My wife is a big star

Chapter 205 Airborne

Chen Ran was in a good mood today and slept very comfortably at Zhang's house.

Because he came back late, he turned off the alarm clock and went to sleep until eight or nine o'clock.

Today is Saturday. Director Zhou went to the TV station for something. Aunt Yun took a break and cooked at home. Chen Ran and Zhang Fanzhi almost got up at the same time.

While eating, Chen Ran thought of Zhang Fanzhi's new song and opened Huaxia Music to take a look.

Sure enough, after the movie was released last night, the sales of "Later" were affected and increased a lot again. Not only that, many viewers who watched the movie actively left comments under the song.

As we all know, the popularity of China Music's new song list is composed of sales, reviews, etc.

Before yesterday, veteran first-line singer Wang Yichen was unwilling to be surpassed by "Later" and had been working hard to promote and regain the top spot. The gap was slowly narrowing.

But now, in one night, the gap has not been closed, but has widened a lot. The popularity and sales of "Later" have been soaring and cannot be stopped at all.

Even Chen Ran was a little dazed. This was just the zero point. Isn't it a bit too exaggerated?

And since today is Saturday, there will be more people watching the movie, which will bring continuous popularity to "Later".

The day after tomorrow is Monday, the day when the best-selling list is refreshed. If the data of "Later" continues to soar as it is now, it is certain that it will be parachuted to the top, and it may even be parachuted to the top of the list!

What is the concept of releasing a new song and ranking first in the first week?

This will only happen when top-tier singers who are recognized as extremely popular release high-quality new singles.

Now Zhang Fanzhi is just a second-tier singer. If he really succeeds, his popularity will be the same for a while. He will be the only one among the second-tier singers, right?

He could still think of Wang Yichen's dull and depressed expression. A giant shark entered the fish pond to become the overlord, and a real dragon suddenly emerged from it. He would definitely be frightened.

Just after dinner, Zhang Fanzhi received a call from Tao Lin. He originally planned to stay at home for an extra day or two, but because the song was unexpectedly popular, the film crew planned to let Zhang Fanzhi go with him to promote it.

People from Fanxing will definitely not miss this opportunity, and the crazy increase in the data of "Later" this morning really scares them. Thinking of the possibility of being parachuted into the best-seller list, Zhang Fanzhi went to promote it, not only to promote the movie, but also for her. Fanxing immediately agreed to the new song.

Tao Lin called just now to talk about this matter.

Chen Ran knew this, but he felt regretful.

He also planned to go out with Zhang Fanzhi today to catch up on the many unfinished things between the couple. But now, a phone call from Tao Lin made all his little plans come to nothing.

After a while, Xiaoqin will come to pick up Zhang Fanzhi and go with her. Where will the time come from?

"We said we would stay for a few days, why are we leaving now?" Aunt Yun sighed.

She thought her daughter would stay for a few more days, and she was happy when she heard the news. But now she has to leave temporarily, which makes her a little depressed.

Zhang Fanzhi pursed her lips and said nothing. She usually would not refuse normal work matters, not to mention that it would also be good for her to promote the movie.

"My Youth" has already grossed more than RMB 70 million in pre-sale box office. It is certain that the premiere box office will exceed RMB 100 million. The movie will be a hit, and her songs will also become popular.

After a while, Xiaoqin came over.

She was not surprised to see Chen Ran at Zhang Fanzhi's house.

I saw him last time and he was already immune. I just called him Teacher Chen to show his respect.

As Zhang Fanzhi's assistant, Xiaoqin usually pays close attention to new song data. As soon as she saw Zhang Fanzhi, she started chattering. Chen Ran listened for a while, basically farting in the rainbow.

Xiaoqin has been with Zhang Fanzhi for some time, but due to her personality, she is still a little cautious when facing Zhang Fanzhi and Tao Lin.

She stopped talking as she saw Chen Ran and Zhang Fanzhi wearing a pair of couple watches on their hands. She looked at Chen Ran and Zhang Fanzhi with her little eyes, and suddenly felt a little sore.

Before noon, Zhang Fanzhi and Xiaoqin left together.

Her new song has performed so well, so she will have to be busy for a while.

Chen Ran was originally going to rest with Zhang Fanzhi, but everyone else had returned to Huahai, and she was bored, so she simply went to the TV station again.

The promotion of the program is already in full swing, on TV and online. Because it was a hot search for a day, "Talent Show" has a lot of discussion on Weibo.

The most discussed thing is not the program itself, but the promotional song "I Believe"!

Because the lyrics are powerful and full of positive energy, it feels like you have been injected with chicken blood after listening to it, so it is also called the chicken blood divine song, and it quickly spread on Weibo.

The song was uploaded to Hua Xia Music when the promotion began. Under the program's promotion offensive, it actually reached the top ten of new songs and remained stable.

There is no way to compare it with Zhang Fanzhi's "Later". No matter how good the song is, it depends on the audience. The sales of inspirational songs will be slightly worse, but if it reaches the top ten in two or three days, it does not mean that the song has been buried.

"I Believe" itself is the promotion song of the show. If the song becomes popular, the fame of the show will naturally increase.

Now many people know that Zhaonan Satellite TV has launched a unique talent show, which does not include beauty contests but focuses on talents.

"What talent show is not under the guise of talent, but in essence it is a beauty pageant, and this show must be the same!"

"I don't think the show performed there is a beauty pageant. There are men and women, old and young. How can I choose?"


During the promotion, some controversies arose, most of which were centered around the type of program. Over the years, everyone has been watching talent shows all at once, and it is indeed a bit boring.

Their column group has its own Weibo and has seen these controversies, but has not explained them.

As for the program, it is not afraid of controversy, but it is afraid that no one will discuss it, and then it will be really cool.

Zhaonan Satellite TV suddenly started promoting the program, and several friend stations must have noticed it.

Huang Yu, the director of Tomato TV, frowned slightly. He had already noticed it at the beginning of the preparation of the Zhaonan TV program. At that time, he just felt that it was just a talent show and was nothing to worry about. However, as the Zhaonan promotion began, he felt a little uneasy.

They knew some information about the "Talent Show" auditions, but they didn't know the specifics.

If this is an ordinary talent show, then Zhaonan Satellite TV's promotion efforts are a bit too much.

"After all, it's just a talent show. No matter how good the promotion is, it's impossible to buck the trend, right?"

Huang Yu muttered.

What is momentum?

The decline of talent shows is a trend!

Their new reality show "The Star Is Coming" on Tomato TV has been scheduled to premiere next week. It has been promoted and all preparations have been made. No matter whether "Talent Show" is good or bad, they have to show it.

What's more, a talent show that has begun to fall into disrepute, no matter how much it is promoted, cannot compare with them.

It’s not just Tomato TV Director Huang Yu who has this idea. Other TV stations also feel that Zhaonan TV is a little confused by pushing a talent show at this time.

Everyone has new shows on Saturdays in May and June. Are you here to be used as cannon fodder?

The people in the "Talent Show" column team don't know what other people think. Anyway, they are just promoting it step by step.

The movie "My Youth" was a complete hit.

It premiered yesterday, and the box office on the first day reached 120 million. The box office of the first broadcast exceeded 100 million, and it had a rating of 9.6. The news that the first broadcast exceeded 100 million has been on the hot search list of various news websites and has never been down.

It stands to reason that this kind of film is likely to be a hit, and the premiere box office will account for most of the total box office. "My Youth" is an exception. The box office on Sunday rose again, reaching 150 million.

Thanks to the song "Later", which perfectly fits the plot, the movie clips were edited by many netizens and uploaded to video websites, becoming popular all over the Internet.

"It's Sima marketing again, these movies are all bad!"

"Have you forgotten the last time about chasing love for thirty days? That's why this kind of bad movie is so popular all over the Internet!"

Some netizens watched the video of the movie all day long and began to curse. This kind of excessive publicity can easily cause disgust.

Of course, the people talking above are all otakus.

Most girls have already started booking tickets when they see the trailer and theme song.

Many boys prefer popcorn movies and are not too interested in this kind of love story, but they can't resist their girlfriends.

So movie tickets are booked in pairs.

Late at night.

Chen Ran hasn't gone to bed yet and is busy in front of the computer.

The second episode of "Talent Show" was about to be recorded, and he had to work overtime even when he returned home.

Glancing at the time, Chen Ran found that it was already past twelve o'clock. Chen Ran picked up his phone and clicked directly into the Chinese music rankings.

After entering the best-seller list, the page was slightly delayed. It was still the list from last week. After a while, the list was refreshed.

Bestseller list: "Later"

Singer: Zhang Xiyun!

Last week’s ranking——

After two days of crazy popularity on Saturday and Sunday, after the best-selling list was refreshed, "Later" climbed to the top of the best-selling list without any suspense!

Moreover, in the first week of its launch, it ranked first!

Chen Ran let out a breath. Although he had thought about it, he was still a little surprised.

After all, this is the Chinese music best-selling list, not the new song list. It has completely different gold content and different meanings!

"Here, what kind of day is this? There's a song that's ranked number one!"

"Oh my God, I thought I would be parachuted into a high position, top ten at most, but I didn't expect that I would be parachuted into the first place!"

""Later" sounds so good, isn't it normal for it to be number one?"

"The Chinese music best-selling list is not those wild charts. It is too difficult to be ranked first. Look at Wang Yichen. With such good data last week, he was not ranked first!"

Everyone who paid attention to the Chinese music sales list was surprised.

Although "My Youth" has been very popular in the past two days, and "Later" has been at the top of the list of new songs, no one thought that this song would skyrocket to the top of the list.

What kind of luck is this Zhang Xiyun!

The last song became a hit all over the internet, occupying the top spot for more than ten weeks, and is scheduled to win an award this year.

Now it’s even more exaggerated, the new song has directly landed on the top of the list!

Could it be that another diva is rising?

No wonder everyone thinks so. If you look at the first-tier singer Wang Yichen, he is stuck at the second place on the new song chart, and now the best-selling chart is also stuck. How powerful can he be if he can hold down the top-tier singers?

Thank you to Mr. Shenghuang for the 10,000 coin reward. Thank you very much.

Thanks to Mr. Jingzhongtianjing Jingjing for his 1,500-coin reward, Mr. Deliberately Falling in Love with You for his 500-coin reward, Mr. Taozizizizi for his 100-coin reward, Mr. I'm sorry for the author for ten years for his 100-coin reward, Aba The 100-coin reward from the boss who snatches the wolf, the 100-coin reward from the book friend 20200414130812273, the 100-coin reward from the boss who drives a carriage to raise a certain wolf, the 100-coin reward from the peach-in-a-peach boss, and the morning rain is falling. The 100-coin reward from the cy boss, and the 100-coin reward from the book friend 110307025045408. Thank you for your support.

There will be another chapter later.

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