My wife is a big star

Chapter 589 True and False

"The Voice of China" program team.

Everyone looked at the ratings report and felt a little silent.

"This increase is about to reach its peak."

Lin Fan sighed.

The results are quite good, phenomenal, no one can say that they are not good.

But it can obviously be better.

Once the increase reaches its peak, it will be very difficult to go further.

It is still too difficult to accommodate two phenomena in one schedule.

Coupled with Zhaonan Satellite TV's unexpected move to withdraw from the competition, it has taken away a lot of viewers, and it is almost saturated.

Yao Jingfeng also shook his head and felt a little regretful. If the program was broadcast at a different time and staggered, would the results be better?

He even wanted Chen Ran and the others to suggest whether they should consider changing gears.

Although the show is a bit worse on Saturday, the show is so popular now that it won’t be a problem even if it is moved to Saturday.

But it is estimated that no one will agree to this method.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit dull, Ye Yuanhua clapped his hands and said, "Cheer up, everyone. This is a phenomenal program after all. If people who don't know about it think our program has been confused, it's not a good luck."

After saying this, everyone's expressions did not change much.

Director Ye couldn't help it, these people were really being manipulated.

When they did a talent show together, they had to celebrate when the ratings broke 1.

It's better now, but being a phenomenal person is not enough.

He knows what everyone is thinking, but at this stage, there is no point in doing anything other than publicity.

He was similar to others before, but now he has figured it out.

Just like Chen Ran said, it is meaningless to look at the ratings now. Their goal is always to set records.

Is the increase in ratings now almost gone?

Don't forget, this is a talent show.

The highlight is yet to come.

At this moment, someone suddenly screamed in surprise.

The person next to me asked: "What's wrong?"

"Look at this Weibo, it is rumored that Xu Zhi will hold a press conference..."

"Hey, this operation is not finished yet?"

"No, what does Zhaonan Satellite TV mean by this? Is it going to be made into a series even if a person withdraws from the competition?"

"It's too much. Don't you know it's too much? If they do this, aren't they afraid of annoying the audience?"

Lin Fan heard the discussion and quickly took out his phone to look at it.

He was thinking the same as everyone else, good guy, this is just a hype.

I was feeling quite uncomfortable at first, but when I saw this scene, I said, "I'm not afraid of burning myself to death!"

Having said that, if the speculation continues, it will be very beneficial to Zhaonan Satellite TV for the time being.

Anyway, I was quite angry, but there was nothing I could do.

Naturally, Chen Ran also saw this hot search, and was a little speechless. Everyone had the same idea. Zhaonan Satellite TV is at the end of its rope. At least you should try a different way of promoting it this week. Just catching a sheep doesn't make you look stupid?

He didn't take this matter to heart. He just made a publicity plan for the next week with others. They might be suppressed in the coming week, but when the intra-group duel begins, it will be a different situation.

When the PK starts, the topic is completely different from when the PK doesn’t start.

There is still one period of blind audition. Whether "I Am a Singer" can rely on the hype to laugh until the end, we have to wait and see.

In fact, many people inside Zhaonan Satellite TV are confused.

When Dulongcheng saw the news on the hot search, he asked Hong Jing: "Xu Zhi wants to hold a press conference. Did you and Tianyin discuss it?"

Hong Jing didn't watch the news. He was happy because of the ratings. He let out a sigh when he heard the words and didn't react.

Du Longcheng continued: "This hype ends here. If we continue, be careful of the audience becoming rebellious."

If you just hype a thing, it will easily arouse the audience's disgust. It will be good for the popularity in the short term, but the feedback on the ratings will definitely not be that good.

"What press conference?" Hong Jing asked.

"You don't know?" Du Longcheng's face paused for a moment and became a little serious. He took the phone over and showed the message to Hong Jing.

"What's going on? I just told Tianyin to let them handle Xu Zhi's matter. I didn't tell them anything about the press conference." Hong Jing was also a little confused.

"Call over and ask."

Du Longcheng made a quick decision and quickly called Hong Jing.

Tianyin Company received the call and quickly explained that it was a misunderstanding and that the press conference was a rumor because the program and Xu Zhi were so popular in the past two days, and many news compiled by self-media were taken seriously.

Hong Jing said: "No matter what, this matter must be handled well."

"Don't worry, Director Hong, there will definitely be no problem."


After hanging up the phone, Hong Jing breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's a misunderstanding, spread by some boring self-media that want to gain traffic."

Du Longcheng's frown finally relaxed a little, and he warned: "You have to pay close attention to the show. There must be no problems at this time!"

Hong Jing clapped his chest loudly and promised: "Don't worry, director, I have been doing programs with you for so many years, when have I ever fallen out of line?"

Du Longcheng nodded slightly.

The next day, the so-called press conference was not held, and the news was indeed a rumor.

Let alone the press conference, Xu Zhi’s Weibo comments are still closed and he has never posted on Weibo.

Many people are thinking that Xu Zhi probably wants to deal with it coldly and wait until the news is over.

The Internet memory is only seven days. As long as the hot spot is changed, not many people will remember her.

At this time, Xu Zhi was really angry.

The press conference was not a rumor spread by the self-media. It was indeed someone on her side who was preparing to go out and clarify.

Don't say anything about breaking the rules. The company broke the rules first. Now the Internet is full of infamy. If she continues, don't talk about first-line singers, her reputation will be completely ruined. She will be miserable after she is clarified. Isn't this the same result?

At least you can still have a reputation.

Her idea was good, but Tianyin Company was not a vegetarian. When they heard about the news, they immediately cut off her contact with the media, and came over to play the emotional card, talking about many of the company's difficulties, and She was originally going to withdraw from the competition, so it was good to help the company hype up the company.

Even the company's perspective is strange. Isn't she very popular now? Hype is a total win-win situation!

Let’s deal with it coldly now and wait until the show is over before coming out to clarify. At that time, we will cooperate with Zhaonan TV to issue a statement, and the impact will disappear. Now that I am aggrieved, not only Xu Zhi has gained popularity, but also the company has benefited, so why not?

Really, if Xu Zhi hadn't seen the scolding on the Internet, she would have been fooled.

In this situation, do you give her a win-win situation?

If you don’t go out and explain now, you won’t have any chance to turn around in the future.

The media meeting originally intended for clarification was canceled by the company, and the agent was also greeted. Now Xu Zhi is really at a loss.

She knows a lot of people, but who can help her now?

The only one who can help her is herself.

If you can’t contact the media, will there be no channel for clarification?

No, she still has it.

Everyone is preparing for the next issue of promotion.

There are only two voices on the Internet now, one is "I Am a Singer" and the other is "The Voice of China".

Other programs cannot make any sound under the pressure of these two phenomenal programs.

After the recording of today's program, Chen Ran went back with Zhang Fanzhi.

"Are you going to the capital tomorrow?" Zhang Fanzhi asked.

"Well, I have to go there. The finals will be broadcast live. Now I have to go and prepare."

Chen Ran stretched as he spoke.

The finals are the top priority, and he can't just be a hands-off boss.

"By the way Zhizhi, if you were asked to hype up for the show, would you be willing?"

Zhang Fanzhi turned her head and didn't understand what Chen Ran meant. She frowned and thought for a while, "If that's what you want..."

Chen Ran waved his hands hurriedly, "Why would I let you hype it up? I'm just asking, would you be willing to let you pretend to have conflicts with students or other instructors to gain popularity without involving me?"

This time Zhang Fanzhi answered quickly, "I don't want to."

After saying that, he looked at Chen Ran, probably thinking why should he ask?

Chen Ran muttered: "I think so too."

In fact, he still hasn't figured out what method Zhaonan TV used to make Xu Zhi help hype it up even though it ruined the reputation he had accumulated over the years.

This is a bit unimaginable.

After taking a shower, Zhang Fanzhi rubbed her hair and walked out. Chen Ran saw her hair hanging wetly on her collarbone. The contrast between her white skin and hair was obvious. His throat moved and he said, "Let me blow dry your hair."


Zhang Fanzhi sat down in response.

But after sitting for a while, Chen Ran still didn't move.

"What's wrong?"

Zhang Fanzhi turned around and asked.

Chen Ran said: "Sister Zhizhi, why do you look so good-looking?"

"Huh?" Zhang Fanzhi was stunned for a moment, not understanding.

But Chen Ran sniffed and said, "I mean, why don't we stop drying our hair first."

Zhang Fanzhi felt something was wrong with Chen Ran's voice. Why was his breathing a bit heavy?

Before she could figure it out, Chen Ran put his arms through the crooks of her legs and hugged her whole body.

"Ah?" Zhang Fanzhi was startled and put his hands around Chen Ran's neck to prevent him from falling.

"Let me go...well..."

Her struggle was a little weak, and she was blocked by Chen Ran.

The next day, Chen Ran got on the plane refreshed and arrived in the capital at noon.

He and Li Jingxian ran around the capital together.

The growth rate of "I Am a Singer" is a bit high now, and Chen Ran doesn't expect to surpass him right now.

But if you want to break the record, the most critical node must be in the finals.

The final, which carries all the hopes of him and the program team, cannot be too cautious.

After two consecutive days of busy work, and just as the next program was about to air, Chen Ran took care of things and prepared to return to Linshi.

It was at this time that there was another hot search on Weibo.

About Xu Zhi.

Chen Ran thought to himself that Zhaonan Satellite TV was really crazy. It didn't talk about the fake shot last time, but now it's coming again?

None of my aunts do it as often as you do!

But when the news reached the top of the hot search list, Chen Ran realized that things were not simple.

A closer look revealed that Xu Zhi was not trying to create hype this time, but was suing the company directly!

Apart from announcing her lawsuit against the company, she did not hold any press conference this time and just clarified the matter directly on Weibo.

Just a small video.

But this video was like a bomb, shocking many people.

Ask for some monthly tickets

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