"Then why am I so special?"

"Because you're the protagonist."

"Why are you sure I'm the protagonist?"

"Because you saw me."

"It's too strange to see you, I'm the protagonist, right?"

"This is not surprising at all, because the author who wrote you is aware of my existence..., and he asked you to meet me, probably only to let you understand the beginning and end of the crossing."

"Otherwise, when you left that dimension, you would only return to your original world, and you would not have known the truth of the journey."

"And he's at a higher level of narrative. And the higher level of the narrative, able to know all the conversations between us... Even changing the conversation between us.

"Just as when you were an author, you wrote the dialogue of the characters in the book, this is the highest level of narrative."

"But the conversation between us seems to be normal, and he didn't rewrite it..." Zhang Jingfeng spread his hands.

"That's right, he didn't rewrite it, which means that our dimension is the only one."

"Or maybe he rewrote it, we don't know."

"If it is rewritten, then we are just a parallel dimension, or a parallel universe."

"Well, I already understand what you're saying. ...... But I always felt that everything was ridiculous. After listening to another Zhang Jingfeng's explanation, Zhang Jingfeng was a head and two big at the moment.

"But your explanation makes me have to accept this fact."

Now Zhang Jingfeng's understanding is like this.

The protagonist in the book that he once broke broke the dimensional wall for some reason.

Then I found some parallel worlds and found the author who was writing this story, and these authors were Zhang Jingfeng himself.

Of course, maybe it's just the individual in the parallel world who is writing this story.

After that, for some reason, he discovered the existence of the box, and then on a whim, he threw the found authors into those lower dimensions for his experiments.


Zhang Jingfeng raised his eyebrows, and then asked again: "I haven't heard of the infinite superimposed box you mentioned. ...... How do you know? "

“...... This is also something I learned after breaking the dimensional wall and traveling to countless dimensions of the same level.

"Otherwise I'll be kept in the dark too..." The young man Zhang Jingfeng pondered for a moment, and then slowly spoke.

"Where did you learn that?"

"Hmm..., a dangerous place called the Blue and White Dimension! ...... But the good thing... My system works as well. Young Zhang Jingfeng muttered again.

"A dangerous place?" Growing to the peak level of the dimension, are you still afraid of danger? Zhang Jingfeng was puzzled by this.

"Yes, dangerous places. "

The setting of that dimension is somewhat different from the normal world."

"There's a dangerous thing called containment there, which doesn't make sense,...... Some are so weak that they are negligible. ...... Others are powerful enough to destroy an entire dimension.

"And in the blue and white dimension... there is an organization that contains this dangerous object." ...... They are called the Blue and White Society! "

What the Blue and White Society does is contain these dangerous things."

"So what does all this have to do with you knowing about the Infinity Box?" Zhang Jingfeng spoke up suspiciously.

"Naturally, I learned about it from the president of the Blue and White Society."

"Oh!" Zhang Jingfeng nodded and didn't ask more.

"It was precisely because I learned about the existence of the infinite box from their mouths that I thought of searching for the author in countless dimensions and then testing my conjecture." Seeing that Zhang Jingfeng didn't ask more, the young man Zhang Jingfeng continued.

"Until you show up. ...... I just found out that my guess was correct.

"In the infinite superimposed box, there are authors of a higher level than us."

"So now my guess is correct, and I can keep climbing!" Until you reach the limit set by the unlimited points exchange system!

"By that time, you may be able to meet the author at the highest level!"

"Huh? See the author at the highest level? Why? Zhang Jingfeng was surprised.

"Actually, there is no why. ...... I just want to test the limits of the dimensional box, or see my limits.

"According to you, this infinitely superimposed box is equivalent to a tower that extends infinitely upwards and infinitely downwards. ...... When will you climb to the head? Zhang Jingfeng shook his head and spread his hands again.

"The end point is not important..., what matters is the process! ...... I think you should understand.

"After all, you are me, although it is a little different!" The young man Zhang Jingfeng seemed to have seen through Zhang Jingfeng's heart, and he could see that Zhang Jingfeng's heart was hairy.

And looking at the young man Zhang Jingfeng's such determined eyes, Zhang Jingfeng couldn't help but ask himself.

If you knew this, would you do the same?

Most likely it will, after all, when I was in the endless plane, I liked to travel the most, so climbing up is not also a kind of travel? ?


It's all over.

Zhang Jingfeng also knew the reason for his crossing, but Zhang Jingfeng did not return to the world before the original crossing.

It was not until he asked the young Zhang Jingfeng that he understood.

"Originally, you, as an ordinary protagonist, may return to the original world after breaking the dimensional wall."

"But you, as the protagonist of a higher level of writing,...... So it was forced to upgrade the dimension.

"Now that you're traveling through the world you were in before, it's a level lower than you are now." It's as if it's on the 11th floor now..., and the original world is on the 10th floor.

"So you mean I can't go back?" Zhang Jingfeng was stunned.

"Can go back! ...... I didn't say I couldn't.

"It's just that you have to be prepared for dimensionality reduction."

"Uh,...... So I got weaker after I went back?

"How so? Even after you reduce the dimensionality, you are still the peak existence of that dimension! After all, that setting has always been there.

"Oh, is that so? ...... Do you know where the coordinates of my original world are? Zhang Jingfeng nodded and asked.

"Nature that I sent you to cross is to know. ...... That's it, go ahead! The young man Zhang Jingfeng took out a glass ball in his trouser pocket, and then took out a glass ball and threw it into Zhang Jingfeng's hand casually.

"Glass beads? "

Don't underestimate this glass bead. ..., all the author information I sent to traverse, also includes all the dimensions that those authors have crossed to...! "

Of course, this includes yours, but before..." the young man Zhang Jingfeng finally nagged a few more words.

Then he said goodbye to Zhang Jingfeng.

"Okay, I climbed the tower, I hope to see you again in the future!"

As the young Zhang Jingfeng waved goodbye, Zhang Jingfeng also saw a perspective that he could not imagine.

It was as if the young Zhang Jingfeng was moving away from him.

It was exactly the same as when Eliza saw Zhang Jingfeng leave.

Zhang Jingfeng understood that this was another Zhang Jingfeng heading to the next floor of the box.

"What am I going to do next?"

After glancing at the glass bead, he contacted Eliza again, and finally Zhang Jingfeng clapped his hands and confirmed:

"Go back!" Go back to the world I traveled back to! Make up for all regrets! "



As if there is nothing to say, that's it!

Thanks to the readers who see here.

【System Pick-up Place】(Random System)【System Pick-up Place】(Custom System)【System Pick-up Place】(Cracked System)【System Pick-up


: Will there be a second part?

Answer: No one watched the first part, and the second part?

Question: @**#%#%#%#**#%

Answer: Abba Abba Abba.

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