My wife is a big star

Chapter 204 My Youth

"My Youth" is a typical Chinese youth movie.

In the early stage, there were family conflicts, and the male protagonist lived in an environment full of domestic violence.

My father is an alcoholic and addicted to gambling. After losing his job, he drinks at home all day long. My mother is also a relatively aggressive woman. She is criticized by her husband for supporting the family and the couple fights whenever they disagree.

Every time at this time, the male protagonist would move a stool to the next room, grab the earplugs he had prepared and insert them into his ears, and then read a book by himself. He was accustomed to everything. Occasionally he would stare at the sky outside the window in a daze, his eyes There is a void and confusion in it.

In contrast, the other family is warm and peaceful. The heroine's father has been promoted and bought dolls. Her mother is busy cooking in the house, and the family is enjoying themselves.

The story unfolds from this point, telling the youth story between the male and female protagonists.

When the novel was first published, it became popular all over the country and became popular on campuses.

But after these years, the Internet has developed rapidly and there has been an explosion of information, including various novels and movies. This type of plot has been overused. When the movie was released, many netizens said The plot is too cliche, putting the movie into the category of making money with emotions.

The story is an old one, and many similar movies are synonymous with bad movies.

But you also have to see who is taking the photo.

Director Xie Kun has a good reputation in the industry. The style of his previous films was more literary and artistic. A clichéd story like "My Youth" can indeed be made into a flower in his hands.

The original work itself is not a story of ups and downs. The biggest conflict in the entire film is the conflicts and even fights between the two families after they discover the relationship between the male and female protagonists.

Before the two separated, the point of conflict was the change in the heroine's outlook on life and values. What caused the conflict was her thoughts.

Basically, the heroine feels that this is not the love she wants. The love she wants is not sneaking around all day long, not playing hide-and-seek with her family, and not facing her parents nagging her every time she comes home.

That's how feelings are. It's a matter between two people. If one side chooses to give up, it will fall apart in an instant. This cannot be achieved by one person's efforts.

The male protagonist felt the changes in the female protagonist. He worked crazy hard to maintain it, and was unwilling to let go just like this.

In the end, the male protagonist got into trouble because of his father's gambling addiction and was seriously injured by someone who came to ask for debts. After spending more than ten days in the hospital, when faced with the female protagonist's proposal to break up, he said "yes" very calmly.

He loved the heroine deeply and once wrote in his diary that the world was dark and she was the light that lit up the world.

The heroine got her wish, but she couldn't be happy. After crying and feeling lost for a few days, the hero calmly agreed to break up. There was nothing more sorrowful than the look of death in her eyes. This scene was fixed in her mind.

The reason why this story was so popular back then is quite interesting. High school students liked to read the high school chapter, which was about their ideal sweet love.

What college students like is the chapter about a breakup in college and the heroine’s mental struggle.

From high school to college, I don’t know how many people have had this experience. After broadening their horizons, their views have changed, and they are completely different from those in high school.

And those who leave campus and enter society will see what they think in their hearts from the end of the story.

Everyone's youth is made up of regrets. There are many things you have missed and you will never ask for again.

At the class reunion, the female protagonist asked the male protagonist if he wanted to go to the high school together. The male protagonist chewed something and said with a smile: "I won't go. Now the school has been renovated and it is no longer what it used to be. Even if If we go back, we will only see a strange place, which may not be the result we want."

The heroine pinched her fingers together, her knuckles turned white, her smile began to force itself, and the entire classmate became distracted.

At the end of the story, the two are not together after all.

As the male protagonist Qiao An said, even if they go back, it may not be the result they want.

The heroine in his heart was buried in his memory when they broke up. It was his dawn that illuminated his entire high school career, but it was extinguished at the moment of their breakup.

Along with the heroine's tears, the theme song played throughout.

Many of the people who came to watch the movie were girls, who belong to the more emotional group. The movie itself did not force tears, and it always had the sour and sour emotions. But when "Later" played, the song and the plot of the movie were interspersed, which directly made people feel sad. Many people suffer from tear duct collapse.

At the end of the memory, the remaining sentence "Some people are gone once they are missed." made waves of sobs come from the cinema.

Chen Ran also felt very worried.

The movie theater is a magical place. If he watched this kind of movie on TV, he would definitely not be able to stand it. But in the atmosphere of the movie theater, everyone was watching intently. Not only did he watch it, but he was also infected by the plot.

He had not read the novel in advance, only the outline of the story. Now it seems that those who say the story is cliché are really wrong. The three chapters, taken individually, are indeed very cliché, but they can be combined together, and then by Xie Kun If the director's unique lens language is reflected, then it can't be forgotten.

At the end, the theater lights came on, and many people hadn't gotten up yet, sitting there waiting to see if there were any Easter eggs, wiping their tears and sorting out their emotions.

Just by looking at this scene, he knew the movie was perfect.

The specific amount of energy that can be unleashed depends on how strong the emotion is.

Chen Ran turned around and glanced at Zhang Fanzhi. She didn't cry like the other girls. When she put on the mask, only her eyes could be seen. Her brows were slightly frowned, but her eyes were not red.

Chen Ran asked: "How do you feel?"

"Pretty good." Zhang Fanzhi muttered.

Chen Ran heard some nasal sounds in her voice, and it seemed that she was not as calm as she was now.

He believed that Zhang Fanzhi really didn't watch it at the premiere.

The two walked out of the cinema holding hands, while people passing by were still sobbing quietly.

"Isn't this movie good?"

"Well, it feels better than the original. Especially when the song came out at the end, my heart was so sad."

"The novel and the movie are definitely different. They have to be adapted. Okay, okay, don't cry."

"I just feel so pitiful for Qiao An."

"The heroine is also pitiful."

"What's wrong with her? She did it herself."

" fact, many girls nowadays are almost like heroines..."

"Are you talking about me?"

"Do you think I dare?"

The conversation between the young couple was quite interesting.

As Chen Ran walked along, all he heard was people discussing the plot and praising them without hesitation.

After walking out, he felt a little more comfortable. Seeing that Zhang Fanzhi didn't say anything and was probably still thinking about the movie, he said, "The movie we watched was a bit interesting."

"Huh?" Zhang Fanzhi tilted his head.

"Do you remember the first movie we watched? Thirty Days of Love. At the end, the heroine sat on the hospital bed and cried." Chen Ran said with a smile: "The same is true for this one now. Both movies have the heroine regretting it. It ends with crying. It used to be popular to torture scumbag men, but now it seems to be popular to torture female protagonists."

Zhang Fanzhi didn't say anything. He also remembered the bad movie back then. Both movies focused on emotions, but there was really no way to compare them together.

"This movie is going to be popular, and it's going to be very popular. "Later" is going to scare a lot of people."

Depending on the reputation of a movie, you can actually see it in the cinema. If most people can't wait to leave as soon as the lights are turned on, then there must be something wrong with the movie. After "My Youth" just finished playing, there were all the staff It’s obvious that all the audience members are still sitting quietly, waiting for the song to end to see if there are any Easter eggs. This word-of-mouth will definitely explode.

The fact is just like what Chen Ran said, the film's opening score reached 9.6. Although it was only a midnight screening, there were not too many screenings, and most of the people who rated it were fans of the original book, an opening score of 9.6 is very rare.

Zhang Fanzhi originally wanted to send Chen Ran home, but it was too late now. Chen Ran was worried that Zhang Fanzhi would go back alone after seeing him off, so he planned to go to Zhang's house to deal with it all night.

She took a deep breath, obviously just coming back to her senses from the movie.

"Why do you think the heroine changed her mind?" Zhang Fanzhi asked abruptly as he walked to the car.

Chen Ran thought for a while and said: "It is shown in the movie that her view of love is too idealistic. After going to college and the influence of environmental factors, she felt that she could not persist. In fact, there were quite a few such situations. Back then, When I was in college, I had a girlfriend my roommate had been dating since high school. I would take the train to see her every Friday, and then we broke up not long after..."

Zhang Fanzhi listened quietly. She didn't have so many things during her college years. After listening, she looked at Chen Ran again and asked casually: "If it were you, would you change?"

Only then did Chen Ran realize what she meant and said, "I can't guarantee it."

Seeing Zhang Fanzhi frowning slightly and looking a little unhappy, Chen Ran smiled and said, "I seem to have been changing since we met. At least when we met, I didn't treat you the same as I do now."

Only then did Zhang Fanzhi realize that Chen Ran had deliberately teased her. She glanced at Chen Ran and was not angry. When they both sat in the car, she whispered, "Me too."

Chen Ran was adjusting his seat belt and turned around in surprise, while Zhang Fanzhi drove calmly, as if those three words just now were not hers.

If Chen Ran hadn't heard it, he would have thought he was hallucinating.

He didn't care what Zhang Fanzhi's expression was, he was very happy anyway, and kept looking at Zhang Fanzhi's profile and smiling.

When I returned to Zhang's house, it was already late at night.

Director Zhang and his wife were not yet asleep. As soon as they opened the door and entered, Aunt Yun came out of the room.

Zhang Fanzhi frowned and said, "Why are you still not sleeping at this time?"

Aunt Yun said angrily: "I'm not waiting for you because I'm afraid you'll be hungry when you come back at night."

Chen Ran felt in his heart that Aunt Yun was not the reason, and she was probably worried that he would abduct Zhang Fanzhi directly.

The second elder is very supportive of Chen Ran and Zhang Fanzhi, but they haven't decided yet. What they want to do is to at least meet their parents and get engaged.

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