My Tough Husband

Chapter 212: Okay, I said!

Han Tingxuan followed Han to the other party's room.

Ying Qi presented a gift to Han Tingxuan, Han Tingxuan smiled and nodded, and then Ying Qi and others retreated to the side.

"Big brother, his internal strength is not strong, he has been blocked now, but we don't know much about Gu Master. According to Shadow Two, they said that this person is more famous over there. Although he is young, his strength is very strong. What kind of old man is he? The priest's direct disciple, that's why he tied the person back."

Han said this in front of people. Obviously, he didn't put the young witch Gu master in his eyes. He also felt that there was nothing to say. In fact, Han Tingxuan also felt that there was nothing to say.

When his gaze fell on the young Witch Gu Master, Han Tingxuan realized that this person was really young.

He is about 20 years old, his hair is even a little withered and yellow, he is not handsome, his facial features are a little bit stronger than normal, and his face is a bit pale, looks very decadent, and a bit like... about to die!

It's just that Han Tingxuan looked at this person but didn't know why he felt something... violated!

That's right, it's a violation!

Han Tingxuan fixedly looked at the person, that person was sitting up now, but he didn't say a word, just watched Han Tingxuan and the others guardedly.

However, if a person is tied to a strange place, this person should indeed be on guard, but it still makes people feel that this person's eyes are not sufficiently guarded!

"Go and invite the old man Haishan." Han Tingxuan said.

Ying Er went to work immediately, and the old man Haishan was disturbed again and was unhappy, but he was also very interested in Gu Master, so he came quickly.

"Boy Han, what's the matter, what are you doing with the old man?"

Han Tingxuan saw the old man Haishan coming over and said: "Master, you go and touch his bones."

Han Tingxuan's words, the young boy who was just a little guarded just now suddenly became guarded. He finally opened his mouth, but his voice was hoarse and harsh. "What do you want to do?"

The old man Haishan ignored the young man. Since Han Tingxuan asked him to touch the other party’s bones, he went to touch it immediately. The other party naturally resisted, but the little resistance was not seen here at all. .

Although the old man Haishan was also blocked when he was imprisoned, if he hadn't used some means, I'm afraid it would not have been blocked, but would have been abolished!

However, after returning from Yanhushan, he also brought it back. Although it hasn't recovered as before, it's okay to deal with such a kid.

However, after a while, the old man Haishan said softly, and Han Tingxuan immediately asked, "Master, what's the matter?"

"This kid's bones are weird..." The old man Haishan frowned, and suddenly thought of a possibility. He suddenly looked at Han Tingxuan.

Han Tingxuan saw something in the eyes of the old man Haishan, and he finally knew where he had violated the peace.

He is not from this world. He looks at people and is a little different from others.

It's like, in the modern 21st century, you see a person who is obviously a girl, but he changes **** and becomes a boy, or just dresses up as a boy, and it is so hard that people can’t see...but , Because it is a girl after all, you still feel that there is something wrong.

Just now, that's how it feels!

And now the old man Haishan looked at him, obviously saying that this person was also taking a drug, so he was obviously a brother, but now he has become a kid!

It's just that this matter is very important, so the veteran Haishan didn't say it, just looked at Han Tingxuan.

Han Tingxuan thought for a while, and said, "Master, I understand, you can continue to study the antidote."

The old man Haishan knew that Han Tingxuan was saying that he was going to solve this matter, and he didn't stay too much. Although he was more curious about this witch Gu master, the antidote was more important.

Moreover, if he is here, it would not be good to affect Han Tingxuan.

Ying Qi and Han didn't know what mystery Han Tingxuan played with the old man Haishan, Han said directly: "Big brother, what's the matter?"

Han Tingxuan shook his head slightly, and said softly, "I'll talk about it later."

Han didn't ask anything any more, Han Tingxuan then looked at the young witch Gu master in front of him.

"You should know your current situation. There is no evil in our arrest. If you cooperate well, our affairs are over and you can be released."

Han Tingxuan directly talked to people about the conditions, and his voice was indifferent.

The man frowned and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"It's very simple, cast a blood curse on one person... Or, will you treat someone who has been cursed by someone else's blood?"

The man understood immediately, "Some of you have been cursed with blood? Who?"

Han Tingxuan said with a smile, "You are a witch Gu master, don't you know how to watch it?"

The man paused, looking at Ying Qi and others, and Han and Han Tingxuan. After a while, he said: "I can't see it." Han Tingxuan raised his eyebrows. "That said, what do you tell me about how good you are to get your fame?"

"Nonsense!" The other party was upset. "The blood curse is nothing else, not to mention that everyone's methods are different, even if the method of choice is different, the eye can see where the blood curse does not occur."

"What about the pulse? Can I get it out?" Han Tingxuan raised his eyebrows.

"Of course." The young man nodded.

"OK, Han, go and show him." Han Tingxuan said. As Han walked over, Han Tingxuan added another sentence. "I hope you can unlock it, then we can release you sooner."

Han stretched out his hand directly, the young man looked at himself, forget it, the person is under the eaves... He held Han's hand for a while, and he wondered: "You really got the blood curse? Why didn't I? Check it out."

Han stared at people. "What are you capable of, I have been cursed with blood, you haven't found out!"

The young man looked at him suspiciously, and continued to get his pulse. After a while, he still said: "I didn't find out. If he really hits, it means that the caster is too clever."

Han suddenly became angry. "You also said that you are not seeking fame!"

The young man was also angry. "How can I get my fame! I can't help it if others are strong!"

Han drew his sword and lay it across the young man's neck. "If you can't cure me, I will kill you!"

"You..." The young man was also very angry, his angry face flushed.

Han Tingxuan walked over at this time. "Okay."

Han walked away two steps, vacated the position, and Han Ting Xuannian also stretched out his hand. "Then look at me."

The young man frowned, and then put his fingers suspiciously. After a while, he frowned and said, "You don't have a blood curse, what do you show me?"

Han Tingxuan suddenly felt his heart, but Han thought that the other party was really a quack. "You quack!"

Han Tingxuan fixedly looked at each other. "I didn't have a blood curse?"

The young man paused, then said: "You have a blood curse?" Then he muttered to himself: "Impossible. Although there is something wrong with the blood in your body, it is not a blood curse. How could it be a blood curse? No reaction at all, could it be..."

The youth suddenly thought of a possibility, his face suddenly changed.

Han Tingxuan narrowed his eyes as he looked at the other party's performance. "What did you think of?"

The young man took a deep breath, "Give me your hand again."

Han Tingxuan did not refuse. Han stared at him like a thief. The young man regained his pulse with a serious expression. After a while, he still muttered to himself: "Is it really... but it's impossible, it's not death." Is it? How could it be..."

Han Tingxuan withdrew his hand. "It seems you understand something, you know who cast the spell, don't you?"

The youth's face changed, and then he said in a shame: "What do I know? I don't know anything."

"Oh? Don't know anything?" Han Tingxuan narrowed his eyes. "It seems that you don't have any deep understanding of your situation... Yingqi."

"Subordinates are here." Ying Qi knelt down on one knee immediately.

Han Tingxuan said indifferently: "Greeting to this young man, let him know our hospitality."

" want to use torture?" the young man cried out immediately.

Han Tingxuan shrugged helplessly. "We don't want to, in fact, we are all very hospitable here, but the guests also have to give face to themselves, so..."

Han Tingxuan’s expression of "it’s your own fault, you can’t blame me", made the young man shrink his shoulders, and then said: "My master has a unique method of casting spells, which is very, very difficult to understand, but my teacher The ancestor has been dead for more than ten years, I'm not sure if it is that way."

"Your master?" Han Tingxuan raised his eyebrows. "Maybe it's a descendant of your master?"

"Impossible!" The young man said immediately, "Master has no descendants, and I was there when Master died!"

Han Tingxuan looked at the young man and said lightly: "So, why don't you introduce your identity carefully? Especially your master, master or something..."

The young man couldn't believe it: "You tied me up, don't you know who I am?"

Han Tingxuan shrugged. "Yes, it's just that we need a Witch Gu Master."

Young man: "..." He was tied up, is he still rejected by others?

"Don't want to say? We are not unable to find out, but it takes a little time. We don't have much time and patience is not very good. Therefore, if you really don't want to say it, I am afraid we can only have a good chat... "

Threat! It's a threat again! The corners of the young man's mouth twitched... His fingers were placed somewhere behind him, do you want to escape? Do you want it?

But... he originally wanted to leave that place, now... this is also an opportunity, and there is still a difference between walking by himself and being abducted, so there is no way out...

Thinking of this, the young man put down his hand and said helplessly: "Okay, I said."

Han Tingxuan smiled suddenly as he watched the other party compromise. "Hmm... after all, let's listen carefully..."

The young man pursed his lips and stared. But for Han Tingxuan, this point of lethality is all there is nothing...

The young man’s name is Li Huo, and he is a person from the Jin Dynasty royal family offering sacrifices to witch Gu masters.

The number of people in this line is relatively small, but all identities are very distinguished.

From the master of Lihuo to the master of Lihuo, to him.

The master of Lihuo is now sitting in the imperial palace, and Lihuo, because the inheritance he has obtained is not complete, and because of his age, he needs time to progress and grow. There is another person in this line.

That is the brother of the master of Lihuo, that is, the uncle of Lihuo.

Li Huo needs to conceal his identity while practicing outside. Li Huo's uncle is the "guardian". When he is marching outside, Li Huo also calls his uncle as his master to cover everyone's eyes.

The uncle Li Huo was a sacrificial priest, and also a...Witch Gu Master.

Blood curse, sacrifices will not, but Witch Gu Master will!

However, Li Huo felt that in recent years, his masters and uncles had become a little strange because they didn't know what was going on.

His uncle is often very irritable, and even does some things that Li Huo doesn't like...makes Li Huo want to leave! !

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