My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 202 :A ghost emerges from the ground [Outbreak Chapter 4]

After abandoning Absalom, Ximen Qin didn't have much sense of accomplishment in his heart. This guy is just an appetizer, it can only be regarded as a pre-dinner appetizer. The important delicacies are still to come.

"Bang bang bang~!"

Suddenly, there was a rush of steps, and the ground felt a little shock, which surprised everyone.

There is an earthquake? It's impossible. Could it be the enemy's tens of thousands of horses? Well, it's a bit possible. Looking at the position of the stepping sound, Ximen Qin instantly had the urge to turn his head and walk away.

A wild boar, a wild boar zombie wearing bright red lipstick, two swords hanging from his waist, a flower crown on his head, a bloated body and a short skirt, is now rushing towards Ximen Qin's position.

"Don't shoot against Absalom, he belongs to me." The wild boar zombie Lola started yelling from a distance.

Ximen Qin just felt unable to look directly, why didn't he rush towards Absalom, what do you mean by rushing here? It was disgusting, completely disgusting.

Ximen Qin resisted the nausea in his heart, and did not hesitate to stretch out a hand to Lola and shout: "50 million volts-590 Qilin."


A purple unicorn fell in the sky instantly, directly on Lola's body, and an electric current of 50 million instantly entered her body.


Lola's body stopped in an instant, and fell to the ground with a bang, and a weird scream was heard in her mouth.

Ximen Qin exhaled fiercely and looked at Lola's direction. Damn, he was so decisive that he was forced to summon the unicorn by this guy, and even the thundercloud was saved directly. It's a hell.

Attacking a wild boar zombie with 50 million volts can easily roast a wild boar directly.

On this Thriller barque, the strength of the zombies is uneven. Seeing that this Lola just has the brute force of a wild boar, there is not much power at all.

Lola, who could not withstand 50 million volts, gradually blurred her consciousness. She never thought that her best second sword style was defeated by the enemy before she started to exert her strength. It was a crime, and it was a crime. (cbdh)

Ximen Qin's body trembled and stopped looking at her body. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to be touched by a wild boar wearing a glamorous lipstick and a short skirt.

Looking towards Absalom's position, Ximen Qin was suddenly full of black lines. The wretched man who was wailing on the ground for a while, where is he now?

"Next time you must fight you and you can't take care of yourself." Ximen Qin thought viciously, if this guy attacked him, it would be better to say a little bit, but it was so dying that he had to attack Robin, and it was still that kind of disgusting way. , No matter how uncomfortable you look, you must kill him!

"Go, go to the bastard Gekko Moria first, this young master won't come to greet him when he arrives, this hospitality needs to be strengthened."

With full of unhappiness, the first thing Ximen Qin thought of was Moria, and he had to find the bastard to deal with the matter first, otherwise this Zhao would be in vain.

Everyone was speechless. Looking at Lola, whose body was gradually emitting black smoke, he could only send her the most sincere silence. Ximen Qin Rear Admiral has a weird temper. You are unlucky.

An old castle, strange and deep, dark.

The bats that flew over the castle from time to time added a frightening atmosphere to the castle. The heavy door was closed tightly, and the cool breeze blew slowly, making people chilly.

With a group of people pushing open the gate of the old castle, Ximen Qin took the lead in walking in. As the leader of the team, he must stand at the forefront when encountering trouble.

Dark, dark. Everything in the castle is dark elements, deep corridors, and paintings hanging on the walls, some are scenery, some are ghosts, and some are big heads. The only light source in the castle is the tiny torches, and the lightly swaying fire light makes the atmosphere here even more cold and terrifying.

"Is that a ghost?" Nami swallowed hard. She clearly saw something flashing by at the end of the corridor. There was no feet, and it floated past. The body is also very strange. It is not a human body. Like a ghost.

Ximen Qin nodded and said, "Yes, that's ghosts. Don't worry, these ghosts don't seem to have any attack power."

"Captain, isn't it a problem with attack power?" Nami wants to cry without tears. What is the relationship between these ghosts and attack power? Is it okay for individuals to see ghosts to be a little scared? Besides, she is still a female, which is even worse. Have to say.

"Dear Mr. Captain, these ghosts seem a little weird and seem to be deliberately scary." Columbia also looked at the end of the corridor. Under his eyes, several ghosts had floated past Gang オ, and there was one. What they have in common is that they look at them and show their teeth and claws.

"Sniper, your analysis is very accurate. This is deliberately scary." Ximen Qin couldn't help but think of the owner of this castle, a woman who ate the fruit of a ghost.

"Welcome to my castle~~~" A slow and gloomy voice suddenly sounded in the entire castle, making people horrified, and the voice was everywhere.

The voice fell, and there was a sudden movement in the corridor in front of Ximen Qin and others.

Under the floor of the corridor, a translucent body slowly rises from the ground, with exquisitely coordinated facial features, wearing a small crown like a cute princess, pink double ponytail hair shape, and holding a wine-red umbrella in his hand.

The medical spirit who emerged from the ground fixedly looked at the people in front of him, with a playful smile on his lips.

Emerging from the ground? The body is still translucent? Heaven, isn't that a ghost?

For a while, the women of Nami were a little uncomfortable, even the Marine soldiers who had never seen this scene behind them also showed unnatural expressions.

The appearance of this person, Ximen Qin, immediately recognized it.Isn't this the Princess Mononoke Perona?Is it appropriate to appear so soon?

"Humans, give your souls obediently." Perona's words at the moment are very different from her delicate and sweet image, which makes people feel awkward. .

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