My Tough Husband

Chapter 9: Start over

Han Tingxuan quickly returned home, but his plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

If he had known that he would spend three hundred taels to buy a shop now, and there was a house attached to the back of the shop, he would not renovate the house now!

Three hundred two in one, plus the transfer money, and what was spent yesterday...there is really not much left!

Frowning, although Han Tingxuan had a lot of calculations in his heart, he didn't slow down at all.

When I got home, I found that the people Mo Yanzhi had called were already working hard.

Han Tingxuan looked at it, and then directly found Mo Yanzhi, dragged the person to the back room, and then said about buying the shop.

Mo Yanzhi was extremely surprised, "Three hundred taels!"

Han Tingxuan nodded, and smiled bitterly: "The opportunity is rare. The shop and the house are in front of you. There is no five hundred taels that you don't want to take down. If people act in a hurry, I will take it."

Mo Yanzhi thought about it immediately. After a while, he said: "The renovation of this room in our house should stop first."

Han Tingxuan shook his head. "Since you have already called people, don't stop. I will find a way to solve the problem of silver." Mo Yanzhi opened his mouth and looked at Han Tingxuan's firm gaze, so he didn't say anything.

Han Tingxuan didn't delay too much, took the silver with some identification documents and left.

When Old Man Liu waited for Han Tingxuan, he was truly relieved.

The two hurriedly took their documents to go to the Yamen to go through the relevant procedures.

The big man Liu Laohan they talked about was named Wang De. Although he was the brother-in-law of the county grandfather, he often used to be a prestige, but he was not afraid of the county grandfather. At least, he will not appear in the Yamen!

Therefore, it didn't take much effort to complete this procedure.

Moreover, Han Tingxuan is not good at doing things, all the servants who met along the way have taken care of it, and they have gotten a good impression from those people. After Liu Laohan left the Yamen, he had mixed feelings, and he couldn't help reminding Han Tingxuan again. "That person, you must be careful."

Han Tingxuan expressed his gratitude, and Old Man Liu said that they would move away as quickly as possible. Han Tingxuan kindly asked the other party not to worry, but that night, Old Man Liu took care of three carriages and left...

And that night, Wang De also received the news. He found several people and mumbled for a while...

In the evening of the same day, Han Tingxuan slept in the blanket with his arms around him and made his own plan with him.

"There is nothing at home. From tomorrow on, we will move to town."

Mo Yanzhi frowned slightly. "It's too much to spend in town."

Han Tingxuan smiled. "It's okay, the shop needs manpower, I am always not enough alone. You are needed there."

Hearing these words, Mo Yanzhi couldn't help turning his head. The three words "need you" made him feel unspeakable. I don't know which kind of feeling is more...

Han Tingxuan smiled while looking at Mo Yanzhi's eyes. "what's happenin?"

Mo Yanzhi shook his head and looked away, "It's nothing."

Han Tingxuan looked at the other person and smiled. "What are you worried about?"

Mo Yanzhi pursed his lips, did not speak, and Han Tingxuan put his arms around him. Mo Yanzhi's body was immediately stiff.

"Hehehe..." Han Tingxuan smiled happily. "That's it." He said sternly: "Don't worry, it's okay to raise a husband in the house. You used to raise me before, so let's change it now."

Mo Yanzhi's heart trembled slightly and couldn't help but speak. "Why are you?"

Why is this, the question is how he changed so much...

Han Tingxuan couldn't give a real reason, so he had to say, "Isn't it saying that a person will have a great enlightenment once they die? Originally, I didn't believe it, but now, I believe it."

"Great enlightenment..." Mo Yanzhi murmured, then looked at Han Tingxuan with bright eyes.

Looking at such clear and beautiful eyes, Han Tingxuan couldn't help leaning slightly, until... he kissed those eyes thoroughly. Mo Yanzhi's heart trembled fiercely, his eyelids trembled and his figure was stiff.

Seeing this, Han Tingxuan couldn't help holding the person in his arms.

"In other words, let's... start again, okay?"

Start over... This is the second time he has said so...

Mo Yanzhi didn't believe his reason, but there was a voice clamoring in his heart: Believe him once. After all, he is your husband, and your brother is married to his husband. Since your husband said he would be nice to you, trust him!

Sense and emotion contradicted, and the two voices fought in Mo Yanzhi's mind. In the end, Mo Yanzhi responded slowly. "...Okay" This sound made Han Tingxuan's mouth completely open.

He smiled and kissed Mo Yanzhi's eyes, "Yes, you are so nice, go to sleep."

Mo Yanzhi is indeed very good, always very good! The scum of the original owner is not worthy of others!

Okay? Mo Yanzhi closed his eyes and his emotions became more complicated...

In fact, he didn't want to respond to the good voice, but just blurted out...

This night, Mo Yanzhi still didn't sleep well, but Han Tingxuan slept very well.

The next day, Mo Yanyi woke up early, while Han Tingxuan was still asleep. He got out of bed carefully, went to the kitchen, and made breakfast.

Seeing that Han Tingxuan hadn't gotten up yet, he knew that the other party should have been tired from the two consecutive days of running around, without disturbing the other party, and went outside to wash his clothes.

After all the housework was done, Han Tingxuan finally woke up. At that time, Mo Yanzhi was already drying his clothes.

After yawning, looking at Mo Yanzhi who was drying clothes outside, a feeling of "home" rose in Han Tingxuan's heart, so he walked over with a smile, "You got up so early?"

Mo Yanzhi blinked and said. "Breakfast is ready, in the kitchen."

"Well, I'll wait for you to eat together." It's boring to eat alone. Plus, he hasn't washed his face yet!

Mo Yanzhi speeded up the movements in his hands, while Han Tingxuan was busy washing his face. In this era, willow and salt are used for brushing teeth, which is really unaccustomed!

Maybe he should invent toothpaste and toothbrushes!

After washing, Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi walked into the small kitchen together. According to yesterday's request, there are already side dishes in the small kitchen, still porridge and pie, but this time the pie has fillings and eggs!

It seems that the nature of his own food is seen through... However, Han Tingxuan's heart is warm.

Mo Yanzhi intentionally asked Han Tingxuan to eat more, so the egg cake didn't move much.

But can he eat it without touching Han Tingxuan? Therefore, the omelet is eaten by two people!

After breakfast, Han Tingxuan had to go to the busy shop. And over there, people who are in urgent need of martial arts are in charge! Therefore, Mo Yanzhi became the best candidate!

Niu Fulang, who had a good relationship with Mo Yanzhi, came here. He was asked by Mo Yanzhi last night, so he came here early in the morning. And what Mo Yanzhi asked the other person to do was "look at it."

A good relationship is one thing, but Han Tingxuan never likes to challenge relationships with interests. So Niu Fulang said he was here to help, and they paid for it!

Twenty cents a day does not require much effort. This twenty cents is almost equivalent to the money that a man would spend working outside for most of the day!

Niu Fulang was originally unwilling to take it, but couldn't stand the strong demands of Mo Yanzhi and Han Tingxuan, so he finally accepted it. At the same time, he decided to watch carefully and not let Mo Yanzhi be taken advantage of by the workers!

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