"What conditions? Does it have anything to do with me crossing over? Zhang Jingfeng asked.

"Of course there is! ...... Because you authors of the crossing are the conditions I created!

"Let you authors travel back into the book you wrote, and another story happens." ...... I wondered if such a story would inspire some dimensional writers... to observe your existence. "

After my previous experiments... Many dimensions have been affected by this operation! ...... It can also be said that the low dimension affects the high dimension.

"The same can be said, under such influence,...... Many dimensional authors have such inspiration..."

"They will no longer write the original story of me..., but will write the story of their own time as the author into the book he wrote." The young man Zhang Jingfeng paced back and forth and talked.

"But what exactly is this experiment designed to prove?"

"You don't understand this..., let me briefly describe it for you!" The young man shook his head, then began to pace back and forth again, and then slowly spoke.

"Countless dimensions, like an infinite superimposed box, you don't know which weight you are in."

"For example, the number of layers of the dimension you were in before was 10, and the current dimension is at the 11th layer!" The young man Zhang Jingfeng said, pointing to Zhang Jingfeng and then to the ground.

"You don't know exactly how many layers are under the 10th floor, and how many layers are above the 11th floor!"

"But you still didn't explain what it was for?" Now Zhang Jingfeng can be considered to understand, but he does not understand the relationship.

"It seems that you still don't understand, the experiment I did is to prove which layer I am on!"

"Which floor?" Zhang Jingfeng muttered.

"It is impossible to prove at which level we are, but this experiment of mine proves that there is a higher level above us."

"I'm sure you have also noticed a change in yourself, a change in your coming from the 10th floor to this 11th floor..."

Variation? What changes? Zhang Jingfeng muttered, but he really didn't know what was different.

"That is, when you go from any low dimension to a high dimension, your setting is always that the system on your body cracks the current dimension, reaches the highest level element, and the 10 layers you are in are also assimilated into the strength of the 11th layer. Do you understand?

"You as the author should understand,...... It's like the setting you make when writing a story. ...... What you can influence is always the bottom dimension! Your settings will always only work for the lower dimensions.

"You mean to say..., these settings are from a higher dimension?" Zhang Jingfeng finally thought that when he came here, the system on his body kept ringing, it turned out to be because of this setting.

There are other authors above his author, and other authors are still using this setting in higher dimensions.

"Look! Don't you understand this? The

young man Zhang Jingfeng spread his hands.

"Wait..., I have other questions!" Seeing that the other Zhang Jingfeng didn't seem to want to say any more, Zhang Jingfeng hurriedly said.

"Just ask! ...... What do you want to know? The young man said that he did not care about Zhang Jingfeng's doubts.

"You say there were other authors before me who were also crossed by you? ...... Did the other authors of the crossing also break the shackles of the dimension and come here like me? "

That's the point..., in fact, your appearance is what surprised me, but it was not surprising to me."

"And your appearance also makes me more sure, and the fact that there are higher-level authors!"


"Because I have already seen the same ending in other low-dimensional authors. That is to travel to the authors of the book, they break the shackles of the dimension, and then return to the original world.

"But in those endings of the same dimension, there is no me." "

Why is that?" Zhang Jingfeng wondered again.

"Because your story is not over ... , that is, the author who wrote you is constantly updating ,......" "

He is recording your story ... and you are the protagonist of it."

"It's because you're the protagonist that you can see me. ...... It is precisely because you have met me that I am more convinced that there are higher level writers. The

young man Zhang Jingfeng's current words made Zhang Jingfeng shocked in his heart and could not be repeated.

In fact, Zhang Jingfeng once speculated about the situation that he was written into the book.

After all, he used to be half an author.

But the result of the fact was unexpected by Zhang Jingfeng.

Unexpectedly, the result of the fact is this, it is the protagonist of the story in his own book, breaking the shackles of fate and becoming more than the author level who wrote his story.

Then in turn create some parallel world of the author's story to traverse, reverse the reverse!

It is thus deduced that there is a higher level of writer above him.

"What you're just talking about is seeing the ending written by those authors, and what about the authors who have also been traversed by you? ...... Did they break the shackles and come here?

"Nope. ...... Except for you.

"After all, I just said that you are the protagonist. ...... It is the protagonist observed at the highest level.

"What if I'm not?" Zhang Jingfeng scratched his head, he didn't think he was a protagonist.

"There is no case..., because before I conducted this experiment, I traveled countless dimensions and did not find such a story."

"Everything happened after I got you authors."

"And in these cross-travel experiments that I've made,...... No one has seen me like you!

"Then why have other authors of crossings like me failed to break the shackles?" Zhang Jingfeng wondered again.

"Don't you know this best?"

"Don't you think about it? ...... Unlimited points redemption system? You can have whatever you want, and do you still care why you crossed it?

"Besides, you're just an author who wrote these stories, and you haven't really crossed over, do you really care about that?"

These words of young Zhang Jingfeng seemed to wake up Zhang Jingfeng.

At this moment, Zhang Jingfeng understood, and also thought clearly about a question.

If I didn't cross at the beginning, I suddenly thought of such an inspiration that I crossed into my book.

So how cool must the story written be, after all, how can the protagonist in the book care why he crosses this point?

He is not Zhang Jingfeng himself.

But now, as a real crosser.

The main question that Zhang Jingfeng pondered, or why did he cross over?

"That's not right. ...... Could it be that I am so special with so many crossers you got out?

"How else?" The young man Zhang Jingfeng spread his hands.

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