My wife is a big star

Chapter 132 Shady netizens

"Zhou Zhouxiu" started airing, and not many people paid attention.

Apart from discussions on Weibo caused by publicity, no one else knew there was such a program.

Not to mention other TV stations, not even a few people from Zhaonan TV station paid attention to it.

The launch of such a low-profile program was really quiet.

Chen Ran had just ended the call with Zhang Fanzhi.

Zhang Fanzhi has been running around most of the time these days, and has accepted a jewelry endorsement. Anyway, he is very busy.

Different from the last time she went back with a song, Zhang Fanzhi is now a singer highly praised by Fanxing. When she went back with a song, Fanxing’s people first evaluated the song and immediately invited the producer. It seemed that they were preparing to promote this song. song.

Zhang Fanzhi is currently busy with endorsements. He will start recording after a while when the arrangement is completed. Then he will start promoting new songs, so he will definitely be even busier.

Chen Ran had already been prepared for this and was not disappointed.

What surprised Chen Ran was that Fanxing actually noticed him and asked Tao Lin for news two days ago.

Being able to write "First Dream" can be said to be an accident, but being able to write the song "Courage" later was enough to attract the attention of the stars.

Tao Lin knew what Fanxing was thinking, and she wanted to win over Chen Ran and get more songs from him.

Although Tao Lin is from the company, she considers it from Zhang Fanzhi's point of view and infers that the person who wrote the song is a relative of Zhang Fanzhi. He is from within the system and has never thought of becoming famous for his song writing. He also signed a confidentiality agreement and cannot disclose it. .

People who talk nonsense like this are not stupid, so of course they don’t believe it.

But if Tao Lin didn't say anything, there was nothing they could do.

Zhang Fanzhi brought the song with him after he came back. As for Chen Ran, they only knew that he lived in Linshi and his name was Chen Ran.

No more and nothing is known.

Knowing that Tao Lin was perfunctory, Fanxing did not continue to ask. There were many people who had written two popular songs, so they would not be unhappy with Zhang Fanzhi because of such a person. Fanxing still had some sense of this.

Chen Ran didn't care about this. There were thousands of musicians in the music industry, but he only had two songs, which was nothing. Naturally, the stars would not give up.

on tv.

It's almost ten o'clock, and the ad countdown begins.

"Zhou Zhouxiu" will be broadcast soon.

Although he had watched the finished film several times, recorded the second episode in the past two days, and even prepared the copy for the third episode, Chen Ran was still staring at the TV, waiting for the show to play.

Wang Xuyun is already in his thirties. Apart from going to work every day, he likes to browse Weibo and express his voice on hot topics.

Two days ago on Weibo Square, I came across a promotional video for a variety show. The host's views in the promotional video were different from his, so he left a comment below.

Who knew that this would be like stirring up a hornet's nest, and many people started arguing with him.

One of the words was particularly fierce, as if he wanted to argue until Wang Xuyun gave up.

Arguing on the Internet is basically an unanswerable topic.

In the past two days, Wang Xuyun would go to Weibo to argue with the other party even when he was at work, but in the end no one was able to convince anyone. While blocking the other party, he secretly scolded the other party for being a keyboard warrior.

When he went to Weibo today, he suddenly remembered that the reason for the argument with the other party was because of a program called "Zhou Zhou Show".

Thursday late night slot, this time slot is just a small show. There is only one person and one stage in the promotional video, and there is not even a single person to praise it. What good can it be?

But thinking that he had been quarreling with people for several days because of this program, and felt unhappy when eating and sleeping, Wang Xuyun decided to take a look. If this program really sucked, he would definitely scold him on Weibo, and by the way, Let the blacklisted guy wander around for a few times.

With this mentality, he waited until ten o'clock and saw "Zhou Zhou Show" which started on time.

Wang Xuyun looked at it with a critical eye.

The program is very simple. It selects hot news, just like a cross talk. The host's views are very sharp and to the point. When encountering news with incorrect views, he will even get angry and have emotional ups and downs.

Unlike the silly show he thought, this show actually has depth!

The views put forward were surprisingly correct. Even though Wang Xuyun had some different views from the other party, the host Zhou Zhou's emotional expression made him feel that what the other party said made sense.

So much so that arguing with people about drug prices on Weibo was forgotten, because Zhou Zhou was attacking some unscrupulous drug dealers, not beating them to death!

Wang Xuyun usually watches programs and there is always something he doesn't like. Whenever he encounters something, he will jump to other channels to change his mood.

Not today. Instead, I kept staring at the TV, waiting for the program to play.

The program is not heavy, but rather relaxing. The baggage thrown out by the host always makes people smile.

After Wang Xuyun finished watching the show, he still hadn't come back to his senses. He had a feeling of "Is this going to be gone?"

The program looks very simple. It is just a host, and it is even more shabby in the late night time of Thursday, when grandma does not love her and her uncle does not love her.

But the content was unexpectedly delicious, which at least made him feel that watching the show was not in vain.

After a brief recollection, he logged into Weibo and wrote a large comment, which he posted directly under the promotional video of the quarrel.

After Wang Xuyun posted it, he refreshed the webpage and saw that someone had posted a comment before him, and he felt that it was similar to him. It looked like the same navy essay.

"It's just this show, and you still need to hire undercover soldiers?" Wang Xuyun was a little stunned. For this small show, is there any need to hire navy soldiers?

After taking a closer look, I found that it was not a troll, but the shady netizen who had been quarreling with him two days ago.

Wang Xuyun read the other party's comments again and found that the other party's views were very consistent with his. The resentment he had exchanged with the other party in the past two days almost disappeared. He put the other party on the blacklist and replied: "Heroes see the same thing! "

He, Wang Xuyun, is such a person who understands justice well and has a clear distinction between grudges and grudges.

the next day.

When the ratings came out, everyone in the Zhou Zhouxiu column group was a little silent.

The station provided a publicity channel, and their publicity on Weibo also had an effect.

But the final ratings only reached 0.391%.

At the same time, it ranked 11th.

The number one spot during this time period is Tomato TV’s Magic Baby, with 0.836%.

It seems that the ratings are not very high, but "Zhou Zhouxiu" is favored and beaten.

"Everyone, please be happy. Our program is on the schedule of "Antique". The ratings of this program before were negligible. We can say that we are starting from scratch, and there is also a lack of publicity. It is already amazing to be able to achieve this data. The program It’s a success!”

Director Wu Tao clapped his hands to comfort everyone.

Zhou Zhou was in a bad mood. The ratings for the show's premiere were indeed a bit unsatisfactory.

Of course what Director Wu said makes sense, but if their program is better than bad, who doesn't want better ratings?

However, Chen Ran looked at the real-time ratings curve, his brows twitched slightly, and he said slowly: "Director Wu is right, the situation is not as bad as everyone thinks."

Thanks to Lu Sanjin for the 1,500-coin reward from Boss Jinbaobao, the 1,300-coin reward from book friend 20200311225615492, the 1,000-coin reward from Xiaoguang and Xiaobo, and the 1,000-coin reward from book friend 20180402113518628. It’s awesome. The 1,000-coin reward from the dirty god boss, the 500-coin reward from the first and supreme boss, the 100-coin reward from the book friend 20190529153516219, the 100-coin reward from the book friend 20180419110442262, and the 100-coin reward from the binomic boss Reward. Thank you all for your support.

Something happened today. I went out for a trip and came back too late, so I can only update these two chapters.

Keep in mind the fourth update and keep going. The corn will be paid off one day, for sure!

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