My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 201 :Crapped, Crapped [Outbreak Chapter 3]

The ability of the heart net is now owned by several people in Colombia. When a priest was caught in Sky Island and forced him to tell the cultivation method of the heart net, several people in Colombia would naturally have the opportunity to learn. It's just that the learning time is too short to be able to use it freely, and it doesn't work when it fails, which is very embarrassing.

Within the coverage of Ximen Qin's heart network, a low voice has already been caught by him. Although there is no one, it is difficult to escape the heart network's capture ability.

"Absalom, transparent fruit capable person!"

This character emerges in the mind of Ximen Qin, one of the three monsters of the horror Three Guns, a guy whose body has been modified by Hogback, with the jaws of a lion, the skin of a big/elephant, and the powerful power of a bear and a orangutan. .

Transparent fruit is a very practical auxiliary fruit. If used properly, it can properly exert a powerful force in some big battles.

If it is Marine who wants to attack which power, through the transparent fruit owner contact some strong, and then go to the opponent's camp to start the battle. Just the sudden appearance of the strong can shake the opponent's military spirit, even directly kill the opponent's head, and end the battle easily.

The right fruit must be used on the right person. Absalom gradually moved closer to Robin. His heart was already a little excited, and the frequency of his heart beats much faster.

Perfect, perfect, there are many beauties among the people who appeared this time, well, let's start with you first.

Approaching the enemy silently, Absalom knew the strength of his transparent fruit, and basically no one would be able to find himself unless he showed his body.

Ximen Qin's eyes gradually renewed, and an important thing flashed in his mind. It seemed that he did something to Robin in the original book. Damn, I almost missed something big.

Thinking of this, he became angry immediately and almost forgot about it. Absalom is a pervert sex/crazy, and often uses his ability to peep/peek at women. Now it must be no good for him to be close to Robin.


With a roar, Ximen Qin flew directly and kicked towards Absalom's position, his feet becoming pitch black.

Huh? What happened to Mr. Captain?

His sudden action made a few people wonder, is this cramping again or something? How can he do things that are so weird?

But they didn't calm down soon, Ximen Qin kicked over, and when Robin was three meters in front of him, he paused as if encountering some resistance, and then continued to pass through.


A substantive question made people's heart jump. A white burst of air suddenly appeared in the place where Ximen Qin had passed before. Then only a roar was heard, and a strangely shaped person appeared in the line of sight.

A man with gorgeous and terrifying long hair, wearing a round top hat, earrings with ball-shaped earrings, wearing a shirt and trousers, a high-necked windbreaker, boots, and a lion-like face.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that his hands are stretched forward to the front, and looking along his hands, it turns out to be Robin's direction. Look at this guy's face again, oh, where did such a wretched guy come from?

The situation became clear in an instant, this guy must be trying to attack Robin, damn, beat him!

Absalom was kicked quickly by Ximen Qin, and a burst of indescribable pain spread all over his body, causing his facial features to become distorted. Then, a huge force pushed his body directly to the side.

"Hmm~!" With a roar, Absalom flew to the side, and finally fell heavily to the ground and dragged a ditch more than ten meters long.

Ximen Qin, who had a kick, stood in front of Robin and snorted while looking at the position of Absalom.

"You old man, you want to attack Robin and see if this young master won't beat you to death. Don't do it, I will come personally."

Ximen Qin was so angry that if he were a little slower just now, Robin Bingqing Yujie's body would not be touched by this guy. The uncle can bear it, but the aunt can't bear it.

Absalom, who was kicked, stood up from the ground with difficulty, and his heart trembled sharply. Where did Marine come out, his strength was so fierce that he almost shattered his body with this kick.

Armament Haki was added to Ximen Qin's attack, so naturally it was not so easy to block it. Had it not been for his body that had undergone various modifications, he would be able to lie on the ground with just one foot, and how could he get up so comfortably.

"., bastard, dare to spoil my good deeds." Absalom made a roar deep in his throat, and his body was about to become invisible again.

When Ximen Qin heard what he said, his heart became even more angry, this unconscious guy still wanted to die, okay, then he will be fulfilled.

Elementalization, the body completed the elementalization in an instant, flew out, and instantly appeared in front of Absalom.

"Finger Pistol!"

With his hand in the shape of a pistol, Ximen Qin quickly shot and tapped to a special location below him.

Absalom wanted to evade, but time was too late.The speed of elemental Ximen Qin reached the speed of light.Where can he resist?

One finger, fast, accurate, and ruthless.

An accurate hit immediately penetrated a certain department/position of Absalor (Li Nuo's) Mu.


Absalom's body trembled, followed by a screaming scream from deep in his throat, his body paused, his hands underneath, and it was vaguely visible that a pool of Bloodline bars had appeared on the ground.

"Disgusting guy, let you peek/peek at women's bodies again. This is the best lesson for you." Ximen Qin snorted, and took out a piece of paper from his pocket and wiped the fingers of Finger Pistol. , I use paper lightly, so I feel at ease.

"You, you, you, ah~~" Absalom roared hoarse, but the wound was affected by force, making him more painful.

He knew very well in his heart that now he was completely sure that his brother had been abolished, completely abolished, and he didn't know if Hogback could make one.

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