My Tough Husband

Chapter 8: Decided to buy a shop

In the early morning of the next day, Mo Yanzhi woke up first. Looking at the hand still around his waist, his emotions were complicated. At this time, Han Tingxuan also opened his eyes.

When he met Mo Yanzhi's eyes, he was slightly stunned, and then the corners of his mouth were raised.

"In other words, awake..."

Mo Yanzhi slowly lowered his eyelids and responded softly. "Ok."

Han Tingxuan naturally also found the hand on the opponent's waist, very warm, um, not bad. Now the weather is getting colder, in winter, there is such a heater, not bad!

"In other words, the weather is getting colder and colder, our house still needs some repairs."

Mo Yanzhi raised his head. "how do you want to do it?"

"Find a few people, we pay the wages, and do a lot of work. It's okay to find more people."

Mo Yanzhi thought for a while, and said, "You can rebuild a house outside."

"I think so too." Han Tingxuan nodded. "We always have a place to live, so stay here for now."

The two got up, discussed some details, and then Mo Yanzhi went to make breakfast.

Complete fine rice porridge, and pancakes.

Mo Yanzhi still wanted to eat coarse grains, but Han Tingxuan refused without even thinking about it. "A family can't get any money for food, so there is no need to save money."

Mo Yanzhi gave Han Tingxuan a fixed look, and saw that the other party was not testing, joking, let alone sarcastic, so he didn't say anything.

He drank the food made of fine rice that he had eaten for the first time since childhood...Last night he did not eat much fine rice on the grounds of not wasting it. This morning this morning was regarded as a complete fine rice breakfast.

Mo Yanzhi's heart became more complicated.

But Han Tingxuan still feels that it is not so wonderful, fine rice or something, that is, ordinary rice, this is the most basic in the previous life, okay?

And now, there are fine rice, but breakfast is something to be cooked! It's just plain porridge and pancakes, especially the pancakes don't taste very good. How can you eat them?

Han Tingxuan knew that he was "spoiled", but God knew he would be crazy if he ate like this every day! The quality of life! This is very important!

Therefore, Han Tingxuan said: "In other words, when you go out to invite someone today, let's take a look and come back with some side dishes." Mo Yanzhi paused and nodded. "okay, I get it."

After breakfast, Mo Yanzhi was busy going out, and Han Tingxuan drew design drawings at home.

The home needs to be rebuilt, but he has to design it himself how to make it!

So, when Mo Yanzhi brought a dozen people back, Han Tingxuan's design drawings also came out. But he didn't show it to those people, but took Mo Yanzhi aside.

Naturally, Mo Yanzhi couldn't understand the design that was too modern, but with Han Tingxuan's explanation, he quickly understood that "blue bricks will be delivered later, and construction can start here." Mo Yanzhi Tao.

"Well, I don't quite understand this, so I will leave it to you." Han Tingxuan said. "I have to go to town again today to see what we will do in the future."

Mo Yanzhi was not relieved, "Are you alone?"

Han Tingxuan also instantly thought that he was still in trouble...but, it didn't matter, he was no longer the original owner, so he wouldn't get in the way!

So, Han Tingxuan smiled. "Yeah, don't worry, it's okay."

Mo Yanzhi pursed his lips, but didn't say anything, only said: "Well, you are more careful."

Although Han Tingxuan wanted to exercise his physique, he was still not accustomed to the 11th bus. He wondered if his family also had an ox cart, which could not be afforded now, but the ox cart was still okay.

The most important thing is that if you do business in the town, you can't hire goods every time, right?

Thinking about this, Han Tingxuan decided to buy a car!

To make a fortune or something, buying a car is a must!

When he arrived in the town, Han Tingxuan, who felt a little thirsty, entered a tofu-brain stall to quench his thirst and search for information.

"Uncle, I'll ask you something." Han Tingxuan paid five more copper plates, and the old man smiled openly. Seeing Han Tingxuan inquired about something, he naturally said, "Guest, you say."

"The kid wants to do some small business, and wants to see if there are shops for rent in this town..."

"Ha, guest officer, it’s a coincidence. If you came to ask about this yesterday, I wouldn’t know it. But now it’s spread in the town. The guy in Liu’s family is seriously ill. He wants to sell the shop. It’s said to be The family went to Yongzhou to see a doctor.

Now I am looking for someone to get rid of it! "

This celestial dynasty has three cities, Kyushu, and Yongzhou is one of them. And they are also affiliated with Yongzhou, but it's just a small place under Yongzhou...

Han Tingxuan's eyes flickered slightly when he heard this, and he smiled: "Uncle, aren't there many people waiting for their shop to get rid of it? The kid is not afraid of the uncle's jokes, the kid doesn't have much money."

The old man hesitated and said in a low voice, "Guest, I think you are a good one. I will also tell you something other people don't know. That shop..." The old man said, lowering his voice, and looking around. , Said: "That shop, probably not many people are willing to ask for it."

Han Tingxuan was surprised. "Huh? Why is that?"

The old man sighed. "Lao Han Liu went to his husband in his early years, and he left a son who was the only son in the family. Old Han and his husband had a very good relationship, so he never married again. A guy who worked so hard to pull the boy up to grow up, finally, boy I can get a wife...the trouble is coming. Old Man Liu’s boy is a handsome young man, and the husband is also beautiful, but he is so beautiful that he is attracted by the big shots."

Having said this, the old man looked around carefully again, obviously he was heard by someone from that big man when he didn't want to chew his tongue!

Seeing that no one is paying attention here, the old man continued: "The big man has entangled the boyfriend of Old Han’s family, and that boyfriend is also a requirement. He has a deep relationship with the boy of Old Han’s family, how can he follow along? The big man was finally forced to lose his virginity. He was hanged in the shop to protect his virginity. At that time, the big man was using the shop to coerce Liu’s family with his family. The husband was cruel and hanged. Was there. The big man was afraid of getting into trouble, so he let go of Old Man Liu's family. However, Old Man Liu's boy fell ill because of the death of his husband. The sickness got worse and worse. Now, Old Man Liu wants to sell. The shop took the kid to walk, and probably wanted to start again in Yongzhou..."

The old man sighed when he said that, "That shop has been dead...naturally, there are not many people who want it..."

It's just that people have died for more than this reason. I'm afraid it has something to do with that "big man." It should be because of the fear of offending that big man Han Tingxuan's eyes flashed, and he smiled and said, "Dashu, thank you so much."

The old man waved his hand and said frankly, "I also talked about it because the husband of my family had some distant relatives with Old Han's family. Guest officer, you can figure it out. I can give you the address of the shop. "

"Okay, thank you uncle." Han Tingxuan left after giving a few more pennies.

The old man looked at Han Tingxuan's back and sighed slightly. "Old Liu, I can only do so much... I hope you can sell the shop as you wish and go to another place to start again..."

After getting the address, Han Tingxuan didn't go there directly, but wandered around the town.

Along the way, he also heard some news.

Some were cryptic discussions about the old man's shop in Liu's house, and some other miscellaneous things. In front of a fruit stall, Han Tingxuan also heard about the "big man", who turned out to be the brother-in-law of the county magistrate here.

Here, the biggest official is the county magistrate! No wonder the old man Liu's family was defeated so badly!

Since ancient times, the people did not fight against officials, and Han Tingxuan still knew this.

However, if you want to go down in the market, you still have to deal with this officialdom, otherwise, it will be yourself. This point is universal whether it is modern or now!

Although the shop is good, it is important not to cause trouble! However, for such a person, he is not without means...

With caress in my mind, I sniffed for some news. After knowing that there were no other shops in the town for rent or sale, Han Tingxuan walked to Liu Laohan's shop.

The location over there is not good, but not too bad. Let’s go and see what Old Man Liu manages...

When Han Tingxuan arrived there, Old Man Liu was standing by the door, and Han Tingxuan smiled and walked over. "Uncle, I heard that your shop is for sale? The kid is here to see the situation."

Liu Laohan's eyes lit up slightly. "Quick, please come in."

Old Han Liu greeted Han Tingxuan in.

It turned out to be a grocery store...Han Ting Xuan greeted the layout of the store.

"You...want to take this shop?" Old Man Liu asked.

Han Tingxuan smiled bitterly, "Uncle is the shopkeeper here, right?"

Old Man Liu nodded.

Han Tingxuan continued to smile bitterly: "I don’t want to hide from the shopkeeper. In fact, my ideal way is to rent this shop and start a small business, but I came from the tofu stall. I heard the uncle’s words and knew the shopkeeper. It’s selling instead of renting. The kid doesn’t have a lot of money. Although it’s better to have his own shop, I’m afraid that it won’t be available..."

Liu Laohan beats a drum slightly in his heart. "How much money do you have?" After asking, I felt that I was reckless. How could anyone directly ask how much money someone had, so he hurriedly said again: "I didn't mean that, I just want to know how much you can put out. It came from there. You must know the situation on my side, right? I'm in a hurry to let go. The price can be negotiated, but it can't be too low..."

Han Tingxuan took a deep breath. "The shopkeeper, this kid naturally understands it. For the shopkeeper, it's better to talk about the price first and see if you can get it. The kid also came here with 120,000 points of sincerity. Please also ask the shopkeeper... help. ."

Old Man Liu took a deep breath, lowering his original standard. "We don’t plan to come back to this place. Behind the shop are two rooms. The things in this shop can also be given to you at a low price, three hundred taels, no less. If this is normal, it must be five hundred taels. ."

Han Tingxuan also knows that this is the truth. Although he is a profiteer, but as the saying goes, the shopkeeper is not a treacherous person, and what happened at home is quite sympathetic.

Three hundred taels... he is picking up a leak!

Han Tingxuan was confident that if he bargained, he could still pay back dozens of taels of silver. But... no need!

So, Han Tingxuan took a deep breath. Nodded. "Okay! Three hundred taels... The kid is afraid that he will have to bankrupt his family to get it! But the shopkeeper, the kid admires the courage of the shopkeeper who can afford it, so the kid will go back and prepare the money!"

That sentence of bankruptcy, that sentence of admiration, the shopkeeper's eyes are slightly red.

"You... did you agree?"

Han Tingxuan nodded fiercely. "Yes, the kid should!"

Old Man Liu took a deep breath and said softly, "Do you really know the situation in my home? Under this shop...may be troublesome for you..."

He also wanted to let go, but looking at the sincere appearance of this kid in front of him, he decided not to be ignorant of his conscience and reminded him that he always wanted it.

Han Tingxuan smiled upon hearing this. "The benevolence of the shopkeeper, since the kid decided to sell the shop, he has no regrets. The shopkeeper, the kid will go back to get the money. Please also ask the shopkeeper to prepare related things here, and we will go through the transfer procedures." "Okay, good "Old man Liu tears into his eyes.

Han Tingxuan bowed and left.

Old Han Liu closed the store door and walked quickly to the back yard.

After entering his son's room, Old Man Liu couldn't help crying. "Cong'er, we, we can leave... leave this place..."

Although Old Man Liu's son is not at the point of being dyingly ill, he is also weak, sitting on the bed without any strength. At this time, he was surprised and sad when he heard Old Man Liu's words.

"What...sell...sold? That wicked person... didn't that wicked person come to make trouble yesterday, saying who would dare to make our shop so that he can't eat it? Cough cough... cough cough..."

He was so excited, Liu Cong's son, Liu Cong, coughed.

Old man Liu hurriedly poured water for his son. "Cong'er, don't get excited, don't get excited."

Liu Cong finally got along and asked quickly: "Who took our shop?"

"Yeah." Old Man Liu patted his head. "The man only said to go back to get the money right away, but I forgot to ask the person's name. He was introduced by your uncle, so he certainly wouldn't be fooling people."

Liu Cong originally had some doubts, but he dispelled his doubts when he heard that he came from a tofu stall. "It's always reliable to come from the uncle's side. Uncle's vision is very accurate. This time, thank you uncle."

"Yeah." Old Man Liu nodded fiercely. "When we leave, we will go and thank your uncle."

"Father, that person has gone back to get the money?"

"Well, yes, I also hurriedly searched for my things. I have all the preparations. I will go to the transfer today, so as not to have more dreams at night." After that, Old Man Liu hurriedly went to work.

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