One afternoon a week before the holiday, the little wizards at Hogwarts were notified during the last class: a grand awards ceremony and celebration would be held in the Great Hall in the evening.

When the little wizards stepped into the auditorium, they immediately noticed the difference from the past.

The ribbons, balloons and flags that usually decorate the auditorium are gone, replaced by a new scene carefully arranged with green, purple and white ribbons. The combination of these colors makes the entire auditorium permeate with a mysterious and solemn atmosphere, as if Predicting the important ceremony tonight.

The ones who are most looking forward to it are the young wizards from the Erudite Society who are about to receive medals. They all dress up neatly and hope to leave the best memories on this special night.

Harry's little fan, Colin, who is also a photography enthusiast, found that he was welcomed as never before today.

Usually he is just a transparent person with no sense of presence in school, and he doesn't know a few powerful classmates.

But today, many top students, academic leaders, opinion leaders, etc. in many colleges gathered around him one by one. On weekdays, they are all influential figures who are beyond his reach, and they never care about him, who is inconspicuous.

But now, they were so kind to him, just to ask him to take more photos of them when they were on stage, which made Colin feel flattered.

When he walked into the auditorium, the originally noisy scene suddenly became silent. Then everyone started talking loudly again, as if to attract his attention.

Levin walked slowly down the aisle, and many young wizards stood up to shake hands with him. He responded with a smile and nodded 280 times, and communicated gently with everyone who greeted him. He was obviously just a student entering the auditorium, but he acted like a leader inspecting.

A moment later, Dumbledore arrived, and the noise in the auditorium gradually subsided.

"Good evening," Dumbledore greeted everyone cheerfully with his signature gentle smile, "before we indulge in these delicious dishes, I have some good news to share with you.

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the auditorium was suddenly slammed open by a force. Minister of Magic Fudge strode in accompanied by Tonks and several other Aurors.

Dumbledore nodded to Fudge, and the two hugged tightly, as if to tell others that they still trust each other.

Then Fudge solemnly handed a roll of parchment to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore took the parchment and unfolded it gently. His eyes quickly scanned the paper, and a delighted smile appeared on his face.

He raised his head, looked around, and said in a loud voice:

"First of all, I would like to invite Hermione Granger, Zhang Qiu, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, Padma Patil, Draco Malfoy...these students to come to the stage

After these people stood in a row, he explained to the little wizards in the garden:

"This is an award from the Ministry of Magic: When faced with the sudden attack by the Death Eaters, they not only united calmly and bravely, but also used their courage, confidence and (acdg) wisdom to successfully fight against the Death Eaters and protect the Hogwarts, and even Beauxbatons students. Therefore, the Ministry of Magic decided to award them the Order of Merlin, Third Class.

As soon as he finished speaking, the young wizards of Hogwarts burst into deafening cheers, and even the young wizards of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons clapped.

Especially Beauxbatons, they did express their love for Hogwarts during this chaos.

The stars above their heads seemed to be shaken slightly.

That is the medal of Sir Merlin, what a great honor.

It is unprecedented for so many young wizards to receive medals at Hogwarts at the same time.

Dumbledore raised a hand to signal for silence.

Gradually, the noise in the auditorium subsided, leaving only the excited heartbeats of everyone echoing.

"I personally think that they are very outstanding," Dumbledore continued. "For this reason, Hogwarts must also reward them. I have decided to add fifty points to the house where each medalist is located."

This news seemed to light a fuse, triggering more cheers,

And the noise on Ravenclaw's long table was deafening,

Because of these little wizards in the Erudite Society, Ravenclaw's little wizards are the most numerous.

Among those who have received medals, Ravenclaw naturally has the most.

Of course,

Even without these extra points, Ravenclaw can already securely take first place in the Academy Forest.

When Fudge solemnly awarded the last third-class medal with a shining white ribbon to Hermione, thunderous applause erupted from the podium again.

Whether it is her performance in the Triwizard Tournament or her contribution to leading the Erotic Society to save her classmates, this girl is undoubtedly the most deserving of the medal among all people.

What's even more shocking is that this girl actually took the fourth-grade exam while coping with the Triwizard Tournament, and got "O" in all twelve subjects.

Since Levin was exempted from the exam this year, she was promoted to the top of her grade for the first time.

Ronald was sitting in the audience, staring intently at Hermione on the stage, complaining:

"The Sorting Hat must have made a mistake. No matter how you look at it, Hermione should belong to Ravenclaw. w

There was a hint of unnoticeable sourness in his tone, "She loves reading, has excellent grades, and has something in common with those weirdos like Ravenclaw. But she is not so enthusiastic about our Gryffindor classmates."

His words caused a slight commotion among the surrounding Gryffindors.

Some nodded in agreement, while others frowned.

Although Ronald's words were a bit harsh, they also spoke to the bottom of some people's hearts.

"Moreover, look at her now," Ronald continued with a pout, "She can even command Malfoy! Malfoy scolded her so bad at the beginning, it's a good thing she can still do that to Malfoy. The ugly rat face smiles so brightly.”

The little lions seemed to agree with what Ronald said.

In fact, due to Hermione's reputation, no one was stupid enough to take the initiative to echo Ronald's words.

But similarly, no one spoke out to refute.

This silence represented an attitude in itself - their view of Hermione was indeed somewhat subtle.

In fact, in the Erudite Society, the number of Gryffindors is the smallest among the four houses. Therefore, in this collective bonus point, the Gryffindors are also the ones who suffer the most - they are overtaken by Hufflepuff and once again become the bottom house.

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the proud Gryffindor.

"Next, I want to mention Levin Green..." Dumbledore's voice echoed in the auditorium,

Upon hearing this name, the auditorium suddenly became extremely silent, as if it had been cast by magic.

Dumbledore continued: "With his fearless courage, extraordinary courage and extraordinary strength, he single-handedly fought off dozens of Death Eaters and saved the innocent people at the scene. For this

The Order of Merlin decided to award Levin Green with a First Class Medal. Additionally, I would like to award Ravenclaw Academy sixty points. "

At this moment, if someone was standing outside the auditorium, they might mistakenly think that there was an explosion inside.

The cheers at Ravenclaw's dining table erupted one after another, one wave after another.

Steve, Kevin and others took the lead and stood up and cheered loudly. The joy and pride on their faces were beyond words.

Gradually, this gesture spread like a plague, and almost all the little wizards stood up and slapped the best student in the history of Hogwarts desperately to show their respect.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Levin calmly walked onto the stage.

With a faint smile on his face, he took the first-class medal with a green ribbon from Fudge's hand.

The green ribbon on this medal represents Merlin's Slytherin academy, but at this moment it is worn by the wizard of Ravenclaw.

The green ribbon on the first-class medal represents the Slytherin academy where Merlin himself is, but at this moment it is worn by the wizard of Ravenclaw.

But what's interesting is that not only was Slytherin House not dissatisfied with Levin's Muggle origin, but it was the second most excited among the four houses.

They do have many bloodists, but more of them are Darwinists who respect the strong. Therefore, after Levin gradually showed great strength, more and more Slytherin wizards have joined Erudite.

Update【5/4】, additional update【91/107】

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