My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 221 : Supernova (1) [Chapter 4]

The eleven supernova refer to the newcomer pirates who have rapidly developed a boun They take it seriously.

When eleven supernovae appeared in Sabaody Archipelago, these people were destined to cause great turmoil.

Ximen Qin and other talents just got off the warship and prepared to go to the GR1 population auction. This is the place where supernovas can be found most.

But they obviously didn't need to look for it, and they caught the attention of Xi~Men Qin alone when they were in this port.

A samurai wearing a blue and white striped mask with several small holes on his head appeared in front of him. The weapon was a revolving sickle in his hand. This image was very eye-catching, and Ximen Qin-'s eyes were immediately attracted.

"Kira of the Kid Pirates? Looks like she's alone." Ximen Qin's eyes are fierce. One of the 11 Supernova members, Kira, a fighter of the Kid Pirates, and Captain Kid have some special relation.

At this moment, Kira sits leisurely at the port. With a calm personality, he treats many things from a rational and objective perspective, and is often able to analyze the current situation.

A huge dark purple dragon head warship caught his attention. The warship was familiar, at least in his eyes.

"Which Marine's ship will it be? The purple thunder and lightning run through the Marine flag, which is very familiar." The face under Kira's mask wore a strong interest.

Supernovas are mostly guys who arrogantly think that they are powerful. And they are indeed strong.

The characters from the warship made him more familiar, "New Marine Vice Admiral Ximen Qin!

A name flashed in his mind, and all kinds of information about Ximen Qin also began to appear in his mind at this moment. Thinking of the information he had given before, Kira had a strong murderous intent in his heart.

When his murderous intent almost reached the Ultimate, Ximen Qin had already walked towards him.

"Kila, the supernova of the Kid Pirates, are you right?" When Ximen Qin walked to his side, Ximen Qin looked at each other with his arms around him, but Columbia and the others were already encircling him.

What are you doing here? Going to the Sabaody Archipelago and trampling on the supernova, Ximen Qin has clearly pointed out that there is only one purpose for coming here.

"Yes, it's me, the newly promoted Marine Vice Admiral Ximen Qin!" Kira's voice was calm and strong, full of air, and did not feel a trace of retreat because of the identity of the other party.

Ximen Qin raised his brows. Okay, just admit it. Then I can't blame this young master.

"Since you are a pirate, you should understand what will happen when you face Marine. Keep it and don't let others interfere."

When the voice fell, fifty combat team members quickly separated the surroundings and dispersed all passers-by who were going to watch the show.

"Fight, come on." Kira sneered, and the rotating sickle in his right hand slammed down.


The purple electric light flashed by, and the supreme sharp knife twelve thunder knife broke the dragon out of its sheath, and the blade slashed across the blade of the rotating sickle.


With a crisp sound, the blades of the two knives had collided with each other when the purple electric light flashed, and the purple-black blades slid across the rotating sickle towards Kira's mask.

Kira's eyes moved quickly and jumped a few steps back to avoid Ximen Qin's attack, but his eyes had already turned down to look at the rotating sickle. The neat cuts were smooth and smooth, and the rotating sickle was cut off as soon as it hit.

"It's a fierce sword." You can understand the gap between the two sides with a single blow. The one who can abolish his weapon with a single stroke must be one of the strongest weapons, and the opponent's strength will inevitably exceed his own countless.

At present, the power of a single supernova is really hard to make people pay too much attention. Only when a few or all of the supernova are gathered together can they form a powerful force and make people jealous.

The eleven supernovas must be quickly determined, and the supernovas can be turned over at the fastest speed. Anyone who is unhappy can be thrown directly into the Great Undersea Prison, so that they can enjoy the taste of prison.

…Please ask for flowers………

The blow did not hit the opponent's head, Ximen Qin speeded up in an instant, and his feet continuously stepped on the ground to produce ultra-fast movements and instantly appeared next to Kira, slashing again.

An extremely dangerous aura filled his heart, Kira instinctively opened his body sideways, and Taito slashed from his side.

"Lucky." He said inwardly, but the next knife quickly approached, forcing him to dodge again and again, occasionally using a broken rotating sickle to resist an attack.

But such blind resistance is not the answer after all, and a way must be figured out to end the battle quickly, otherwise this matter is destined to be a sad reminder.

Ximen Qin's attack speed was so fast that he could only see a flash of blade shadow. In his own perspective, every blade blocked Kira's retreat, and there was no possibility for him to escape.

Under such an attack, the other party has no possibility of safety.

The blood began to drip to the ground, and Kira's quick dodge movements became slower and slower, seeming to be constrained by something.

The lightning attribute of the Thunder Knife Broken Dragon itself, plus three gems inlaid, makes the attack more brutal. The enemy Thunder Knife Broken Dragon will inject the power of lightning into his body to paralyze the opponent. Reduce the opponent’s physical skills.

More and more wounds, Kira's speed is getting slower and slower, the body's tearing pain stimulates Kira's brain, making him desperately want to resist the enemy's attack.

However, everything was in vain. Ximen Qin's attack speed became more and more fierce, so that he didn't even know which direction to dodge.

"It's over!" Ximen Qin snorted softly, and the speed of Thunder Knife breaking the dragon was quicker.

"Puff puff!"


The thunder knife broke the dragon back into its sheath, Ximen Qin's body slowly stood upright, his eyes rested on the opposite Kira. superior.

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