first."

"Okay, Master, go slowly."

After the old man Haishan left, Han Tingxuan looked at the people around him. "In other words, what do you think?"

Mo Yanzhi thought about it and said, "It's still the same. Since it's handed over to Tian Yusu, then we just have to wait for the result."

Han Tingxuan said with a smile but not a smile: "Do you feel so relieved of him?"

Mo Yanzhi raised his eyebrows.

"Why don't you worry? Husband is very relieved himself, isn't it?"

"Haha." Han Tingxuan smiled and touched his nose. "Ok."

Han ran over from one side at this time and knocked on the door. "Big brother, are you there?"

"Han, come in." Han Tingxuan shouted.

Han pushed the door in from outside. "Big Brother, that Gu Master from the Jin Dynasty is awake."

The witch Gu Master was infused with a lot of drugs on the road. After he came here, he was thrown to Han to let Han study. Therefore, now that the person wakes up, Hou Han has come to call someone, and Ying Qi is there. Watching.

"Wake up, then go and see." Han Tingxuan said with a smile.

Mo Yanzhi also stood up, but Han Tingxuan said, "Well, you don't go, there are children, and I don't know how those people are evil."

Mo Yanzhi thought for a while and nodded. "it is good."

The child has been eight months old and has insisted on it. Now, I really need to be careful.

And Han Tingxuan himself was cursed with blood, and most importantly, he believed that the shadow guard and Han would protect people well.

Han Tingxuan smiled when Mo Yanzhi agreed.

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