My wife is a big star

Chapter 588: Intolerable

Zhaonan TV.

Ma Wenlong's face was filled with joy.

He has been depressed for a long time since the ratings of "The Voice of China" caught up, but now he is finally feeling proud.

He asked: "What is the current situation of public opinion?"

Zhao Peisheng said: "The popularity is still very high, and the finger points are all directed at Xu Zhi. The comments completely overshadowed "The Voice of China"."

Ma Wenlong nodded, so it seemed that not only one issue benefited from the hype this time.

And with the addition of two new singers this time, the audience's expectations will only be higher.

If they can maintain it, even if there is a disruptor like "The Voice of China", they will definitely be able to break the record.

Ma Wenlong asked again: "What did Xu Zhi say?"

"When she retired, the director reached an agreement with her company, so there should be no problem."

"But I heard that Xu Zhi seemed a little dissatisfied with this..."

"I guess I didn't expect the impact to be so big. Director Du contacted his company and was able to suppress it."

"That's good, that's good."

Ma Wenlong felt comfortable and now he was waiting for the next episode to be broadcast. He wanted to see how many more episodes it would take for their ratings to break 5.

As long as it can break 5 in these periods, the record will definitely be broken in the finals.

To be able to break the record despite having a phenomenal sniper is an unprecedented feat.

Chen Ran came out of the computer room and rubbed his eyebrows.

Ye Yuanhua, who was beside him, looked much more relaxed.

So far, the show has been great.

Whether it was the performance of the contestants or the help of several instructors in selecting songs, everything was perfect in his opinion.

It's a pity that Zhaonan TV made a crooked move, otherwise this episode would have exceeded the other party's ratings.

As soon as the two walked out, Chen Ran received a call from Fang Yizhou.

"Teacher Chen, are you free for a quick lunch?"

These words made Chen Ran stunned.

Fang Yizhou is very focused. Because the recording of the program is tight, they do all the arrangement work, so they are busy most of the time.

Occasionally they would look for Fang Yizhou to eat when they were done, but this was the first time that Teacher Fang took the initiative to look for him.

"I'm free, I just finished my work."

Chen Ran had no reason not to agree.

Fang Yizhou listened to his invitation and directly rejected "I Am a Singer". This was also based on friendship.

His joining also adds a lot of color to "The Voice of China".

Chen Ran separated from Ye Yuanhua, first made a phone call to Zhang Fanzhi and said he would pick her up at the company later, and then went to find Fang Yizhou.

When he arrived, Chen Ran discovered that not only Fang Yizhou was present, but also Wang Yichen.

When he saw that they were two people, Chen Ran already understood and went over to greet them without changing his expression.

He was naturally familiar with Wang Yichen. He had communicated with her from time to time after being invited to be a guest, but he had never had a meal alone.

No wonder Wang Yichen was so happy to agree to be the program mentor. You know the program hadn't come out at that time, and most people thought it was a talent show and were not optimistic about it. But Wang Yichen agreed without much hesitation. Now it seems that he is just waiting. Today.

After everything was settled, Wang Yichen and his agent left together, leaving time for Fang Yizhou and Chen Ran.

"Teacher Chen, I'm sorry. Wang Yichen and I have some friendship. He came to me, so I can only help set up the connection. I will punish myself with three drinks."

After Fang Yizhou finished speaking, he just drank.

If Chen Ran was a musician, such matchmaking would definitely not be a bad thing, but Chen Ran is obviously not. He is focused on the show and is too busy now. Writing songs is causing him trouble.

He had just had a drink when he was stopped by Chen Ran.

Chen Ran didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I said, Teacher Fang, what are you doing? You are fined with alcohol for such a big deal. I have to thank you for introducing me to business."

It's not like this, and he's not that stingy.

Besides, he and Wang Yichen knew each other well and were not strangers. It would be okay to write a song for someone when he had time.

Seeing his serious expression, Fang Yizhou felt a little better. He couldn't help it. This was a society of personal relationships. His friendship with Wang Yichen was a long time ago. People came to ask for help in setting up a connection. It was really hard to refuse.

Seeing that Fang Yizhou was still a little apologetic, Chen Ran thought for a while and said, "I just happen to have something to ask Teacher Fang for a favor."

"Teacher Chen, tell me."

"Teacher Fang knows that Xiyun and the others have set up a music company, right?"

"I heard something."

"The company is new and needs some talents. Teacher Fang has many connections in the circle. I need to ask Teacher Fang to help establish a connection and introduce me."

"That's definitely no problem."

Fang Yizhou agreed immediately.

But after reacting, he was stunned again.

Damn, this is really true.

Wang Yichen's request for help was a matchmaker, and so was Chen Ran's case.

If I had known better, I would have stopped being a producer and became an agent.

Chen Ran and Fang Yizhou have not known each other for a long time. They only met during the filming of "I Am a Singer", but they still have a good relationship.

The two chatted for a long time, and Fang Yizhou suddenly asked: "I heard that Du Qing also joined Mr. Zhang's company?"

"That's true. Teacher Du is now the company's music director."

Chen Ran was not surprised. Du Qing and Fang Yizhou had a good relationship.

Fang Yizhou asked again: "Is this company established for "The Voice of China"?"

Chen Ran nodded: "That's right. Teacher Fang knows about this program. The newcomers all have potential. In addition, there are follow-up activities. It is more convenient to have a music company."

Fang Yizhou frowned and said, "But will this affect the fairness of the program?"

If the company signs a player, and the music company still has Chen Ran as the background, will the resources be biased towards the signed player?

"That's not the case. The contract signed by the contestants and the program team prohibits signing with any company during the program. All companies are treated equally. If new players are to be signed, the contestants will be eliminated or after the program ends."

Chen Ran is very clear about his position. He is a program producer, and he helps his fiancée develop her career.

Even though I am quite rich now, I do not put myself in the position of capital.

Fang Yizhou nodded, and after pondering for a long time, he solemnly asked: "Teacher Chen, does Teacher Zhang's music company still lack someone like me?"

Chen Ran was startled for a moment, then suddenly laughed.

"It's missing, it's definitely missing!"

Fang Yizhou's temper would definitely not make him work peacefully, but he could do it even in name.

Even if there is no shortage of gold medal music producers like this, there will still be a shortage.

It's another Friday.

A new episode starts playing.

"I don't know how much the increase will be this time..."

Tang Ming was a little nervous.

No matter how much they promoted their program this week, the popularity was always overshadowed by "I Am a Singer".

The effect of the hype is really good.

If the gains in this period are gone, is there still hope of breaking 5?

Before the show started, he thought that breaking 2 would be great.

After it started airing, I thought it would be easy to break 3. As long as it can reach the phenomenal level, this program will be perfect.

As a result, it has now exceeded 4. Not only is he not satisfied, he is also worried about the increase.

People are like this, they are always in turmoil when they can't get what they can't get, and they always yearn for better.

He is not the only one who is nervous in this issue.

Huang Yu, Guan Guozhong, no matter who they are, they are under great pressure.

Their program wanted to snipe "I Am a Singer", which fully proved what it means that dreams are full and reality is backbone. After the idea was shattered, they counted on "The Voice of China" to withstand it and divide the market.

If "I Am a Singer" really breaks the record, it will definitely not be a good thing for them. As long as the subsequent programs do not seek death, Zhaonan Satellite TV will basically lock in the first satellite TV in advance, and the efforts they have to make are not just one or two.

It all comes down to the ratings for this issue.

I have to say that "The Voice of China" is indeed amazing. Even though its popularity was completely suppressed, the audience's discussion did not fall behind after it started broadcasting.

This show truly has a highlight in every episode.

"If Zhaonan TV hadn't made such a move, maybe this episode would have been surpassed by "The Voice of China"."

Guan Guozhong shook his head.

Although the current situation is very good for them, they can't help but feel sorry for this show. According to the current trend, if it were not on the same schedule as "I Am a Singer", there is definitely hope of breaking the record!

Now, we have to see how the ratings for this episode go.

Come Saturday.

The ratings of this episode are indeed eye-catching in the industry.

Whether "I Am a Singer" can break the record set last year can be seen from this issue.

If it can continue to retain the audience and the ratings continue to rise due to the hype, then there is still hope.

This issue has indeed gone up.

"I Am a Singer", 4.796%.

Although the increase is lower, it is still rising.

The ratings of "The Voice of China" have reached 4.487%.

At first glance, the audience for "The Voice of China" seems to be almost saturated.

But many people know that this is because of what happened in the last episode, which caused the audience to lose towards "I Am a Singer". With this decrease and increase, the gap suddenly widened.


Ma Wenlong took a long breath.

There is still room for improvement in ratings.

As long as it can continue to be stable, there is a high chance of setting a new record in the finals.

Their program invites all long-established stars, all of whom have very stable singing skills, and the competition system is as stable as an old dog. How can they go wrong like this?

Even Dulong City has the same idea.

It is equivalent to Doudizhu catching four big and small kings with two belts, which is basically done!

People in the industry were a little stunned watching these two programs.

The ratings for these two phenomenal programs are truly horrific.

At the same time, only the two of them, Yaoyao, were in the lead, and the ratings of other programs were severely compressed.

Both of them broke 4, while the third place jumped directly to 1.7. This gap is really huge and scary.

"I Am a Singer" is indeed very beautiful. The hype did not disappear after one or two issues. The quality itself is not bad, and the audience is naturally attracted to it.

But the more popular this show becomes, the sadder some people feel.

Huang Yu and Guan Guozhong felt uncomfortable in their hearts.

I know this is a bit troublesome.

At this moment, a piece of news suddenly became a hot search topic.

Xu Zhi, it’s time to hold a press conference!

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