In this major event that lasted for almost a semester, there was an attack by Death Eaters, causing bleeding and injuries. Many unlucky little wizards were injured by flying curses.

When such a major incident occurred, the little wizards thought that the final exam would be cancelled, giving them a chance to breathe and calm down.

However, the professors' decision surprised everyone.

Unexpectedly, professors have said that the final exam will only be postponed, not cancelled.

Even in order to improve the magic level of the little wizards, the final exam will not be cancelled, but will be made more difficult. I hope the little wizards will review carefully.

This news caused an uproar in the college.

The little wizards lamented one after another, but they could only grit their teeth and persist, and devoted themselves to the intense review.

"Moody is Crouch in disguise, but now that he has been given the Dementor's Kiss, who will be our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?" Neville asked worriedly.

Harry looked through the textbook in his hand and said thoughtfully: "I think it should be Levin. Do you remember? After Professor Lockhart's accident, it was Levin who taught us on his behalf. He has very rich knowledge and experience."


Ronald was stunned for a moment, then raised his head nonchalantly, "If he came to teach us Defense Against the Dark Arts, I guess we wouldn't learn defense, but how to kill people."

Ronald's words are not groundless.

The scene where Levin fought against dozens of Death Eaters by himself was still fresh in his memory.

Afterwards, statistics showed that half of those Death Eaters were knocked down by him on the spot, and two-thirds of these people were killed on the spot.

There was even an unlucky Death Eater who was crushed to death by Levin's powerful gravity magic, and his entire body was embedded in the floor.

The old-fashioned Aurors who were sent to clean up the scene were helpless in the face of such a tragic situation.

They tried to use various spells to deal with the scene, but to no avail.

Finally, they had to pick up small shovels and shovel the Death Eater's body out of the floor bit by bit.

The entire cleaning process took several hours. When the Death Eater's body was finally shoveled away, only a deep mark was left on the floor, silently telling the story of the brutality of the death.

In the wizarding world, battles are often not as bloody as people think.

Although wizards’ whimsical ideas will always cause all kinds of accidents,

But compared to the bloody and cruel battles of Muggles, wizards' battles are actually much more civilized.

After all, magic attacks are more controllable than physical attacks.

Most of the combat spells that are not black magic are mainly disarming, subduing, and stunning, such as [Disarming Curse], [Stunning Curse], [Confinement Curse], etc.…………

Most of the more deadly magic is black magic.

Therefore, when normal wizards fight, the mortality rate is much lower than that of Muggles who use swords and firearms.

However, Levin's encounter with the enemy broke this routine.

He is obviously not a dark wizard, and he hardly uses black magic - at least not the black magic recognized by the wizarding world. However, the death rate of his enemies is astonishingly high.

This situation is usually only seen in dark wizards.

As a result, the old-fashioned Aurors headed by Kingsley seemed to have found some kind of "evidence" after witnessing Levin's battle scene.

They all claimed that the reason why the "dark wizard" Cirila was so cruel was entirely because of Levin's teachings.

These Aurors seemed to think that through such rumors, they could damage Levin's reputation and thus hit Jaina's family.

But they ignored an important fact:

For those who have personally experienced this chaos, as well as those whose loved ones were injured in the chaos, or even controlled by the [Imperius Curse], they would like to see as many Death Eaters die as possible. Levin's behavior is undoubtedly very satisfying. .

They wished that Death Eaters would die more, and they could only express gratitude and praise for Levin's "heavy hand".

Harry had also heard complaints about Levin from Kingsley before.

But he almost lost his life to Voldemort. After hearing about Levin's deeds, he subconsciously felt very happy.

Therefore, when Ronald expressed dissatisfaction with Levin, Harry subconsciously wanted to retort.

But after thinking about Roni, I immediately gave up the idea.

He suddenly discovered that as Ronald transformed into Roni twice, the Ronald in his eyes naturally began to overlap with that stunning female image.

He began to feel reluctant to have too big a conflict with Ronald.

They entered the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and saw a familiar figure standing on the podium.

Harry cheered and rushed to the podium impatiently.

He was not the only one who was so enthusiastic. The little Gryffindor lions happily rushed to the podium. On the podium, Professor Remus John Lupin greeted each little wizard with a smile and gave them a cordial hug.

Compared with when we first met, his complexion and dress were much better.

In this timeline, Sirius was freed and with the help of Levin and Jaina he was cleared of his wrongdoing.

He can take over the Black family's inheritance openly, and he can also appear openly in front of other wizards.

He can take over the Black family's inheritance openly, and he can also appear in front of other wizards without any scruples.

This kind of more affluent living conditions than the original also benefits Professor Lupin.

He was invited by Sirius to manage the Black family's property together, and his life became affluent and no longer as stretched as before.

When Professor Dumbledore sent a letter inviting him to temporarily take over as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Lupine readily accepted the position out of gratitude.

He loves teaching and is willing to impart his knowledge and experience to these young teachers.

Professor Lupine hugged Harry warmly, and deliberately kept Harry after class and took him to his office to talk with him.

The big box belonging to Professor Moody has disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed. However, the mysterious demon mirror still hangs quietly on the wall, silently watching everyone who enters the room.

"Professor Moody is still very weak,"

Professor Lupine said softly, his eyes passing over Harry's face and falling on the hands preparing tea,

"Mrs. Pomfrey believes that his current physical condition cannot withstand the magic of Apparition, and he needs to stay in the school hospital to continue treatment. Therefore, his things have not been moved away yet. However, when he recovers at Hogwarts, bodies, when he is ready to leave, he will take them away himself."

"Harry, this is for you."

Professor Lupine handed Harry a piece of attractively colored chocolate, and the sweet smell instantly filled the air.

"The food I gave you for the first time was chocolate. This is a specialty of Honeydukes. It should taste much better than the first one."

Harry happily took the chocolate, which symbolized the memory of when he first met Professor Lupine.

At that time, he had no idea that the down-and-out man was actually his father's best friend when he was young.

Now in his eyes, Professor Black and Professor Lupine are more like his relatives than his aunt's family.

"Harry, Sirius is very dissatisfied with Professor Dumbledore for putting you in danger. Professor Lupin's tone revealed some concern, "He thinks it's too risky." If you have time, it is best to persuade him. "

Harry nodded, taking the matter to heart.

He decided to write to Sirius later, telling him that as long as he had a chance to defeat Voldemort, the risk was nothing.

In addition to the stressful final exams, Harry also had one more task to do every day.

Ever since he learned about the existence of the Order of the Phoenix from Sirius, Harry, who was deeply troubled by Voldemort's rebirth, finally found a clear goal - he was determined to join this organization that was greedy and dared to fight against Voldemort.

In order to achieve this goal, he would stand at the door of the auditorium after brunch every day. Once Dumbledore appeared, he would immediately greet him.

Dumbledore quickly noticed Harry's determination and persistence.

Faced with the persistence of this little Gryffindor boy, he had to take it seriously.

So, when Harry blocked his way again, he looked at Harry seriously and said, "Harry, the exam is coming soon. Are you sure you can get an O in every subject?"

Harry was caught off guard by the question.

He was eager to explain his thoughts, but in a public place like the auditorium, he didn't know how to mention the Order of the Phoenix (Nono's), so he blushed and stammered: "Professor, I think at this time...I should pay more attention to the Dark Lord's affairs."

Looking at the little wizards gathered around, Dumbledore suddenly changed his expression. He began to deliberately put on a deep expression and asked: "Do you know what will happen if you don't study well when preparing for the exam?"

The young wizards at Hogwarts are interested in this question,

They winked, pushed and crowded over, shouting, "What's going to happen?"

At this time Dumbledore suddenly roared: "YOU_SHALL_NOT_PASS!!!!"

As soon as the words fell, the little wizards in the audience burst into laughter,

It’s not like they haven’t watched The Lord of the Rings. The similarity in the images of Dumbledore and Gandalf is talked about in the hearts of many book fans.

In fact, the wizarding world is not without changes in Muggle book publishing.

Muggles' naive fantasy works about the magical world, such as "The Lord of the Rings", are very popular among young people.

Seeing this, the royal blue eyes behind the crescent-shaped glasses are also smiling.

He successfully diverted the students' attention and made them feel more relaxed during this tense moment.

Today’s fourth update is to make up for yesterday’s missing update.

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